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If you could ask God just 1 question.... seriously.


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"Butt hairs... Why?" Okay but seriously,

"Why are you so lenient with us? In the Bible you were kinda like... The stereotypical African parent. What changed? Why aren't we pillars of salt or rubble like the children of Israel and the likes? Because I'm sure as hell we've done worse than they had."

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Dear God ... who are you?

So many people are so sure of your identity, yet their descriptions of who you are differ greatly. You inspire millions to change the world for the better, yet some of history's darkest moments were brought about in your name. You are the greatest mystery of this world and many spend a lifetime trying to find you.

If I really could ask you a question, this would be the question I'd ask. I'm not so sure, however, if this is the right question to ask.

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21 hours ago, newsmike said:

What would it be?

Death to anyone who asks "How do I rank gig?"

I'm not a religious man. But for the sake of this argument, I'll go with it. 

I would ask "why stupidity isn't painful?" and add in a bonus question: "can you make stupidity painful?" 😄 

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Dang, now that's a hard one...There are actually many things I'd like to ask.
I can get pretty serious with this, but I don't want to offend anyone so I'll need to be careful.

<Insert Jeopardy music.....>


OK, I can't come up with anything that's witty and yet not too serious at the same time.
I'll just ask why he decided to create cockroaches and mosquitos.




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6 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

I would ask him how the universe is built aka laws, physics, quantum physics, time and dimensions. Only if we truly could understand the space, time and the universe 

If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics.


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