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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Yay! Finally a Buyer Brief buddy! 😊 I was starting to feel lonely in this - everyone else was complaining that Buyer Briefs were junk, while I was getting 3 relevant briefs a day. It did take a while to train the AI to know what I was looking for. It's also important to understand that Buyer Briefs are only set up for one type of service. You can only set one minimum price: I chose to train the AI to only send me Resumes. That means I had to mark all the other services I provide as "This is not a service I provide" (even if I did provide it). I think it took me 2 weeks to train the AI. @danno1950 - how long did it take for you to train the AI? And what type of briefs are you getting?
  2. Hi @s_akram, To get more clicks - your gig has to be attractive to the buyers who see your gig. Things that affect this include: your gig image, gig video, minimum price, title, number of reviews, and your average rating. To get more reviews - You need to have orders first. Since reviews are filled out voluntarily by the buyer, you either have to be really good or really bad enough that the buyer will want to leave a review. I'm guessing that you want the good reviews. So focus on delivering quality work and keeping your customers happy.
  3. Have you gotten any inquiries yet? All of my gigs are high competition as well. However, I was able to niche down by listening to the requests that were coming into my inbox. My first gig I posted was for proofreading and the first inquiry was "kind of" proofreading, but actually "data entry." So I created a data entry gig just for that one customer. Now that I look at it, it was a specific kind of data entry and I didn't list all the kinds of data entry possible. I listened to more customers who messaged me through my inbox and pretty soon, I had 7 gig set up, all for a specific type of buyer, with specific needs. If you focus on the customers who are messaging you in your inbox, likely there are others like them. And you only need a handful of good customers to do well on the platform. You don't need to cater to ALL types of buyers.
  4. Hi @finevector, You can sign up for the waiting list here: https://www.fiverr.com/pages/seller-plus It took me 5 months before I was accepted into the Seller Plus program. They are short on Success Managers, so there is a long waiting list.
  5. Hi @taizul0011, Welcome to the forum! 😊 This article may be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285174-no-you-have-not-been-hired-new-sellers-dont-let-them-scam-you-dont-contact-them-off-fiverr-dont-do-any-work-for-them/ Spam is also a very popular topic of discussion (unfortunately it is a big problem that we all have to deal with). You'll see many posts about it every day. Feel free to browse the forum for those discussions!
  6. Hi @expndroid, reporting another's gig shouldn't affect how your gig performs. What have you been doing for the past year to get in new orders besides updating and adding new gigs?
  7. Thanks, @melanielm! This makes me sad, though. I'm not sure why I would block someone if they can just place an order. The whole reason why I block people is because they won't listen to me (if I tell them I'd like to decline their project and feel that they might place an order anyways). ☹️
  8. But didn't the applicant write the letter himself? I can't see why it would be plagiarism if you were just proofreading his letter. 😔 This is really sad. Hopefully you have repeat customers that can sustain you for the next 60 days until this cancelation and ToS statistics falls off your record (the violation itself won't fall off, but at least your statistics will).
  9. I agree with @joyh97 - your agreement is with Buyer B. Buyer A cannot speak on the behalf of Buyer B and you can't send Buyer B's files to Buyer A. You can let Buyer B know that Buyer A wants the files. I think @joyh97's idea to suggest a new contract between you and Buyer A is a brilliant idea. Buyer A probably won't take that offer. If Buyer A gets mad at you, or too demanding, you can always block him. There's no reason to deal with him.
  10. How is this plagiarism if you aren't the one writing? Aren't you only proofreading and commenting on work that has already been written? For student work, it should always be the student doing the writing. As a proofreader/editor you would never supply a finished work. Only annotations and edit suggestions in the form of comments. Then the student would take that and write the finished draft themselves. This includes applications. You shouldn't be providing any rewriting or writing because that would be doing their work for them. As long as you are doing this, if there's any plagiarism, that would be on the student.
  11. @jime_l, was Customer Support able to help you?
  12. I'm more worried about the future orders...can Customer Support make sure this person cannot place another order? Sellers should be able to choose who they want to work with and this situation doesn't make that possible.
  13. @donnovan86 - I just barely started blocking people, so I'm also curious to hear what others have to say on this. I thought that if you blocked someone, you not only stop their communication, but you also stop them from ordering from you (otherwise, what's the purpose of the blocking)? I refuse to work with buyers who have poor communication and can't provide me with the feedback I need to deliver an excellent product. It would be horrible if those same people turned around and then ordered from me. I would probably end up canceling right away. However, that would cause me to drop a level or levels if I do that too often. Have you reached out to your Success Manager and Customer Support to make sure this buyer really is blocked and unable to place more orders? I wonder if they can do anything about the last order that was placed after you blocked this buyer. 🤔
  14. @jime_l, That sounds so frustrating! Normally if a buyer scam you it only ends up as a canceled order, not all of the things you mentioned. Violating copyrights and plagiarizing others' work is a pretty heavy accusation and if true (I'm not saying it is), is a legitimate reason for canceling an order and reporting you for a ToS violation. It sounds like what happened to you was an automatic process that was triggered by the buyer reporting you, so you reaching out to Customer Support is the right thing. If you can prove to CS that your work is original and not plagiarized, then you might be able to get the ToS violation removed and your order completion rate fixed. One thing that worries me though, is that you offer a lot of services to students. Doing work for student work is a violation of Fiverr's ToS, which could risk your account getting another warning. I checked out your gigs and you offer services for college applications, personal statements, and essays. You can help students as a proofreader, but only in the form of annotations and comments - if you are using Track Changes, Suggestions, or doing edits, rewriting, and writing, then you risk getting another ToS violation. I have a writing gig too, and I avoid student work. Since I'm on Seller Plus, I use Negative Keywords to block out any buyers who uses "essay," "sop," or "personal statements" in search to find my gigs. I should add "college applications." It's not worth risking your account to deal with those types of orders.
  15. I don't know @zeus777 , 3 years of living in Japan has made me really want to eat Mexican food. 😔It's so expensive here. Our family even spent $80 to get Costco's 2-lb bag of tortilla chips shipped to us from Amazon (In the US, it's less than $5). The Costco here doesn't sell it. There is a Taco Bell close by, but the portion sizes are so tiny (and the prices so high) that it's better to just make our own food. If we can find all the ingredients. If you are in the US, I'd go for Cafe Rio or Chipotle over any Taco Bell or Del Taco out there! It's worth any "thunder" that may happen after consumption!
  16. So happy to see you posting more @damooch916! I love reading your content! Okay, so "Forrest Gump" has a lot of amazing quotes it in and I absolutely love this movie!😍 However, since we are sharing bad movie quotes, this one is piece of advice that I lived by before I met my husband that's just plain wrong (my husband's name is Jun, by the way). Unfortunately for Jun, he was my first and only boyfriend (so I knew very little about relationships when we first met). Lucky for me, he's put up with me for the past 18 years. He's been extremely patient when I flipped out about him opening my junk mail and I've learned to "finish" all the tubes of toothpaste that he starts but somehow loses track of. On our first date, Jun stopped by my apartment to pick me up from my college dorm and I grabbed his hand and started running. He stopped me and asked me what the heck I was doing. "Going to our date," I replied, "We're late!" We were supposed to be at a performance put on by the school's dance club. I knew we could get there on time if we ran. "That's not what people do on dates," Jun told me, "I just want to hold your hand and be with you." So we walked, hand in hand, and had a fun time together. It still took several dates for me to understand that concept - to not run through life. When we hiked a mountain together, I was all set on getting to the top of the mountain as fast as possible. Jun constantly told me to stop and enjoy the view. I thought he was just being a wimp, stopping all the time, but he really did want to enjoy the view. I think I have a tendency to run through life - trying to get results and achieve targets - that I often forget to enjoy the journey. We shouldn't be so set on our destination that we forget to stop and smell the roses! 🌹🌹🌹
  17. Hi @hasnain_099, for mobile view only, you can create templates for custom offers that you send your clients. This feature will allow you to set up different deals and custom offers (i.e., your "templates") for your background removal services, which you can then send to your buyers through your mobile chats.
  18. I agree! I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. There seems to be a lot of mixed messages in here. Can you clarify? Why would I want to change my profile picture that often? I would just confuse my customers. All you need to do is make sure you have an attractive and professional photo that accurately reflects you and your services. I wouldn't suggest that. What if your keywords are doing great? Changing keywords that are working for you may do more harm than good. It makes no sense to change the keywords when your gig is performing well. Changing it would reset the algorithm. Also, the words you choose might bring in less traffic. A well-designed, professional, and active profile does not necessarily bring in orders. You also have to be really good at what you do and know how to connect with your customers. Thanks for sharing your experiences @pramodchoudh188! However, I only understood and agreed with the first bullet point. Can you review my comments and explain your reasoning behind the rest of your points? Thanks!
  19. @jenimonica - Communication outside of Fiverr is not allowed. Kindly tell your buyer that all communication must remain on Fiverr. If your buyer is unwilling to do this, then you should mark the buyer as spam to block them:
  20. Have you extended the delivery date via the Resolution Center? You can add up to 28 days to the order at a time. I have one order opened since March and have been extending it every month (I should deliver it next week, finally!):
  21. Yes, you can see in the image above, I selected my proofreading package. In terms of management, we had to do that on an Excel spreadsheet: As soon as I hit the target word count for the order, I close the order and roll over the remaining words onto the next order. However, we ended up canceling our subscriptions because the word count changed so much each week (4,000 words in one week & 1,000 words the following week). Since the word counts were changing so much and we couldn't "move up orders," we chose to go with straight orders. Also noteworthy - if you have weekly subscriptions, cancelations get a little tricky because you have to cancel 10 days before the subscription starts in order for it to not affect your seller stats.
  22. @shihab045, it's best to follow @seven_sign's advise and practice so that you can pass the test in 3 months. There are no issues will having an account with no gigs - I had mine for 2.5 years before I posted any gigs. It simply means that you have a "buyer" account now. Opening a new account simply to pass a test misrepresents your skills. It would also violate ToS if you didn't properly shut down your current one. So I wouldn't do that if I were you. @breals is right - it takes hard work and effort to build your business on Fiverr. That includes utilizing your 3 months to improve your English skills so that you can pass the test.
  23. Have you tried setting up a Payoneer account? I had a similar situation when I couldn't make a withdrawal from PayPal and Customer Support couldn't help me. I had to set up Payoneer to access my funds. Now I use both because if PayPal doesn't work, usually Payoneer will.
  24. Hi @vickiespencer, For my proofreading orders, I set the word count and frequency with the buyer and then enter the agreement in the text box:
  25. Hi @ahasan6541, it might be due to the updates that Fiverr is making to Buyer Requests. I have seen about 300 less buyer requests a day since they made the announcement last month.
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