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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @halfdutch - try checking at different times of the day. I didn't see any Buyer Requests when I first started, and I found out it was because most of my buyers were operating in US times zones (while I'm in Japan). I also found that Buyer Requests can pop up and disappear within 5 minutes due to the number of sellers bidding on the rproject. Here's an article that explains different reasons why you might not be seeing Buyer Requests: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159742-buyer-requests-leadership-suggestions-on-buyer-request-complaints-few-requests-br-faqs-times-issues-etc/ Buyer requests also might not be around for much longer. It is being replaced by Buyer Briefs: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/
  2. Hi @web_munna45 - Here are my comments: 1. Your gig images have too much text. Keep it simple with only 3-5 words describing your services. 2. Add gig videos on all of your gigs (you only have a video on one). 3. Your selling point of "Unlimited Colors," isn't really a selling point. 4. Please only make promises you can keep. In your FAQs you mention that you will respond within 1 minute and in your gig descriptions, you mention 100% satisfaction. 5. Consider removing unlimited revisions and money back guarantee. These statements make your buyers wonder "why" they would need that and creates unnecessary questions in their minds about the quality of your services. 6. Try niching down. You are a web developer in a very competitive field. Since your gigs are very generic in nature, you are competing against every web developer out there. Pick a target audience and cater your gig to them. This will make you more competitive as a web developer and can increase your visibility in search.
  3. @raheelaslamj - Your buyers are not happy with the quality of your work. Both of the negative reviews mentioned that the buyers finally gave up (too many revisions) or ended up choosing a different seller to complete the project. Your communication skills also need to be improved upon. Until you correct those two points, you will continue to lose impressions because Fiverr will not promote a seller with poor communication and poor quality of work. The good news is, that you can recover from those negative reviews by delivering quality work and communicating well with your customers.
  4. Hi @raheelaslamj - if you can't keep your customers happy, Fiverr won't promote your services to other buyers. That's why your impressions are dropping. To bring your impressions back up, you have to find ways to keep your customers happy.
  5. Congratulations on hitting all targets for Top Rated Seller, @aaftabi! And thanks for sharing your journey! It's so important for many newbie sellers to know that it isn't easy starting a business on Fiverr. I love your book cover designs! Keep up the good work. 😊
  6. It's against Fiverr's Terms of Service to contact someone outside of the platform. So if you do contact someone using email or any other form of communication outside of Fiverr, your Fiverr account could get shut down and you'll be banned - you'll never be able to buy and sell on Fiverr again. On top of that, if you do get scammed, you could be out of money and your private information could be stolen.
  7. Hi @techlearnhere - it says you can "create a follow-up" in blue. Click on that to reopen the ticket and share the threats from the buyer with customer support.
  8. Hi @techlearnhere, You can respond with @newsmike's words: You can then redeliver the order. You, as a seller, do not need to be pushed around or threatened by a buyer. You can open a support ticket with Customer Service to report the buyer's threats here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order/create-ticket
  9. The buyers in the Buyer Request section have only made a request or job posting...they haven't chosen a seller to go with yet. You can make offers on the jobs that they post in hopes of getting an order. If buyers are directly requesting you, that means they are placing an order directly from your gig or they are directly messaging you for a custom offer.
  10. Hi @beqa199982 - as long as you delivered the first order on time, it is not considered late (even though it will show red in revision mode). It's only late if you make the first delivery after the delivery time expires.
  11. Welcome back @naimaelaiboud! I wish the best for you and your business!
  12. Hi @arttechno - Welcome to the forum! There are some factors (beyond your control) that may affect whether you become a top-rated seller or not. See this article below: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282557-%F0%9F%A4%A9popular-top-rated-sellers-what-are-your-thoughts-on-these-comments-about-becoming-trs/?do=findComment&comment=1784338 Not everyone will get the top-rated status. The good news is, you don't need it to make good money on the platform. As for Seller Plus...there has always been a shortage of success managers, which led to a long waiting list. Fiverr just announced changes to the Seller Plus program that will make this program accessible to more sellers on the platform. This just happened on Wednesday, so maybe you'll be able to join Seller Plus soon! See this article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/289098-seller-plus-premium/
  13. Even though it is allowed, and my Success Manager encourages asking for "honest" reviews, I shy away from it. Buyers are asked to leave 3 reviews for each order and Fiverr reminds buyers twice for each type of review (2 private and 1 public). The seller asking for a review is just another annoying reminder and could lead to a buyer leaving a negative private review (which is weighted more than the public review).
  14. The negative, private review eventually falls off your record, and the impact of that review is less if you continue to deliver high quality work and get good reviews. You can recover from such a hit - you can even have business grow bigger than what is was before.
  15. Hi @klibre - each seller will have a different number of impressions and each gig that you have will perform differently. Instead of one data point, focus on improvement. Are you getting more impressions? Are your number of clicks increasing? Are the clicks turning into orders? For me, out of the three, the most important number is orders, because you can still have a lot of impressions and clicks, but no orders. And you can have lots of orders without impressions or clicks. However, the only number that counts is the number of orders, because when you focus on that number, the money comes in and your visibility in search increases. Deliver great quality and keep your customers happy, because repeat buyers and happy customers will get you more orders.
  16. Hi @smrakib - you don't have to be online all the time. Just get the mobile app and set yourself up to get notifications if a buyer contacts you. Your average response time is currently 7 hours, so try to get it down to 1 hour.
  17. I think what happened for my seller (and another seller I was talking to earlier), they were using the "flag" to block the buyers, not the "spam" button. I've seen other sellers who "unmark" the spam in the spam box and then get dinged that way.
  18. Hi @pcdas4u, this scheduled maintenance will affect all sellers and buyers on the platform, so please make sure that you aren't going to be doing anything on Fiverr between 5:00 AM UTC - 8:00 AM UTC. If you have deliveries or need to communicate with your buyers, please do that before or after that timeframe.
  19. @meldawn9, I'm sorry to hear that happened! Last month, one of the sellers I buy from went from a Level 2 to a New Seller because of multiple messages that she didn't mark as spam. I didn't know sellers could drop down two levels in one evaluation period. Luckily she is back to a Level 1 seller today. This seems to be happening a lot, and all because spam messages are not getting marked in a timely manner. The biggest surprise is that Customer Service is pretty firm on this, so sellers just have to get demoted. They do manually go through the messages and they do mention that it's specifically spam that's the cause of the low response rate. But it isn't something that they are willing to take action on. 😟
  20. If you change it back to the title that was working, that should only help your impressions. Once you change it, monitor your gig to see how it performs.
  21. I usually do what you do - put in a very small test run with the customer. Any "potentially good" client should understand that sellers on this platform don't work for free and free samples are already provided in the gallery.
  22. It must be related to all the glitches that have been happening lately, then. They have been working on a lot of updates. If I remember, there were several forum members who got this dashboard a couple of weeks ago.
  23. You did nothing of the sort! 😊 Are you on Seller Plus, too? I think they might have rolled it out the Seller Plus community first.
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