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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @romgraphic, Fiverr gives new sellers a temporary boost in gig impressions when they are first starting out, so that might be why your impressions have been falling. You've only been on the platform for a month and you don't have any orders. If you don't have impressions, it's because you aren't being seen as relevant in search. So make sure your title and tags are relevant to your service and do your best to respond quickly to any inquiries that come in. If you don't have clicks, it means people who see your gig aren't interested enough to click on it. So make your gig images and prices attractive. If you don't have orders, that means people who are visiting your gig aren't interesting in buying once they look at your gig. They went on to purchase from your competition. So work on building your portfolio, having a good gig description, and FAQs to answer any questions these buyers may be having. Here are some things you can do while you are waiting for orders: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  2. Hi @romgraphic! Welcome to the forum! Fiverr doesn't "rank" gigs - it is a matching service, specifically tailored for each buyer. So don't worry about trying to find yourself in search - what you see won't be what your buyer sees. Instead, focus on being relevant. Think of your buyer. What search terms will your buyer be typing in? Also, look at your seller performance. The better you perform, the more visible you will be in search. So if you are responding faster, delivering quicker, have more orders, and happier customers than your competition, then you will be higher up in search. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  3. Hi @msakhondaker001, You can read this thread right here:
  4. No, it's free! The price listed would be your minimum price that you would like to get from a brief order.
  5. One thing that I haven't done is open a specific Customer Support ticket for the copycat gig. That might be an option since there are several specific tickets for that purpose here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/account-verification-and-security/suspicious-content/create-ticket https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/community-standards-and-terms-of-service/report-violation/create-ticket
  6. Hi @soaregabriel, I agree that there are too many similarities. I think Fiverr CS should take action on this copycat gig. It seems pretty obvious. I'm also dealing with a copycat that has my gig description with no variation ... it's exactly as I have it. Fiverr CS chose not to take action, no matter how many times I reported it. It's funny how they took down gigs that partially copied my gig but won't take the gig down that copied 100% of my gig. I eventually stopped reporting this one.
  7. It depends on the project. That 50-hr ecourse I mentioned definitely could have been split into multiple orders. I was a newbie when I started that order and just delivered it last month. It was long and required a team of freelancers to complete. I learned my lesson. I just finished another ecourse that had 96 deliverables and 40 videos. That one didn't require a team to complete because my buyer had video production skills and was willing to put that to use. So we were able to get that ecourse completed within 3 weeks. Even so, 3 days wasn't enough time to review all the content. However, this ecourse series is on a monthly subscription plan, so both myself and the buyer are highly motivated to complete all deliverables (and have them reviewed) in less than a month so it doesn't affect the next subscription order. @visualstudios - How much content do you usually have for each order? It sounds like your orders could be reviewed in a much shorter period of time than mine. Stated like a true businessman! I wasn't even thinking about charging for review days...but that could be monetized!
  8. @visualstudios - what are your thoughts on adding this feature to the Resolution Center and Custom Offers? In one of my big orders, I delivered 50 hours of eLearning content that included 113 deliverables (quizzes, lessons, downloadable content, and over 20 videos with voiceovers). It was also a state-certified training, so it also had to meet all third-party requirements. I didn't expect my client to review all of that within 3 days. In this case, it would make sense to agree ahead of time on an acceptable review period on a Custom Offer. All other requests for a review period could be handled through the Resolution Center.
  9. In my case, it could be related. I had two cancelations last month due to me "discounting" those orders (canceled the bigger ticket order and reopened smaller ticket orders). This was related to third-party changes to the platforms I was working on, that changed what I could offer to my buyers. In both cases, the buyers accepted the smaller ticket orders right away. However, one of the buyers also decided that they wanted to "reapply" some of the cost to a different gig (beta reading), but wouldn't have the manuscript written for a month. If that buyer decided to cancel the first order completely, and swap it for a beta reading order, then I would probably have a hit to my seller stats. However, in most cases, my cancelations could be covered by this new update. I think this is awesome. My OCR went down to 92% because of the cancelations that I mentioned above. This would help tremendously in cases where I have to renegotiate the terms of the order (and the overall price of the order decreases). Normally the order is canceled and the new offer is accepted right away.
  10. Hi @mjensen415! I think this is a great feature to have, but it does give the buyer opportunity to abuse this button (there doesn't appear to be a limit to the number of times they can extend the review period). I'm wondering if it would be better if this feature is added to the Resolution Center so that both the buyer and seller can agree on an acceptable review period together. As a seller, I already communicate with my buyers, so they already let me know in advance if they don't want me to deliver on certain days (especially if they will be traveling or have things planned on those days). Handling this in advance through the Resolution Center would work well in these cases. It would also work well in emergency situations, when something comes up suddenly in the buyer's schedule. I'd also like this option available on custom offers, since many large projects may require a longer review time.
  11. You can do everything from your phone using the mobile app. Once you receive the notification, just click on the notification to view the brief and create an offer.
  12. Hi @jibonrifat210, You can check your gig status here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status It will tell you if your gig is active or not. Also, as @joyh97 mentioned, you could look at your impressions chart. If you have anything above a 0, your gig is live. It's useless to search for your own gig. I can't find mine at all, even though buyers are placing Fiverr's Choice orders. Results in search are different and tailored for each buyer, so what you see won't be what your buyers will see. And finding yourself only means you can find yourself. Which isn't helpful because you aren't your buyer.
  13. That's a good point ...sometimes buyers will use prices as bait (and have no intentions of following through on those prices). I only saw that in the Buyer Requests though.
  14. Give the AI time to adjust to your $10 prices. Mine are set higher because I'm getting buyer briefs and I'm using prices to control how many I get. I also only get serious buyers because of my higher prices.
  15. Hi @ben_grahicx - The first step is to turn on the "Get brief" feature from your "Gig" page. You can set whatever minimum price you want. @evp_productions - I set my briefs at $200 because I was getting 3-5 relevant briefs a day at $150. Briefs are so much better for me than Buyer Requests (my average order size for Buyer Requests was $15/order, so I never made much money with them). Once you turn on the "Get briefs" feature, the AI will collect data about your gigs, services, and price points. It might take a while before you start getting briefs. Once you start getting briefs, you can "train" the AI to send you the briefs you want by responding to each brief you get. Here are your choices: This will give the AI additional data about you, such as how busy you are, or if the brief isn't relevant for your services. You can also report briefs for being too vague, at the wrong price point, spam, or other. After a while, you'll start getting more relevant briefs that you can make offers on. I get about 3-5 relevant briefs a day that I can make offers on. I don't make too many offers because if I do, it usually turns into an order. So I have to make sure I can fit the order into my schedule. The good thing is, you will be notified if the buyer accepts an offer from another seller, and you can also withdraw your offer if you change your mind or get too busy. You can also message the buyer prior to making an offer (which wasn't an option for Buyer Requests). I'll have to try this out as a buyer again. I'd rather have better quality matches and fewer offers than "a lot" of offers. If I want a lot of matches, I'll just use the search function so that I can browse through gigs.
  16. Hi @alhasansarkar, The Help Center actually has a lot of information about the Seller Plus program and you can read about it here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview Fiverr recently split the Seller Plus program into two tiers, here's what's offered on each level: The program is constantly evolving with new features constantly being rolled out, so keep your eyes open on the forum to hear about all of these changes!
  17. I'd like to hear your personal experience with this too, @evp_productions! I love that Fiverr made the switch to Buyer Briefs! There's still room for improvement, but I think this addresses many of the complaints about spammy buyers, sellers posting self-promotions, and sellers having to sift through mountains of useless requests to find good ones. With briefs, I receive more relevant projects at my gig prices, and I have a higher chance of getting a project if I make a bid. I also like that it comes straight to me through notifications and I can train the AI to send me the briefs that I want.
  18. Hi @hasnain_099 - Buyers are free to talk with you also long as needed to determine if your services are right for them. If they don't feel like your services will help them, they will stop communicating with you. So if they don't respond, just move on. You don't need to continue the conversation on your end. Buyers will let you know if they want to buy your services or not.
  19. Hi @giantseo_pro, Here' where you can submit a brief (it's on Fiverr's search page for a buyer): This is only for buyers posting briefs. If you are a seller wanting to make offers on the briefs, you have to turn on your "Get briefs" option on your "Gigs" page:
  20. Hi @ayesha_rehman99! Sorry I was a little late on my response! Unlike buyer requests, you don't have to sift through a long list of requests from buyers. The Buyer Briefs are set up so that the Fiverr's smart-matching algorithm works for you. You don't have to be online for these buyer briefs. You will be notified when a "match" is found and the notification will be sent to you via your email and notifications tab. You can view each brief and decide whether you want to make an offer or not. This feature is being made available to all sellers on all levels and are based on a number of factors: First, the minimum price that you set on your "Get Brief" function. Then, the data that you have on your gigs as well as your seller performance. And lastly, the data that you use to train the AI to get you good matches. As you can see, the smart-matching algorithm will look at what you consider "relevant," if you are busy, and your price point. You also will be able to flag a brief for being too vague, spam, not credible, or "other." It took a while for the algorithm to start sending me matches. It also took some time for me to train it to send me the briefs that I wanted. However, now I get 3-5 relevant briefs a day and I have a pretty good chance of getting an order if I make an offer on it. Since we all have different price points, availability, and gigs, this matching feature should work well for buyers and sellers of all price points and levels.
  21. As soon as a seller meets all the minimum requirements for TRS, the Success Manager will review their account and let them know what gaps they have on the additional criteria. I'm probably not the best person to ask. I was paying $200/mo for a business coach before I joined the forum (and then Seller Plus). I don't think I would be as far along in my business if I didn't invest in a business coach. I'm still open to using a business coach occasionally, in addition to my Seller Plus manager and membership. So for me, it is what you get out of it. I get far more value out of my Seller Plus membership than the $29 that I pay each month. I think I'd still be on the plan at $39/mo, too.
  22. Hi @ayesha_rehman99, Check out this post! You can also learn more about Seller Plus here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview
  23. Building on @trombonhero's post, here's the differences between the two plans:
  24. Hi @brynrichmond, Welcome to the forum! It's always nice to see a new poster on the forum who adds value to the the discussion! You touched on a lot of great points, so I thought I'd share some links with you.😊 Actually, there are many reasons for cancelations, but they fall into two categories. If it's the seller's fault, it will hurt the seller's stats, unless I as buyer request that it not affect the seller's stats. I did this earlier this month when the seller couldn't deliver due to flooding in her area. Both her and Fiverr CS confirmed to me that the cancelation didn't affect her stats. If it's a buyer-related cancelation, Fiverr CS will usually cancel this so it doesn't hurt the seller's statistics. I've canceled orders many times this way as a seller. As long as I could show that it was the fault of the buyer, Fiverr had no issues canceling the projects for me so it wouldn't affect my seller stats. Examples of buyer-related cancelations include buyers who disappeared on me (at the end of the thread I got paid for the work I did, so that was nice): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282216-24-hrs-until-delivery-and-no-contact-from-the-buyer-also-unable-to-deliver/ Or buyers who don't accept an order even though the seller delivered everything in the order requirements (I like how @newsmike responds in this case): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282473-yesterday-buyer-opened-a-dispute-and-i-declined-3-days-gone-but-order-is-not-marked-as-complete/?do=findComment&comment=1783095 And if buyers cancel themselves with the reason "ordered by mistake," that also will not affect seller stats, if done right (see link to @imagination7413's comments): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/281909-does-it-affects-sellers-profile-rating-when-buyer-wants-to-cancel-the-order/#comment-1779001 The negative review is a concern for me because it's the private negative review that hurts sellers the most. Buyers can leave 3 reviews on each order (2 private and 1 public). And as a buyer, if my seller leaves me a bad review (which I can see before I post my own private review of the seller), I could leave bad private review in retaliation. A private negative review causes a huge drop in impressions for the seller and it can take months to recover. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/288420-hidden-private-feedback-is-the-worst-idea/ Buyers can also leave private reviews on orders that they cancel themselves: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/289957-fiverr-team-kindly-hear-my-story/?do=findComment&comment=1830147
  25. HI @farrukhmaqsood1 - you can start with the advice that I gave you previously (see below). This requires research on your part. A bit of experimenting to see what works (and what doesn't). It isn't something that will change overnight, and the work is ongoing. I'm still studying my customers to see how I can offer better services to them.
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