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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Welcome to the forum @khaza_hasan! The only skills test I took was the basic English skills test required to post my first gig. Other than that, I haven't taken any other skills tests. Personally, I don't think they are really helpful to your buyers (who would rather see a portfolio of your work or work samples of what you can do).
  2. Have you tried contacting Customer Support? You can submit a ticket with them here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/payments-and-withdrawals/withdrawals/unable-to-withdraw-funds/create-ticket
  3. That might be a bug @sheraz3495, try reaching out to Customer Support to see if they can resolve your issue. You can submit a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/seller-dashboard-and-statistics/dashboard/create-ticket
  4. Welcome back, @webspace24! Why did you leave and what made you decide to come back?
  5. Maybe we should remove the forum categories "Improve My Gig" and "My Fiverr Gigs." We don't need gig links or self-promotion anywhere on the forum except for on someone's forum profile. If someone asks a "Fiverr FAQ" or "Fiverr Question," it's easy to look up their gigs from their names. Also, it might teach sellers to ask questions to learn, rather than say, "Here's my gig, give me tips." Question on that - if I were to change my seller profile to state something like, "I operate as a team" (to cover for the few times I might), would that affect any Pro seller applications (e.g., for technical writing)? I can't see Fiverr approving a profile if it looks like a team is involved. However, I think it would be better for me as a seller if buyers approach me knowing I have a team, and I tell them that I will take care of their requests myself (and not use my team), rather than have them come to me with the expectation of working only with me and I tell them that I would like to outsource their work. I've self-reported this post to be taken down because I think I was out of line. This post was unnecessary and put another seller in a bad light. I apologize for not being conscientious while posting.
  6. Hi @fahadislamjuel, there's a tab called "Trending" that you can see the top-trending gigs on Fiverr: However, even in the best-selling gigs on Fiverr, there will be a lot of sellers who aren't making money. Instead, you should focus on skills that you are good at and can deliver quality work on. This post may help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/
  7. @animie_video, this is part of Fiverr's initiative to prevent "low-quality" services from entering the marketplace. Based on the sellers who are flooding the forum with "Fiverr didn't approve my seller profile," these are some of the reasons why I think their profiles are not getting approved (this is my personal opinion, since Fiverr hasn't revealed their specific criteria): 1. They are copying the gig descriptions from other sellers on the platform. Plagiarism is not allowed. 2. They are offering services that violate Fiverr ToS or Community Standards. 3. Something in their gig was deemed "low-quality" - it might have been grammatical errors, pictures, or overall lack of professionalism. 4. Their profile appears misleading (i.e., making claims to be an expert when it is obvious that they are not). 5. Their gig does not offer value to the marketplace (i.e. too generic in an over saturated marketplace, gigs for random skills with very low demand)
  8. This number updates daily. Red just means your impressions today decreased, or is less than yesterday. Green means it increased or is higher than yesterday.
  9. Hi @hossain_ifty! You can only share your gig and gig links in the forum categories "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig."
  10. Did you see the summary that I provided on "Community Leadership"? Please also see the section on the pyramid as well. No matter how much you may qualify for TRS, you might never get it. The good thing is, you can still be a great seller and make good money without becoming a top-rater seller.
  11. No worries! 😊 Yes, as long as you maintain good seller stats (make sure everything is green on your dashboard), you can level up on the 15th of next month.
  12. For some reason, Fiverr did not consider your profile "high-quality." If you offered something that was against Fiverr's Terms of Service (or worded it so it appeared in violation to ToS), or copied another gig, this may have been a reason for this decision. What services were you offering? Did you copy any other gigs when setting your gigs up?
  13. Hi @hasnainshaik547, your level status is updated on the 15th of each month, so as long as you maintain good seller metrics on the next evaluation date, Sept 15th, you should level up then. Also, FYI - if you're asking for tips, please post in "Fiverr FAQs" or "Fiverr Questions" ..."Seller Tips" are for experience sellers to share their tips with others. 😉 (I've requested that your post be moved to the correct category.)
  14. Hi @expert_raina, normally Fiverr will tell you in the email why they could not approve your seller profile. What did they say?
  15. Wow @anniejenkinson! Why haven't I heard of this before? Where would I find this?
  16. Hi @arafat_28, what you see in search isn't what a buyer will see in search. Search results are unique and tailored for each buyer. So it isn't worth your time trying to find yourself in search. What you should focus on is making yourself relevant in search and a lot of this is based on your seller performance and how happy you are making your customers. Getting less orders or a negative private review can negatively affect how you're shown in search. So focus on keeping your customers happy and delivering quality work.
  17. @nazmulhuda01, Welcome to the forum! I see that you had 6 orders within the last week and your last delivery was 7 hours ago. It seems like you are getting orders. Many sellers can't get that many orders when first starting out. I saw your status update and saw that you want to be a top-rated seller and you were frustrated that a top-rated seller had a more terrible-looking gig than you have. I understand your frustration, but if they are getting sales and you aren't, that means they are doing something right that you aren't doing yourself. Not everyone gets that coveted top-rated badge, so I suggest you look at that top-rated seller and see what you can learn from them. This isn't something that happens overnight. It takes time to build a business. You have great reviews and that's a good start.
  18. Hi @smashradio, quick question ... one of those Fiverr Business buyers who blocked me earlier unblocked me to send sneering remarks about how he found a better seller (and to take up more of my time). So I decided to block him. However, I only reported him (with the request to block him). So he is currently not blocked and it has been more than a day since I made the request. Isn't there an immediate way to block someone? Do I mark him as spam?

    (note: I think this is the only status update I can make while post-limited, so I'll respond back when I can!)

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smashradio


      P.S. What a ridiculous person you've been dealing with! 🤣

    3. vickieito


      Thanks @smashradio! I'm celebrating too! I was able to block this buyer with no guilty feelings at all. 😊 I really can't believe this guy!

    4. smashradio


      I saw you made it to Grand Master! Yet another thing worth celebrating. 😄 

  19. Hi @ahasan6541, you can talk to me on the forum or post a status update on my profile. I can't always write private messages because I'm limited to how much I can post a day. This is what I get when I try to send you a private message:


    You can send me messages via status replies or on the forum. Hope to chat with you there. Thanks!


  20. Great post @katakatica! I think the underlying reasons behind most of the plagiarism that I see on Fiverr platform is not inspiration, but laziness and lack of skill. If it were for inspiration, I'd feel flattered. However, when I see someone plagiarizing my gig descriptions and it's clear that they really didn't put much effort into putting their gig together (i.e., researching and gaining inspiration), but rather slapped it together and published it as fast as possible to start making money, it's a bit disheartening. It's also really sad when you see that their skill level is not what they are advertising it to be.
  21. This is another of Fiverr's initiatives to "match" qualified sellers with buyers. So, yes, the briefs will only be shown to sellers who have been pre-screened and "qualified." This is based on the information in your gigs, your "quality" performance (I believe), and the information on your gigs. I think it's much like the Buyer's Request in that it will only show to several sellers on each level. To all of you who say it's useless...have you given the AI a chance to calibrate to you? AI can't improve if you don't give it feedback. So if you are not providing feedback and only turning it off, then that won't help you at all. The matches will still be bad. At first the matches will be poor, but that should improve over time based on your feedback. It only takes a few seconds to leave feedback, and based on my experience, it only took a week of feedback before the system understood what types of briefs I wanted to get. I only use it for resumes and beta reading and have told the system "I don't offer this service" for all other briefs (even if I do offer the service). Now I get notifications with about 3-5 relevant briefs a day. Here are your choices: (I highly suggest reporting all spam, as Fiverr will take this seriously and will shut down sellers who are using this for their own promotion) If a seller messages the buyer or sends an offer, it will show up in your normal inbox. You can sort your inbox for custom offers. This is a problem for sellers who also are buyers because it won't differentiate between your offers and the offers you may be getting from a buyer brief that you submit. This is how it'll look like if you are a seller: I like this feature because you can withdraw it at any time (as I've done here). Sellers will also be notified immediately if the buyer withdraws the brief or accepts someone else's offer. If a seller contacts you after you withdraw or accept someone else's offer @gina_riley2, there is no excuse and you can immediately report them as spam. You should get less responses because Fiverr is prescreening and qualifying your matches, so you won't see as many responses as buyer requests. I think it'll take time before the "qualified" matches are really qualified. This ... is ... awesome. 😊 I think this will greatly clean up the spam as long as sellers are willing to give the AI a chance to calibrate to their preferences and report all spam.
  22. I love Buyer Briefs, but I really hope that Buyer Briefs don't become like Buyer Requests: At least we have an option to report these sellers:
  23. Hi @vickiespencer - the first gig was shut down within minutes and a second one was paused. By the next day, 4 of the 5 gigs I reported were gone. I went ahead and reported the last one again and will see if it gets taken down as well tomorrow.
  24. Thanks @seven_sign, I'm doing great! I hope you are, too1 I like this topic because I know Fiverr has an initiative to increase repeat buyers and subscriptions are a great way to do that. So even though I don't really use this feature, I have turned on subscriptions on all my gigs. And lo, and behold, today I got my first ordered-right-from-the-gig-page subscription order with a 3-month subscription. We'll see how it goes! Research and Summaries is actually the only gig that I have where I'm getting the most repeat orders (and with the highest ASP), so I would highly recommend that this category get added to the list of categories available for subscriptions. I also have a beta reading gig and subscriptions aren't really helpful for this gig. Although I do get repeat orders from my beta reading gig, it is usually because the seller: A) got a really bad beta reading score from me and is coming back with a revised draft for review, B) the work is in process, so parts of the manuscript are sent as the seller finishes writing it, or C) the seller has multiple books that they want me to review. In all of these cases, the writers usually don't know how quickly they can get me the materials (and we currently can't change the dates of the subscriptions), so it only make sense for straight orders. I also don't know how helpful subscriptions are for my resume writing gig. It makes me sad if I get a repeat buyer here because it usually means that they are not getting hired. Another thought on repeat buyers - most of my repeat buyers aren't buying the same gig. They see other services I offer and they buy those services (one buyer usually uses 3-5 of my services). I don't think Fiverr is tracking that type of repeat buyer yet.
  25. Hi @seven_sign, I never had the subscription plan on one of my gigs, even though it is one of my better-performing gigs. The Help Center still says: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017173498-Subscriptions My questions are: 1. Will subscriptions be available to all sellers (regardless of performance) and in all categories? 2. Will this be rolled out/made available incrementally (i.e., for only a select group of sellers first)? I know you mentioned "today," but @melanielm and I don't seem to have this feature on all our gigs...
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