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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @shohag_dm, it might be because buyer requests are not sent to your account... you would find them in the Buyer Request section. If you are visiting the Buyer Request section and are not seeing buyer requests, it may be due to these reasons here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159742-buyer-requests-leadership-suggestions-on-buyer-request-complaints-few-requests-br-faqs-times-issues-etc/ Fiverr is also updating Buyer Requests and may affect you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/
  2. Hi @smrakib, There are some "uncommon" gig descriptions that are nonsense and meaningless - you don't want to be that kind of "uncommon." Instead, focus on be unique and speaking to your target customers. As long as you are relevant, describing your unique selling proposition, and NOT copying someone else's gig description (which is against Fiverr ToS), you should have no problem having an "uncommon" gig description. You can also visit the gig pages of your competitors. If yours looks too much like theirs, you have a common gig description. If it looks different, you could say that yours is "uncommon" and unique.
  3. Hi @sristy_dutta - it's perfectly okay to direct someone who uses your services to order through your Fiverr gig instead of going directly through you. However, it is not okay to ask for a good review. That's against Fiverr ToS.
  4. @mdshafiurrahman - I responded to your private message. Please follow that advice and the advice of @breals above. Put yourself in your buyer's shoes and find better ways to connect with your buyers so they will choose you over the other 93,000 web designers out there. Differentiate yourself and find your niche - you don't need to compete against 93,000 designers. Make yourself unique and work with only a targeted group of buyers.
  5. Hi @shohag_dm! Welcome to the forum! These two articles might help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  6. Hi @mdshafiurrahman - the only way you can get a review is if someone places an order with you. Once you deliver the order, the buyer will have the opportunity to leave a review for you. Please note that buyers do not have to leave a review, and it's best not to ask for one. Asking for positive reviews is against Fiverr ToS. Asking for "honest" reviews are okay, but may annoy the buyer since Fiverr's automated systems asks them repeatedly to leave their review.
  7. I'm glad it worked out, @iamattique! And congratulation on your 200th order! That's a great story that makes your 200th order more meaningful. I'm glad the buyer likes your speed, accuracy, and quality. Hopefully this buyer turns into a repeat buyer!
  8. I get about 5 a day, and it seems to be increasing. I also started noticing sellers starting to post their services on Buyer Briefs as well (but I report that as spam immediately).
  9. My gigs are all so different, so that's the only reason why I only train the AI to go for resumes. The price doesn't make sense for my other gigs. I'll have to give that a try...resumes are the simplest gig to train AI on. I'll see if I can train it for more complex gigs.
  10. Hi @mttoufiq, Here are some good articles to help you pull yourself out of the sales slump: Here are tips to get more orders: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/ Here's how to increase your conversion rate: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263159-many-clicks-but-no-sales-read-this-a-guide-to-improve-conversion-rate/ Here are some great tips on how to market yourself: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  11. That would be @imagination7413! 😊 I like this new title, too! Hopefully we'll find some more seller who are patiently teaching the AI to send them briefs!
  12. Thanks for sharing your experience, @filipdevaere! I agree - preparation, skills, providing unique (and excellent) services, and a good command of the English language are all critical for success. Your story is a great one - and one that newbie sellers should read - because it shows how much work and effort goes into starting a business on Fiverr. This preparation starts way before you start posting any gigs. I created an account in June 2019, with hopes of doing something with my technical background, mostly with writing standard operating procedures and creating related forms, but quickly scratched that idea when I only saw a handful of services providing what I wanted to do, and at ridiculously low prices. I decided to take a different route, and spent the next 2.5 years gaining teaching skills needed to create my curriculum design gig, since I already had the skills developing training programs for manufacturing companies. I created my first gig in Nov 2021 and had 7 gigs up by Dec. I actually set up most of my gigs in "high competition categories," such as data entry, virtual assisting, resume writing, proofreading, etc., but it worked well for me because I niched down enough to attract certain buyers geared towards technical writing, research, and education. This is why I have so much respect for what you do. You dominate your market with your level of expertise and quality. No one can match what you do. Thanks again for sharing your story!
  13. Congratulations, @filipdevaere! That isn't an easy feat, especially with the complex nature of your gigs. Great job! I also enjoy writing procedures, product specifications, and equipment manuals, so I love your portfolio and really appreciate the quality of work that you do!
  14. You can't. I've asked for a m0d to move your post for you. 😊
  15. Hi @minhaz_tech - gig links can't be shared in this category .... you may share them in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig." I've asked for you post to be moved to the correct category. About your gig - I noticed that you are asking for your client's log-in information for their Shopify accounts. I believe this is against Shopify's ToS - Shopify requires that third party be given collaborator accounts with admin access rather than using the customer's login. If it's against Shopify's ToS, it's against Fiverr's ToS. I believe the same is true for the other platforms you work out of - Wordpress, Wix, etc. You might want to double check their terms of service as well. There are multiple grammar errors in your profile bio and gig description. Since you list yourself as fluent in English, I suggest you thoroughly proofread all your text in your profile bio and gig description I think it's great that you have a gig video, but try to include a thumbnail image on the first slide of your video so that buyers know exactly what services you are offering. I also noticed that you are new seller that just started out last month. It can take a while for you to get your first order. If you haven't already, start making offers to Buyer Requests and Buyer Briefs and share your gig links with those who are in your circle of influence.
  16. Thank you, @katakatica! I wish every newbie seller would read this. It would solve so many headaches and unnecessary posts to the forum! Before I sold anything ... I bought. I wanted to know exactly how my buyers would be interacting with the platform. I took screenshots like crazy when I was buying so that I could help my buyers know where to go and which buttons to push. Most of the buyers that I dealt with as a newbie were just as green as I was ... and they looked up to me as an expert. I couldn't use the excuse that I was new. I had to learn the platform quickly. The problem is, many newbie sellers come to the platform thinking that this is much simpler than what it is. They're lured in by the promise of easy money because someone on YouTube told them that all they had to do is sign up, set up a gig, and the money comes in. Fiverr isn't a quick cash site like Inbox Dollars or Swagbucks ... and Fiverr doesn't "give" you buyers, "quick orders, or guarantee you income. Unfortunately, most newbie sellers don't understand this at all. It really doesn't take that much to get that competitive edge - like you said:
  17. There's also less buyer requests available because Fiverr is doing away with Buyer Requests. It'll be replaced by Buyer Briefs. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/ Buyer Requests are a mess right now, with a lot spam and sellers using it inappropriately to promote their gigs. You might have more luck with getting orders by promoting your gig links with those you know, who might need your services.
  18. Hi @marufsarkar_pro - When you're just starting out, it might take a while before you see Buyer Requests. There's only a set amount of sellers from each level allowed to make offers on each Buyer Request, and it disappears after that limit is set. Since there's so many New Sellers, Buyer Requests can disappear rather quickly. Try also checking at different times of the day. I didn't see any Buyer Requests for a while when I first got started, and that was because I was checking during Japan business hours (most requests were popping up around US business hours when I was sleeping).
  19. Hi @sever_pro You have really good impressions, which means your gig is being found in search. However, few clicks means your gig is not attractive to buyers who see your gig. So they aren't clicking on it. And if they don't click on it, they won't turn into orders. The biggest factor in getting clicks are your gig images. You have too much text on all of your gig images and it's hard to understand what services you offer by looking at them. Try to simplify each gig image so that you only have 3-5 words describing your services with a clear visual of the service that you offer. Consider adding videos to all your gigs because that can increase buyer engagement.
  20. Hi @jemesweb - Point #3 in this article may help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ You may also want to read this one: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/
  21. @devisil, you should be able to use your own images when creating your gig. I'm not sure if I understand your question. Are you talking about the Shutterstock options in the "Pricing" tab? You can include this option and still provide your own images as a gig extra. The Help Center may also provide answer to your question: https://www.fiverr.com/support/categories/8394132735121-Shutterstock-integration
  22. Hi @tricks_traffic - you are in a very competitive market. You have to figure out how to connect with your buyers. Try to find a niche to work within so that you aren't competing with every seller that builds Wix websites. What specific customer can you target? How can you make yourself unique so that you can stand out and convince buyers to buy from you, and not your competition?
  23. There are many deterrents to tipping ... such as the spammy reminders to tip. As a buyer, I just tipped a seller 50% of the order after receiving the first automatic tip reminder. Not too long after I left the tip, I received the second "It's customary to tip" reminder to tip this seller again. So even if you tip, you aren't spared from the tip reminders. As a seller, I've had buyers from non-tipping countries get mad or confused when they get the tip reminders because they think it's coming from me. I wish there was an opt out option for sellers and/or buyers to select for tip reminders.
  24. I just tried to block a person who was messaging me (and didn't place an order) and the only way to to that was to mark them as spam. I even submitted a ticket to CS and "reported" the buyer several times. After a day, Fiverr CS confirmed that the only way to block this buyer was to hit that spam button. So it does appear that you can only use the block function on buyers who have ordered from you before.
  25. Hi @robyatjannat, getting your first 3 orders within a week's timeframe seems like you are doing pretty good. It takes most people longer to see their first 3 orders. Track your impressions, clicks, inquiries, and orders in the next two weeks to see how your gig is performing. Often the best way to improve your gig's performance is getting more orders, delivering good quality, and keeping your customers happy.
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