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Are Fiverr profiles linked with forum?

Guest chillyrabbit

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1 hour ago, venonusa said:


Just out of curiosity, do you think the forum is benefiting your Fiverr account as a seller? or the forum is not connected to the seller account?

@mariashtelle1 already answered here:

57 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

It’s for sure not connected and it’s confirmed by fiverr staff 

In addition to that:

Pros -

  • The forum, especially the Seller Plus forum, allows me to talk with Fiverr staffers, success managers, and Fiverr management who jump onto the forum from time to time to gather feedback from buyers and sellers on the platform.
  • I've been able to overcome a lot of my weaknesses by learning from other sellers. Often, the biggest obstacle to my business is me - so I'm constantly trying to improve myself so that I'm not limiting my earning potential.
  • Often the forum knows about updates and changes before Fiverr even makes an announcement - it's good to know as soon as possible when updates are made.
  • I really appreciate the friendships that I've formed here - it makes freelancing so much more enjoyable. 😊

Cons -

  • More time on the forum means less time on my business, so I do lose money there ($50-$100 per day).
  • Sometimes Fiverr staffers, management, and other sellers (who I mark as spam) prefer to communicate with me on the marketplace, so it does affect my conversion rates.
  • I get a lot of spam from Fiverr sellers wanting me to help them with their business - and some of them are quite demanding - this not only includes personal messages and status updates (which are disabled now), it includes the marketplace, social media accounts, and my personal email because I'm a pretty easy person to find.
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19 hours ago, vickieito said:

@mariashtelle1 already answered here:

In addition to that:

Pros -

  • The forum, especially the Seller Plus forum, allows me to talk with Fiverr staffers, success managers, and Fiverr management who jump onto the forum from time to time to gather feedback from buyers and sellers on the platform.
  • I've been able to overcome a lot of my weaknesses by learning from other sellers. Often, the biggest obstacle to my business is me - so I'm constantly trying to improve myself so that I'm not limiting my earning potential.
  • Often the forum knows about updates and changes before Fiverr even makes an announcement - it's good to know as soon as possible when updates are made.
  • I really appreciate the friendships that I've formed here - it makes freelancing so much more enjoyable. 😊

Cons -

  • More time on the forum means less time on my business, so I do lose money there ($50-$100 per day).
  • Sometimes Fiverr staffers, management, and other sellers (who I mark as spam) prefer to communicate with me on the marketplace, so it does affect my conversion rates.
  • I get a lot of spam from Fiverr sellers wanting me to help them with their business - and some of them are quite demanding - this not only includes personal messages and status updates (which are disabled now), it includes the marketplace, social media accounts, and my personal email because I'm a pretty easy person to find.

@vickieitoI love your pros and cons.  They are so well thought out!  I have to go check about Seller Plus as that is new term and I probably do not have access to it.  Where you mention weaknesses - same here.  I am my biggest obstacle. Time on the forum is interesting though.  I look at it differently. See, I see the forum as educational and trust building whether it is me getting to know others or them getting to know me. There just has to be a happy medium. I and in the last 12 hours I have reported 2 from my selling account and one in the forum which is the person who this morning had their business Spam in their own thread, probably got reported and still was not taken down at 4:30 am CT which was 18 hours at that point. The spam so far is positively the biggest challenge to me on this site so far.

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4 minutes ago, minordetails said:

Time on the forum is interesting though.  I look at it differently.

@minordetails, I think you and I see time the same ...I could say that I spend over $1k a day with my family and kids but time spent with and for family is incredibly valuable to me (priceless, really)!

I also don't consider the forum a $50-$100/day loss. I value the forum because of the knowledge I gain and the relationships I've built. 😊

I only mentioned price because a large number of sellers come to the forum expecting the time they spend here to be directly correlated to their success on the platform, regardless of what they do on the forum (and whether they implement what they learn). Most are looking for a one-answer silver bullet to success, when what it really takes is constant PDCA (planning - doing - checking - adjusting). There is no final destination, nor resting on one's laurels. Business is dynamic and constantly changing, and what works at one time, might not continue to work. 

16 minutes ago, minordetails said:

The spam so far is positively the biggest challenge to me on this site so far.

Unfortunately, that's one of the biggest challenges on the platform. I just closed a ticket for a seller who was spamming me for the last year (and I was blocking him each time, but he could still send me messages). He wanted work, yet still had not published a single gig. Fiverr finally shut down his account this week.

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On 2/10/2023 at 10:34 AM, vickieito said:

@minordetails, I think you and I see time the same ...I could say that I spend over $1k a day with my family and kids but time spent with and for family is incredibly valuable to me (priceless, really)!

I also don't consider the forum a $50-$100/day loss. I value the forum because of the knowledge I gain and the relationships I've built. 😊

I only mentioned price because a large number of sellers come to the forum expecting the time they spend here to be directly correlated to their success on the platform, regardless of what they do on the forum (and whether they implement what they learn). Most are looking for a one-answer silver bullet to success, when what it really takes is constant PDCA (planning - doing - checking - adjusting). There is no final destination, nor resting on one's laurels. Business is dynamic and constantly changing, and what works at one time, might not continue to work. 

Unfortunately, that's one of the biggest challenges on the platform. I just closed a ticket for a seller who was spamming me for the last year (and I was blocking him each time, but he could still send me messages). He wanted work, yet still had not published a single gig. Fiverr finally shut down his account this week.

@vickieito  I do agree we think alike - I do realize I made many mistakes when I started selling on Amazon and I worked 60-90 hours a week and I can never fix the lost time with my family.  My kids are grown and in some ways things are worse but overall, it really is better.  I even depleted a lot of my retirement the last couple of years like so many others.  I still had my Amazon business but I no longer had employees working out of the house and I could not work the 50 hours they were doing a week plus the 60-90 I was doing. It took a toll I would not even discuss here.  But, I know my priorities and I need to focus on those and many times during the day, because I get distracted easily. I will not go back to the life I had, even if I lose everything financially.  

You make very good points about why people come here.  I realize if I comment, people will look at what I do. I realize if I post enough, it builds trust.  But, as on any site social media or forum, that does not mean it monetizes into something.  I really enjoyed helping people in my early journey in ecommerce and feel no differently about my current transition. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
20 hours ago, nur_alam_ziko said:

Fiverr profiles and the Fiverr forum are two separate platforms and are not linked with each other by default.

That might be true.  But, you do have the ability to put your Fiverr profile link in your Fiverr Forum profile.  When someone asks about someone asks for feedback on a gig or their profile it sure makes it easier than copying pasting the forum profile name and pasting it into Fiverr.

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  • 1 month later...

If by being active you mean reading and learning (and implementing what you learn), it can help you improve, so in that way, your performance on Fiverr might improve, too.

If you're asking if posting on the forum will bring some benefits to your account on the main site, it won't.

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As I know, there is no direct link between being active on Fiverr's forum and your performance as a seller on Fiverr. However, participating in the forum can help you learn more about the platform, connect with other sellers, and potentially increase your visibility.

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  • 3 weeks later...
45 minutes ago, habibur4k said:

And Fiverr forum is a forum of Fiverr where all the freelancers and buyers meet with their problems or to know something.

Some more of Fiverr forum:

We can talk about the problems of fiverr, discuss about the advance facilities, issues of the fiverr platform.

Also we can apply for take the facilities and resolve the issues to the fiverr authorities.


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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, mahmud__monir said:

If I read a topic on a Fiverr forum, will the active Fiverr show up at that time?

You will not show up as active or online on Fiverr by using the forum, as far as I know. It's two different platforms. 

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