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  1. I don't mean the order that the CS will agree to cancel. If I cancel the order, it will be mutually canceled, so it won't be removed from my stats.
  2. What will happen if I cancel one order? I haven't done it for a very long time. Will my success score decrease?
  3. I have an option to apply. Should I do it? I'm top-rated now.
  4. Plus, the full amount will be refunded to them. As far as I know, a buyer can't leave a review on orders that are canceled with a chargeback.
  5. Buyers couldn't leave reviews on canceled orders before. Has that changed recently? I did deliver a couple of times, but he keeps requesting revisions over and over again, and I can not keep working on the same piece for weeks anymore. In the past, I have canceled orders I had delivered, and buyers have not left reviews on them.
  6. What changed with order cancelation with this new review system? If I ask a buyer to cancel the order and they agree, what happens to my gig? Will the success score come down? And does it still take 60 days to recover?
  7. My rating is 5 stars, and when I check my stats, according to the new performance metrics, my rating is 4.9. Why is it lower than my actual rating? Will it be displayed as 4.9 after March 14?
  8. Nothing major changed. Value for money is just an alternative to "likely to recommend." If a buyer leaves a review by mistake, it will happen no matter what the criteria for reviewing are. The problem is that there's no way of fixing that mistake.
  9. Shouldn't this problem be solved once and for all? Fiverr should consider this and think about sellers, too, not only the clients. Maybe if enough sellers speak up about this problem, Fiverr will consider changing some things. For example, a buyer can have a chance to change the review, or maybe there can be an option 'I don't think I deserve this review' in the resolution center to let the support know there's a problem or something like that? I don't know... many things are unfair to sellers, and most of them (and the most significant ones) never change.
  10. I've been working with a client for a couple of months now, and he's always given me a 5-star review as he's always impressed by my work and the whole experience. On the last order, he gave me a 4.7 stars. Surprised, I just texted him, "saw the review, and it's 4.7." Nothing else. He replied that I am 5 and that he "fat fingered" something. It's so frustrating to receive a lower rating just because a buyer doesn't pay enough attention to what they're writing. I want to reach out to fiverr support, but feel like they're just gonna send me a warning instead of actually trying to understand the problem.
  11. Plus, I have not delivered the order.
  12. As the other commenter stated, it will be mutually canceled, the buyer will be fully refunded, so I don’t think they will be able to leave a review.
  13. If I ask for a cancellation with a full refund to the buyer and the buyer doesn’t respond for 48 hours, and the request is accepted automatically and the order cancelled, will the buyer be able to leave a review on this order?
  14. How do I list gigs exclusively on Fiverr business? I have received the notification, "List Gigs exclusively on Fiverr Business Reach customers with larger budgets, offer a wider range of services, and develop long-term working relationships." But can't figure out how to do that.
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  15. I think it depends on the service you provide. As mentioned in the previous comments, creative writers and writers generally earn less on Upwork. I've seen many proposals on Upwork where the offered salary can appeal only to beginner writers who just want to gain reviews and don't care much about money yet. But for more experienced writers, the budget per project is not even close to the budget buyers on Fiverr offer. I don't know... maybe I didn't search too deep, but this is what I found. So, I feel like Upwork is more challenging than Fiverr for creatives.
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