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Let's talk about this ChatGPT Ai



ChatGPT is getting very popular around the globe. And with this growing popularity, there is a very high probability that it might start affecting freelance writers.

Right now, we can easily see how this Ai can make short work writing about anything , even very complex topics. As a freelance writer I feel a a bit scared and worried about this development and how it can affect the future of this industry. 

Am I the only one feeling this way, and what do you guys really think about this ChatGPT Ai? 

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I don't think that AI can outsmart humans anytime soon. There is no need to worry about AI even in the next twenty years. Although it seems like AI is smart, but it will take many years for it to become like humans, if it is possible. The reason that people are so worried about it is that AI gives an impression for being smart. Like, whatever they do has been taught by humans and so they mimic humans. People are just scared by that.

This is just my personal opinion. I am not an expert in this field.

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11 hours ago, catwriter said:

So, a lot of buyers who just want cheap articles for websites might turn to AI.

This is the year where buyers worldwide think stuffing a bunch of keywords on a page will zoom them to the top of Google, Amazon, etc. Of course, this is how search engines worked 20 years ago. Not today. SEO is the art of tricking search engines and Google got fed up with it about 7 years ago. Today a nicely written page of nothing will NOT get ranking. I don't care how many "SEO Gurus" have based careers on saying it will, the method is at least 20 years out of date. Both human visitors and search engines want real, helpful, worthwhile content. 

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On 12/28/2022 at 2:17 PM, fastadking said:

If you want text that doesn't mean much, AI is great. 


On 12/28/2022 at 2:26 PM, catwriter said:

So, a lot of buyers who just want cheap articles for websites might turn to AI.

Sounds as if someone should code a browser plugin that slaps a  "FANCY LORE IPSUM" banner over such articles; click-awayable, of course, so people who want to read something without much meaning, can do. 

Maybe there'll also be services like those, where you can read someone's summary of books about productivity, so you won't have to read a whole book, that will filter out the "not much meaning" content (that's not as easy as just identify artificial versus human, though ;)) and let's you read summaries of the "more meaning" and "much meaning" articles, condensed into "hyper-meaningful"...

Or humankind, that is, the few specimen left who can focus long enough to read anything longer than a typical ad (actual ad, not advertorials or ads disguised as articles, that is, those do take some serious reading stamina to get through, of course), will stop reading and writing completely, leave the internet in the capable virtual hands of AIs which will monologue with each other, and spend their days 🎣.

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On 12/14/2022 at 3:23 PM, alphabase said:

ChatGPT is getting very popular around the globe. And with this growing popularity, there is a very high probability that it might start affecting freelance writers.

Right now, we can easily see how this Ai can make short work writing about anything , even very complex topics. As a freelance writer I feel a a bit scared and worried about this development and how it can affect the future of this industry. 

Am I the only one feeling this way, and what do you guys really think about this ChatGPT Ai? 

While ChatGPT can generate text quickly and efficiently, it cannot replace the creativity, critical thinking, and human touch that freelance writer brings to their work. Freelance writers offer unique perspectives, storytelling skills, and an ability to connect with their audience that is unparalleled by any AI technology.

Additionally, freelance writers are still in demand for projects that require a human touch, such as content marketing, social media management, and copywriting. The industry is always changing, but the role of the freelance writer remains relevant.

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1 minute ago, grayprogrammerz said:

but again "naqal ke lie bhi aqal chahie", it can't replace you or help you copy paste.

haha.. exactly, I just have seen a user here who responded to a question in a thread and she copy pasted her answer from chatgpt as it included "As an AI programme,......" 

I hope she was just being sarcastic.. lol

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Just now, uk1000 said:

You could ask it to write you a script/code to copy/paste/scrape stuff and you could paste something and ask it to change it in some way.

No I don't mean that. I mean client won't ask you "Oh take my letter and use chat gpt to rewrite it..." 😅

I mean every time we work with client, there's always different situation where chatgpt fails.

Like I'm programmer, I generate codes from chatgpt. But again, it do contain bugs, improper functionalities, incompatibilities...

and to solve such dynamic problems, only human brain will work. Not these static trained models (they it self say we don't have knowledge later than 2022 . lol).

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I'm actually not that scared. I write and edit a lot of work that's partially AI generated in my day job, and to be honest a lot of it just isn't up to snuff without a lot of revision. It tends to be stilted, repetitive, and lacks any sort of creativity or flow. A huge part of writing engaging stories and articles has to do with expressing emotions brought on from personal experience and the bots just don't have that. 

On top of that, the key to deeply emotional writing comes from knowing which rules need to be broken. If you follow every grammar rule rigidly and never step outside of the box, you're going to wind up with something dry and generic and lacking in originality. Not great for your clients. Those instincts come from practice and experience, not programming!

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It's true that I didn't more explore about ChatGPT but I'm still using for some of my works. It help us and save time. But we know that it also diminished our creativity. After using a while you will realize that. and ChatGPT all time didn't give us right results. some of people are afraid that ChatGPT replace Some of Jobs. 

But You have to know that, Robot can't replace of people. If it possible, some people will marry robot not people🤣

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Honestly, now that you mention it, I kinda fear the same. I had a year of great success and now my sales have dropped a lot. Plus, many non-writers don't understand that AI can't make complex texts, or create literature per se, which makes the whole situation even worse. 
PS: I even got offered to write something using an AI, which was...well, strange, considering I'm a writer myself. 

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On 12/14/2022 at 10:23 AM, alphabase said:

ChatGPT is getting very popular around the globe. And with this growing popularity, there is a very high probability that it might start affecting freelance writers.

Right now, we can easily see how this Ai can make short work writing about anything , even very complex topics. As a freelance writer I feel a a bit scared and worried about this development and how it can affect the future of this industry. 

Am I the only one feeling this way, and what do you guys really think about this ChatGPT Ai? 

As a professional writer myself, I've actually used ChatGPT to generate ideas (not content) when I'm stuck or just too tired to come up with good ideas on my own. That being said, I've seen some of the results ChatGPT can produce, and while impressing as hell, ChatGPT has lots of issues, one of the being factuality. The AI uses its "imagination" a bit too much when generating content. It also tends to be repetitive, and while I'm sure it will get better and even work well for SEO, I think writers need to think about this differently: 

You see... ChatGPT can write content that ranks in the search engines. 

But the very nature of AI will change how we look for content, how we search for information, and how we use it. 

Look at what Microsoft is doing with OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. Nobody there are talking about SEO content generation as the "future". Nope. They're talking about how AI like ChatGPT and similar tools can (and already is) implemented into things like search. 

So when you go to look for something online next year, you won't look at a long list of websites based on endless longform content stuffed with keywords (and who can make the longest, most optimized content for Google). You'll be asking the Bing AI to come up with it's own content and information about a subject, narrow it down as required using a chat, and end up with exactly what you where looking for. 

Nobody will talk about "SEO" anymore. 

So as a writer, should you be worried? Only if you've specialized in writing for a bloody algorithm. If you're a real writer, you're putting out content made for the reader. You're writing to engage people, not algorithms. 

And for the moment, people want to read what other people have to say. Not stuff put together by an AI. I don't think that will change in the medium term. 

But sure. If you're purely writing for the SERP algorithm, you should be afraid. Your job is gone shortly. But not for the reason you might think. Not because ChatGPT will write more and better content than you for less, but because the very nature of AI will make "Search Engine Optimization" irrelevant.

P.S. You know what? That might be a good thing. Perhaps we no longer have to read articles with stupid keyword stuffing, unnaturally long introductions, or read 3000 words of pointless crap written by amateurs, just because that is what ranks as number one on Google for a specific search phrase. 

Perhaps the articles we actually do end up reading will have some semblance of quality. Perhaps real authors, journalists and people will a real passion for the subject can finally write about it in an engaging way, instead of repeating the same old crap ten times over in a slightly different way to hit the required word count "to rank".  🙂

Edited by smashradio
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Lately o have been using CHATGPT and i can assure y'all that the results have  always been positive and great, I've learnt lots of scopes,hacks and techniques to grow my business in terms of promotion techniques, writing and others. ChatGPT is getting more and popular everyday and they are improving daily and night

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AI is definitely going to revolutionize writing and other graphic related fields. The same concerns and conversation were had when spellcheck was created and when photographers said that digital cameras were going to end the industry. The reality is technology evolves and in the long runs, make professionals better.

In the case of writing, I can see AI replacing some low end content, but I can also see where freelance writers, myself included, can now produce more work by using AI writing tools as a foundation to build on. Like it or not, the technology is here, it will continue to evolve, grow and eventually create great writing. A freelance professional writers, I recommend you look into how to incorporate AI into your workflow.


The term work flow comes from my photography background. I held out on digital photography and because of that, loss time and had to catch up with the industry. In photography, I have a constant flow of work from shooting, to memory card to editing, publishing and selling. 


I believe that writer should learn to create a work flow that incorporates AI and use that to increase their overall client base, revenue streams and eventually alternative revenue stream.


Using AI generate basic generic content is actually a possible market for many of the freelancer on this site. Some client just want content, other want quality. Both need to be provided. 

Business owners and buyers will not all learn to use AI effectively. The quality of the draft produce by AI is only as good as the input you as the writer put in. Input and output. The more details, ideas and guidance you give, the better the initial draft will be. 

What do I know, I like spell check and granary. I think AI and I are going to be great friends.


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Advantage: It's fast and doesn't get writer's block.
Disadvantage: It's so painfully generic that guiding it to be creative approaches taking as much effort as writing it yourself.
Thoughts: I'm going to use it because I have a deep backlog of content with a repetitive format, so it makes economic sense for me to invest the time training it to replicate my template and fill it in.
Importance: It doesn't add anything new to society. Creative and inventive people are still needed to advance us. It's the assembly line workers who will be replaced doing the work to backfill the corners. 

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This content you "wrote" above was generated from chatgpt. Are you going to use chatgpt to do the audit as well? that "audit" ... telling a site owner in one sentence to get more backlinks and just telling them they need to fix problems is not an audit. 

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