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They are both useless, that’s the difference.

You want to invest in your skills, create a great portfolio and impressive gigs. It doesn’t matter if you stay online on Fiverr for 5 minutes or 24 hours. The idea is how you use that time you spend online.


They are both useless, that’s the difference.

You want to invest in your skills, create a great portfolio and impressive gigs. It doesn’t matter if you stay online on Fiverr for 5 minutes or 24 hours. The idea is how you use that time you spend online.

They are both useless, that’s the difference.

well noted, thank you


They are both useless, that’s the difference.

You want to invest in your skills, create a great portfolio and impressive gigs. It doesn’t matter if you stay online on Fiverr for 5 minutes or 24 hours. The idea is how you use that time you spend online.

Great information! . But I think a seller should have best skills also he should stay active at fiverr at right time.


Great information! . But I think a seller should have best skills also he should stay active at fiverr at right time.

It doesn’t matter when you are online.

Like many sellers, I am offline or far away from my computer when I receive most of my orders. So… that doesn’t really matter.


Great information! . But I think a seller should have best skills also he should stay active at fiverr at right time.

he should stay active at fiverr at right time.

So i think you two should a face off


It doesn’t matter when you are online.

Like many sellers, I am offline or far away from my computer when I receive most of my orders. So… that doesn’t really matter.

offline or far away from my computer when I receive most of my orders

you are a higher level seller. Client will search for you. But why they search a newbie if he is not online?


offline or far away from my computer when I receive most of my orders

you are a higher level seller. Client will search for you. But why they search a newbie if he is not online?

I wasn’t a high level seller when I got started.

And I wasn’t active when I got my first orders.


he should stay active at fiverr at right time.

So i think you two should a face off

So i think you two should a face off

A face off? This isn’t primary school where disagreements are solved with fisticuffs and name calling.

One can freely read whichever posts they want and heed whatever insight and advice they’d prefer to believe and practice.


he should stay active at fiverr at right time.

So i think you two should a face off

So i think you two should a face off

No face-off needed. 🙂

I think the seller who has 7 years of experience and 15,512 reviews is better equipped to give advice than the seller who has been here 1.5 years and has 4 reviews. 😉

you are a higher level seller. Client will search for you. But why they search a newbie if he is not online?

Different buyers look for different sellers. Some buyers want an experienced seller, and they will search for only level 2 and TRS sellers. Some buyers search for level 1 and new sellers because these types of sellers have lower prices. Then some buyers are in a hurry, so they do search for online sellers. Personally, I have found that the buyers who are in a hurry are more demanding and more difficult to work with. So, I will go with @donnovan86’s way of doing business and not try to be online continually. That way, I will get more sleep and orders from buyers that are more enjoyable to work for.

Now that I have reached the experience level I have, almost all of my new buyers are VID and Business Buyers. These types of buyers seem only to place orders during the weekdays. Plus, if they are on the other side of the world, they place their orders in the middle of the night, and I wake up to find them in my queue.


So i think you two should a face off

No face-off needed. 🙂

I think the seller who has 7 years of experience and 15,512 reviews is better equipped to give advice than the seller who has been here 1.5 years and has 4 reviews. 😉

you are a higher level seller. Client will search for you. But why they search a newbie if he is not online?

Different buyers look for different sellers. Some buyers want an experienced seller, and they will search for only level 2 and TRS sellers. Some buyers search for level 1 and new sellers because these types of sellers have lower prices. Then some buyers are in a hurry, so they do search for online sellers. Personally, I have found that the buyers who are in a hurry are more demanding and more difficult to work with. So, I will go with @donnovan86’s way of doing business and not try to be online continually. That way, I will get more sleep and orders from buyers that are more enjoyable to work for.

Now that I have reached the experience level I have, almost all of my new buyers are VID and Business Buyers. These types of buyers seem only to place orders during the weekdays. Plus, if they are on the other side of the world, they place their orders in the middle of the night, and I wake up to find them in my queue.

I think the seller who has 7 years of experience and 15,512 reviews is better equipped to give advice than the seller who has been here 1.5 years and has 4 reviews. 😉

A seller with such a record without a shadow of a doubt has a much deeper well of experience to draw from, but harmful advice, unfortunately, can also come from anyone while gems of knowledge can originate from unlikely sources. There are a number of non-rated and Level One sellers who are fantastic contributors to the forum and have worthwhile insight to glean from.

Instead of simply listening to people who are only TRS/Pro Rated/Level Two, try to analyze the merits of what people say and come to one’s own conclusion as to whether the advice seems valid or just hogwash.

-I do not mean to insinuate Donnovan86 or VickieSpencer are peddling hogwash, by any means! Their achievements on the platform and wonderful presence on the forum are clear to see!


Great information! . But I think a seller should have best skills also he should stay active at fiverr at right time.

Great information! . But I think a seller should have best skills also he should stay active at fiverr at right time.

Great information! . But I think a seller should have best skills also he should stay active at fiverr at right time. best of luck.

You literally said the exact same thing but added “best of luck.”

My whole “try to analyze the merits of what people say” point is meaningless in the face of so many users who simply repeat things and follow “advice” like automatons given a command.


I think the seller who has 7 years of experience and 15,512 reviews is better equipped to give advice than the seller who has been here 1.5 years and has 4 reviews. 😉

A seller with such a record without a shadow of a doubt has a much deeper well of experience to draw from, but harmful advice, unfortunately, can also come from anyone while gems of knowledge can originate from unlikely sources. There are a number of non-rated and Level One sellers who are fantastic contributors to the forum and have worthwhile insight to glean from.

Instead of simply listening to people who are only TRS/Pro Rated/Level Two, try to analyze the merits of what people say and come to one’s own conclusion as to whether the advice seems valid or just hogwash.

-I do not mean to insinuate Donnovan86 or VickieSpencer are peddling hogwash, by any means! Their achievements on the platform and wonderful presence on the forum are clear to see!

There are a number of non-rated and Level One sellers who are fantastic contributors to the forum and have worthwhile insight to glean from.

Yes, there are!

-I do not mean to insinuate Donnovan86 or VickieSpencer are peddling hogwash, by any means! Their achievements on the platform and wonderful presence on the forum are clear to see!

Thanks for clarifying that! 😉

  • 2 weeks later...

So i think you two should a face off

A face off? This isn’t primary school where disagreements are solved with fisticuffs and name calling.

One can freely read whichever posts they want and heed whatever insight and advice they’d prefer to believe and practice.

This isn’t primary school where disagreements are solved with fisticuffs and name calling.

So let me hear your reply for main question from you.


They are both useless, that’s the difference.

You want to invest in your skills, create a great portfolio and impressive gigs. It doesn’t matter if you stay online on Fiverr for 5 minutes or 24 hours. The idea is how you use that time you spend online.

I didn’t address your original question because it was already eloquently answered by @donnovan86

They are both useless, that’s the difference.


I didn’t address your original question because it was already eloquently answered by @donnovan86

They are both useless, that’s the difference.

I didn’t address your original question because it was already eloquently answered by @donnovan86

But i found somewhere ‘imagination’ told being active and remain online from mobile app are not the same


I didn’t address your original question because it was already eloquently answered by @donnovan86

But i found somewhere ‘imagination’ told being active and remain online from mobile app are not the same

Then that would require addressing whom I believe you are referring to as @imagination7413.


I didn’t address your original question because it was already eloquently answered by @donnovan86

But i found somewhere ‘imagination’ told being active and remain online from mobile app are not the same

The truth is that you want to improve your gigs, provide a great service and so on. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend online reallly…


You are referring to the post I made here?

‘Stay online’ will not help. ‘Stay active’ depends on how you define the word ‘active’.

Did you watch the segment of video I posted later in that thread? @frank_d clarified at the timestamp. (Granted, that was before his newer thread: Welcome to "Fiverr 3.0"!)

In turn, there’s also many sellers here on the forums for whom orders come in while they are offline.


The truth is that you want to improve your gigs, provide a great service and so on. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend online reallly…

The truth is that you want to improve your gigs, provide a great service and so on. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend online reallly…

As my senior in the marketplace, can you check my gigs that needs improvement. If Fiverr TOS is ok then please.


The truth is that you want to improve your gigs, provide a great service and so on. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend online reallly…

As my senior in the marketplace, can you check my gigs that needs improvement. If Fiverr TOS is ok then please.

That would be a different type of thread. Feel free to create a new thread in the “Improve My Gig” subcategory of the forum instead of repurposing an existing thread.


I would agree to most of the advices but I have a different story to be told.
When I don’t get orders I usually come online at night (Pakistan time) this formula works ever time for me. I can tell you my theory why it works every time for me if you are interested.
Being online 24/7 will never be a good idea but chose your time wisely if you are planning to say online and active and I will suggest to improve your gigs to rank on top so that you dont need to stay online all the time.


That would be a different type of thread. Feel free to create a new thread in the “Improve My Gig” subcategory of the forum instead of repurposing an existing thread.

That would be a different type of thread.

Moved this one.

can you check my gigs that needs improvement.

Please see:

. Top 5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Badly Behaved Buyers

. Are you a new seller? This is how you get more orders:

. How to get any orders at all ... and get more once you have a few

. Before you ask about HOW TO GET ORDERS or No Orders: READ THIS (MORE ORDERS, Tips, Buyers, First Order, Impressions, Sales)

. Top 5 Fiverr Myths - Debunked!


. fiverr.com/support/articles/360016244757-Gig-Images-Dos-and-Donts


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