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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. If it makes you feel any better @all_asmoule, I'm the same as you. I can only make 5 posts a day. However, I agree with @smashradio - I don't see this as a bad thing. Being post-limited is a learning opportunity to see how people interact on the forum and to learn how to make your business better. @mariashtelle1 also mentioned that you have biases and wrong assumptions. I had that too when I first joined the forum. Reading, studying, and reacting to content is a great way to get rid of those biases and assumptions. I also report duplicate posts, posts that are in the wrong category, and ask to lock posts with very long threads of "thanks" and "congrats" to prevent more spammy responses. So there's a lot that you can do when you aren't able to make a post. This helps to clean up the "gig marketing" and other spam that's on the forum.
  2. I totally agree with you both on this! I need to develop thicker skin ..this is the only way that Fiverr can start taking action. I tried out the "report" flag for the first time yesterday (for several folks who were copying my gig description word for word), and was surprised to see how quickly those gigs got shut down. This might be my next favorite button to use besides the spam button. So, consider me in whenever you and @donnovan86 wants to bring justice to all those liars and copy cats!
  3. (note: I'm trying to post here because it won't let me reply to your status replies on my own feed. I guess I only can make one status update a day.)

    Thanks for making me feel young, @vickiespencer! ❤️ My kids love to point out how old and short I am (4'10"). My son is a good head taller than I am. Thankfully, I'm still taller than my 9-year-old daughter (but not for long - she is two shoe sizes larger than I am).

    As for your red lines on your track changes document, I wonder why it only works when you attach the documents one at a time. Maybe it's related to the version of MS Word used? I haven't had that issue before. I've only had issues when my buyers are Mac users. I'm glad you figured out how to make it work!

    I think the slowdown in your orders may be related to private reviews, or just coincidental. If your buyers were selecting any other option than "I need revisions," Fiverr CS would contact you right away (within a day) to issue a warning. They take those answers very seriously.

  4. Hi @all_asmoule, You can read about Fiverr Pro here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010853317-What-is-Fiverr-Pro Here is the application: https://pro.fiverr.com/prog/fiverr_pro/
  5. Hi @salmanarif1 & @mayamatveenko I see that you are both new sellers and are trying to get your first order. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! It takes time to get that first order. For some sellers it takes weeks, others take months to get that first sale. You can get started by browsing the Help Center and taking the FREE Online Freelancing Essentials course on Fiverr Learn: https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller The forum is also a great place to learn from other sellers who are successful on Fiverr. You can read this post by a top-rated and pro seller: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ Here are the different ways to get orders: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285033-getting-orders-👀-where-are-they-coming-from/ To improve your gigs, you can do the following: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/?do=findComment&comment=1807241 @salmanarif1 - In your profile bio - Change "My ultimate goal is to provide beyond your expectations" to "I strive to exceed your expectations." (this sounds more natural). It would also be good to add a call-to-action at the end (such as to contact you for questions or to check out your packages). Gig images - Keep the text simple - use 3-5 words that describe your service. Gig videos - I see you only have 2 videos, but you can put up 5 more for the rest of your gigs. Since you do designs, this would be a great way to highlight your skills and portfolio. Gig videos are a great way to increase buyer engagement. Gig descriptions - these seem a little generic. You are in a highly competitive category and should call out your Unique Selling Points (USPs) to stand out from the crowd. @mayamatveenko - On your third question in the FAQ for your first gig - there's a small typo ... "hat will I receive" instead of "What will I receive." Please see notes that I made to @salmanarif1 above regarding the call-to-action, simplifying the text on your gig image, adding gig videos, and creating your USPs so you can remain competitive - you are also in a highly competitive category. I also see @lloydsolutions already answered your same question here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286367-my-little-story-and-search-of-advice/?do=findComment&comment=1809614 I wish you both luck in growing your Fiverr business and I look forward to chatting with you on the forum! (note: I am limited to only 5 posts a day, so don't worry if I don't respond right away. Just include my name with the "@" symbol in front of it and I'll get to your questions as soon as I can 😊)
  6. Hi @ashleymahan217, I have Seller Plus and I take advantage of all the features. It's great! You can go ahead and try it, and if you don't like it, you can always opt out of it. Here are some of the perks that you can get through Seller Plus: A Success Manager (who you can email at any time, plus have monthly Zoom meetings with) An advanced analytics dashboard (that includes the top keywords for your gigs) Coupons to send to your customers (which is pretty effective for getting orders) Quicker payments (you can choose to get paid as soon as your orders close) "Negative keywords" ... where you can add words to your gig that will filter out unwanted buyers. I use the negative words such as "essay writing," "thesis," "Amazon review," and "erotica" for my writing and beta reading gigs. A FREE month's access to CreativeLive's 2,000 courses (I decided to learn all of Adobe's products...those courses are easily $100 each) If you use Buyer Request, you will have a badge on your offers and can make 20 offers/day You get Buyer Insights on each buyer that you chat with (i.e. how often they tip, the amount they spend on each order, what they usually order, their order completion rate, what ratings they give their sellers, and more) And much more Here's the link about Seller Plus from the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview
  7. @williambryan392 really has the best response. Unfortunately, there are some people who think it's okay to pay to get good reviews. They are surprised when you tell them it's wrong and against Fiverr ToS. It's best to simply tell them 'no' and refuse to work with them. I think "fake" sellers paying for good reviews will eventually be found. Their lies will eventually catch up to them. If they have to pay for reviews, that just means that they don't have the talent or work ethic needed to be successful on this platform. An honest, skilled, and hard working seller will always get good reviews doing just that - being honest, delivering high-quality services, and working hard.
  8. Yes, the panel is part of the Seller Plus advanced analytics dashboard. However, all the ways to get orders that are listed above (with the exception of coupons) are available to ALL sellers. Coupons are only available to Seller Plus members. You can learn more about Seller Plus from the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview
  9. Hi @rabeya5500, Can you explain what you mean by "geek color" and what "geeks" are coming forward/disappearing when the order is completed?
  10. Yes, it's good to question. Yes, it isn't affecting all users. Yes, it isn't affecting the desktop version (yet). No, it isn't a glitch. So, to your question - it was answered perfectly by @jonbaas many times on this forum thread: Why isn't it affecting all users? Well, Fiverr is rolling out the program a little at a time. So now it is only affecting several users. Why isn't it affecting your desktop/PC? It's the same reason - the upgrade is being rolled out a little at a time. Right now, it seems to be only affecting the mobile version. If you love buyer requests, consider yourself lucky that you still have the desktop/PC version. Yes, Fiverr's technology isn't 100% perfect but this isn't a glitch. This is a long upgrade process, and as @jonbaas mentioned, we have to be patient. This is great advice. You don't need buyer requests to be successful on Fiverr. I see that you are a writer, so I assume one of the reasons why you just joined the forum is to read and learn about how you can grow your Fiverr business. You can start by reading this post by @williambryan392 who is a top-rated/pro seller who knows how to grow a business: (note...there are many, many links in the main post and from @imagination7413) https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ Please be considerate when asking questions on the forum. No on is obligated to provide you with any answers to your questions, especially when they have already been answered. The fact that @jonbaas replied many times just shows that he cares enough to respond. As you spend more time on the forum, you'll see that most of your questions have been asked before, so sometimes it's quicker just to search for the answer (instead of asking them through posts). Most of my questions are answered just by searching for them. Another way great way to find answers to your questions is to follow people who regularly answer questions asked by other forum members, such as these folks here (just a few to get started): @lloydsolutions, @imagination7413, @jonbaas, and @mariashtelle1
  11. @gelmas12, that picture you posted of Ukraine made me really sad! I hope you are okay over there! Please take care! 😟

    (Sorry, I am past my 5-post-a-day limit. But I can post on someone else's status).

  12. Noooo!!! My videos are what you called "mediocre" ... they are standard videos anyone can do! I'm jealous of your photo! I'm a slave right here. I have to make a delivery. 😔 Enjoy the water for me!!!!
  13. I think with this person's gig, a video would be good because he is an artist, so more opportunities to showcase his art and portfolio would be helpful to him. So for gigs that depend on design, I would say the videos make a big difference. I also do a lot of design work (presentation designs, e-Learning, course materials, etc,), so I feel it's important for me to show what quality of work I'll be providing in these services. For yours @williambryan392, I would agree ... you might not need a video unless you want to show people how it is to chat with you via ZOOM. There's so much variety when it comes to gigs, that I think Fiverr doesn't want to make the gig videos a requirement. But I'm still getting 15x the returns with my Promoted Gigs and having the videos, so they're not hurting me.
  14. Hi @gelmas12! I love your portfolio and thought you did well with your profile and gig write ups. Your portfolio does a great job showcasing your skills and your profile and gigs are written in a way that highlights you as a unique concept artist. Here are some suggested changes you can make to your gigs: 1. Add in videos for both of your gigs, this will help you stand out from the crowd and allow to showcase your skills even more. 2. Utilize all of your gig extras - currently you are using none (this allows you to increase your average selling price, or ASP, and make more per order). 3. Utilize your FAQs - you currently don't have any (you might be losing potential clients who may still have questions). 4. Consider updating your profile photo and gig thumbnails. Your profile picture is nice, but doesn't say "artist" to me. Also, your gig thumbnails are just images. Consider creating an attractive thumbnail for each gig that includes 3-5 words stating your services.
  15. Hi @truephoenixking, I couldn't find your gig or profile, so I'm not able to provide you feedback on your video or image. Please let me know when you publish your gig. Thanks!
  16. Hi @dennysshawn, I just saw your post, but can't answer it because I've exceeded my 5-post-a-day limit. I can reach out to you via a status update though!

    Here's your post yesterday:


    Hi fam,
    I'm just wondering, does Fiverr hate when you deliver again after making your first delivery? Will your impressions go down? I have done that a couple times when I realize I made a mistake and choose to deliver again.

    Based on my experience, there are no penalties if you deliver then redeliver. In fact, the month I used that delivery button the most was the month I also had the highest impressions and highest orders (I'm sure it's not related, though).

    I haven't used the delivery button as much since I stopped offering unlimited revisions. This makes my life a lot easier and I have less cancelations. I'm happy to see that you don't offer unlimited revisions!

    Keep up the good work! You have great reviews on your profile! 😊


    1. dennysshawn


      Hi Vickie, thank you so much for your response. And I'm really touched by your kindness too! God bless.

  17. @williambryan392 & @donnovan86, This was discussed earlier in the thread before it took off on a tangent. There are three reviews that buyers get to leave after each order: @miiila also mentioned a buyer leaving a review after cancelation, but it might just be the anonymous review.
  18. Welcome back, @williambryan392!!! Of course you had to return to the forum after I exceeded my 5-post-a-day limit (this includes private messages). I do get 1 status update in addition to that limit, but it wouldn't let me reply to yours. Sorry! All I can do is "react" right now. I'll try to chat with you tomorrow!

    Note: Yay! It let me post this! It looks like I get the following each day: 5 posts (private messages included) + 1 status update + 1 status reply (to someone else's status update ... I already replied to someone else's today).

    1. williambryan392


      Always good to see / read you @vickieito 😃

      Lol you're now a forum veteran, you've been busy providing great value, surprised you still have any limits!

  19. Okay, I'm going back to @donnovan86's topic. After reviewing more of my own orders (as a buyer and as a seller) ... this second prompt occurs 24 hours after the order closes, regardless of whether a tip was left or not AND... (this makes me mad) ... it even occurs after a negative review from a seller is left. If buyers can see a negative review from a seller before giving their private reviews, I'm not sure how "honest" this review is. Here's what happened to me as a seller: 1. The buyer maxed out his 3 revisions and requested a 4th. 2. I offered a gig extra for a 4th revision. 3. The buyer ignores my gig extra and closes the order after making the comment "revisions will be handled in the inbox." 4. The buyer immediately leaves a review. 5. He messages me for free revisions in the inbox. I refuse. 6. I give my first negative review simply because this buyer was difficult to work with. 7. Both reviews are posted publicly. I can see that the buyer left a 5-star review (because he wanted free work done via the inbox). The buyer had 24 hours to stare at my negative review and my inbox response stating I would not give him free revisions. 8. The buyer gives private feedback. I suspect it was negative (based on my gig impressions). My gig impressions have been steadily declining each day since the buyer's private review (from 4,514 to 598). It doesn't appear that the 2nd prompt is weighted less. In retrospect, I could have avoided this because I knew the 2nd prompt was coming in 24 hours. So I could have waited to leave my public review and told him "no" on the revisions after the private review was given. Luckily impressions, clicks, and orders are on a rise in my other gigs.
  20. It looks like there is a benefit of spam, if it resurrects good content like this! 😊 I'd like to add one more (obvious) pointer to your list, @miiila: Do not use someone else's picture as your profile image. This one really should be a given, but some sellers just don't get it. Be truthful on who you are (no matter how much you hate your picture)!!! Also, I read the comments from you, @lloydsolutions, & @mariashtelle1! It is sad that so many people come to the forum for help, but don't even read the helpful advice that is given. (I suspect this is because they wanted a response within 5 minutes, and when it didn't come, they left.) I just wanted to thank all of you for all your posts because even if the OPs aren't getting the message, at least there are others like me who do learn from all of your posts! I'm still a rather "new-ish" seller with experience only quantified in months, not years. So I still have a lot to learn. So please keep posting! Anyways, I thought it was a rare thing to see all three of you chatting in this thread rather than answering the flood of newbie questions! I'd like to see more moments like that!✨
  21. Thanks, @chriphenix! I think many new sellers come to the forum looking for the next "secret" or new thing to get more orders and sales. Sometimes we forget the underutilized tools that are right under our noses that can help us take our business to the next level. Fiverr really does give sellers a lot of resources to grow our business!
  22. It didn't take long @miiila! I only got 1 inquiry using my negative keywords a few minutes after I posted the negative keywords .... and then ... silence! It's wonderful! My productivity doubled. 🥳 Yay! No one asked me to write their essay or a scripted Amazon review since. I did get a couple of new seller spam in my inbox, so I'm wondering if we can add "hire me," "need work," and "give me work" to the negative keywords... 🤔
  23. Here are my negative keywords! I think it'll take several days before I start seeing a reduction in inbox inquiries from those using my negative keywords: Beta Reading gig - "Amazon reviews," "web reviews," & "erotica" (getting too many requests to leave reviews on websites) Research & Summaries gig - "essay writing" & "thesis" (getting too many student requests) Writing gig - "essay writing" & "thesis" (getting too many student requests) Resume writing gig - "Statement of Purpose," "SOP," & "essay writing" (getting too many student requests) Data entry gig - "mailing list" (to get rid of those asking me to collect emails, names, and addresses of individuals not businesses)
  24. Hi @dannykojima1! Thanks for the links to the free stock images. I'll try to play around with them in Photoshop and see what I can come up with! 😊

    Also, I saw your post about leaving the forum! I'd hate to see you permanently deleted! Just ignore your forum account (instead of deleting it) and when you remember us, you can just pop back in to the conversations!

    Note: I'm posting here because I forgot that private messages are included in my 5 post-a-day limit. So I couldn't reply to you there.

  25. Hi @all_asmoule, I think you are talking about Promoted Gigs and Fiverr Learn (or Learn from Fiverr). Promoted Gigs is available only to select sellers. You can read about Promoted Gigs here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4405489899153-How-Promoted-Gigs-works-Ad-ranking-explained?segment=sellerhttps://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs?segment=seller Fiverr Learn has paid courses that you can take to learn and earn badges on your profile. You can read more about Fiverr Learn here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010980478-Learn-from-Fiverr https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282845-interested-in-learning-from-fiverr-learn-or-creativelive-here-are-some-things-to-know-note-you-do-not-need-seller-plus/
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