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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. That's the BIG question right now. This is a smart matching algorithm much like Fiverr's search. I know it's pulling data about sellers that will be used to create matches. So seller performance will matter. Gig title and tags will matter in that it'll help determine your relevancy. Levels might matter if that aspect of Buyer Request is retained, where certain numbers from each level are allowed to bid on a project. But all of this is speculation on my part. I'm also very curious to see how this will affect all sellers on all levels.
  2. So this week, I was that client. I don't consider myself toxic, but I am picky. Picky Vickie. I care a lot about my projects and tend to be a perfectionist. I found your advice to sellers, dealing with picky buyers like me, golden. Ultimately, communication is key to a good working relationship. I like to take care of my sellers but sometimes they won't let me know there are problems. If it ends up being more work than anticipated, I want to know right away (as in 5 hours into a project not 10-15 hours later). That way I can compensate them for the extra work, renegotiate terms, or agree that the project sucks and cancel so it doesn't hurt their stats. If I'm asking for things that are unreasonable, I'd like to know. The worse thing that can happen is for sellers to be too scared to tell me there are issues and they wait until the very last day (or just silently suffer). This not only hurts them as a seller, it hurts me as a buyer, too. I can't improve as a buyer if I don't get feedback from my sellers on how the projects are going.
  3. They're not clueless. They are just hoping to use it like the Buyer Requests (which won't work). Report them immediately as "Suspected spam/Buyer not credible." These sellers won't be around for long. I'm also happy that we can report a buyer for not being credible. This will solve two of the biggest problems that we saw with the Buyer Requests.
  4. I'm a Level 2 Seller, just like you are and I get 3-5 relevant briefs a day. I don't make offers on most of them because I get a lot of orders from organic searches. However, whenever my organic search slow down, I make offers on the briefs and usually get orders that way. Do you really want to start over again? You have 156 reviews. It's not easy to get that far. Especially if you have gotten most of your orders through Buyer Request. That would take a very long time. I'm afraid buyer requests are training new sellers to think that because they are "busy" they are working hard. "Staying online and waiting for buyer requests" is not how you should be spending your time. The fact that you can't "rank" only confirms that. If you are building your business the correct way, you will get better visibility in search, as @katakatica said. Focus on your customers and tailor your gigs to speak to them. The better you can connect with your target buyers, the higher chances you'll have of getting orders and being visible in search. You might also want to change your forum picture.
  5. I'm trying to find this out on a different thread... it looks like that buyer may have extended several times on the same delivery to add 7 days. [Note: Topics have been merged.]
  6. Hi @studioblackroom, that toggle button is only available when "Live Portfolio" is turned off on your gig page. See below. It would be nice to have this option available at all times.
  7. It's 5 days on each delivery, though. I have 3 revisions. That could be 15 days for me. I would like to have this option included on our custom offers so that buyer and seller can agree on a review period. Some of my projects are large, so I do want give my buyers longer review times for those. I think most could be handled by agreement, and then the "more time button" should be used for the unexpected. I'm wondering how this happened, since I'm only able to add 5 days after each delivery. Did the buyer extend it twice....one for 5 days and another for 2 (for a total of 7 days)?
  8. It looks like this can be extended for up to 5 days after each delivery: 😲 It only allowed me to add a maximum of 5 days to my review period: [Note: Topics have been merged.]
  9. Hi @doralaide, If you turn on the "Get Brief" option on your desktop view (from the Gig page), you will get notifications and can send offers from your phone:
  10. Hi @melanielm, I just got it today, so they are rolling it out to all members little by little. You can see on this thread that there are still quite a few who haven't gotten this feature yet. Hopefully soon, though!
  11. Hi @mateusbl, I'm not having any trouble submitting briefs. I was easily able to add my three categories for my briefs. Did you try 8-10 times consecutively (around the same time)...or did you try at different times in the day? I know Fiverr's site has been buggy due to all the updates they are doing. You might want to check again. It's working now for me.
  12. Hi @wordpresspro133, If you don't see any buyer requests, then you can't make any offers on them. Don't waste too much time on buyer requests because Fiverr is doing away with them. Only select sellers still have the buyer requests, but pretty soon it will be eliminated completely. Buyer requests will be replaced with Buyer Briefs. These briefs will be sent to your inbox and you can decide if you want to make an offer or not. Please make sure that your "Get Brief" option is on from your Gig page.
  13. HI @pod_designer20 - I agree! I usually have to copy paste the buyer's message myself like the one below because we "don't" have the reply or quote feature in the chat box: Great idea!
  14. @imagination7413 & @williambryan392 - Do any of you know why I'm post-limited again?


    I noticed that lately, a lot of my messages have been "hidden," requiring a m0d to approve the content before it gets posted on the forum. I think you two have approved some of those messages, so maybe you know why I'm post-limited again. I don't see any warnings on my account.

    I lost access to the Seller Plus forum, too.

    I also lost "Anonymous mode." 

    This isn't an urgent request - I just want to know if I've been posting anything that might have triggered the system. Thanks for all your help!

    1. imagination7413


      Huh. No clue on the limit part. Or on the access. Or on the anon. (Don't have access to that info.) Post approval I don't think has any bearing? 

      If I had to guess, I'd think the forum might be being worked on. (Experience says 'mess with code or settings = break stuff'.) But I really don't know. 

      I can ask Frank, if you like?

    2. vickieito


      Thanks for your help, @imagination7413! I think everything's okay now! I can see the Seller Plus forum and I have anonymous mode on too. 

  15. Hi @nayem_developer! Welcome to the forum! 🥰
  16. Hi @farkhandayasir, there are many gigs offering the services you describe. I find it hard to believe you couldn't find the right category for photoshop editing. Here's the first one I found: Graphics & Design --> Image Editing --> Photo Manipulation I suggest you look around and pick the one that best fits your editing and open up your gig. There's no reason to wait around for the perfect category to pop up. Other sellers are already making money doing this, and you can too. However, you need to take that first step to do your research, pick the best category, and publish your gig.
  17. Hi @obr_design, as a newbie to the forum, you will have a daily limit of 5 posts (that includes private messages). You can also make 1 status update and 1 status reply. I still had the 5-post-a-day limit as a Grand Master for a while, even though I had 500 posts and a reputation score over 5,000 points. Just focus on keeping the rules of the forum, being courteous, and providing value to the forum and that limit will eventually be removed. 😊
  18. Hi @husnain8888 - Fiverr is getting rid of Buyer Requests and is replacing it with Buyer Briefs. There are usually a lot of posts about the latest update on this forum, so keep your eyes peeled for those announcements!
  19. I think $29/mo is ridiculously cheap for all the benefits I get (and will get with all the new features rolling out). I'm enjoying the Seller-Plus-only forum, too where we can give input into new product developments. And yes, it is nice to be able to withdraw funds minutes after an order closes. You can always opt out if you don't like it. If you want to join, now is the time, because prices are going up now they have two tiers of Seller Plus.
  20. Unless you are following people for the purpose of learning and improving your business. 😊 That has tremendous benefits! If you are "favoriting" each other's gigs by clicking on the "heart" icon, that doesn't help either. That's a tool for buyers to organize favorite gigs into lists for easy access. It doesn't help you as a seller.
  21. In addition to everything @donnovan86 mentioned, Seller Plus members are constantly getting new perks that are not listed above such as Negative Keywords and Request to Order features.
  22. Hi @smrakib, now you have to convince the buyers who see your gig to click on it and order. Pay attention to the number of clicks. Is that number increasing? And are your clicks converting into orders? If you don't have clicks, buyers aren't interested enough to click on your gig. Make your gig image, video, title, and prices attractive. If you have clicks, but no sales, buyers are visiting your gig, but decided not to buy ... they went to your competitors instead. Focus on tailoring your gig description, FAQs, and portfolio to be attractive to the buyers you are looking for.
  23. If you check out Community Events, you'll see this page: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/25-community-events/ Scroll down to see what articles there are in this forum. You'll see club events, local meetup events, and more.
  24. I suggest that you start looking for other ways to drum up business on Fiverr. Fiverr is doing away with Buyer Requests, so it's not something you should be focused on at the moment. Instead, focus on making your profile and gig attractive to your target customers so that they will want to buy from you and not your competition.
  25. Oh, goodness. I've been having my best month yet on Fiverr YTD ...but my health goals need some work. 😅 Here's my updated goal list for this year: 1. Become a Level 1 Seller (done!) 2. Become a Level 2 Seller (done!) 3. Update all my gigs (done!) 4. Start having weekends again and work half days - still working on this... I haven't gotten weekends yet, but I am free in the afternoons now. 5. Lose weight that I gained since I started freelancing - (done! ... but it's starting to creep up again, so I'm revisiting this one!) New goal: Hit all the targets for TRS - it looks like I'm on track to achieving this!
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