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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @kplsanjeewa, You can sell multiple and different services through your seller profile on Fiverr. That's what I love about Fiverr. 😊 Consider changing your tagline and bio to rebrand yourself so that you can paint a clear and consistent story about yourself. You data entry and photography skills are unique selling points (USPs) for you and help you to differentiate yourself from all the other sellers on the platform.
  2. I completely agree with you, @preow2022! My repeat buyers are the reason why I'm in business and I can continue working on this platform. These buyers will bring business to you even when your gig isn't visible in search, or you take a hit to your seller metrics through a cancelation or negative review. Exactly! Keeping out clients happy goes a long way. 😊 Thanks for sharing your experiences!
  3. Hi @mahendrasing981, Welcome to the forum! I'm glad to hear that you have a great experience as a buyer here on Fiverr! 😊 There aren't too many buyers on the forum (most are sellers), so I'm wondering if you would you be willing to share your experiences as a Fiverr buyer ...What advice would you give to other buyers who are building their teams here on Fiverr? Are you a regular buyer, a Fiverr Select buyer, or a Fiverr Business buyer? I'm curious to hear what you have to say!
  4. Hi @farookcoding, The perfect time is now. 😊 I see that you already created a Figma gig, so great job doing that! Please monitor your gig to see how many impressions, clicks, and orders you are able to pull in over the next couple of weeks. If you need to, make additional changes to increase traffic to your gig and start converting that traffic into orders. I did noticed that you are writing design words as "d,esign" "desi,gns" and "des,igner" ...is there a reason for that?
  5. Hi @takahashi38, If you have content on your own website or other place online, that can trigger the system to think the video is plagiarized. However, you can create a support ticket and attach all of the source files to show that you are the rightful owner of the content. Here's a link for you to create that support ticket: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/create-a-gig/create-ticket
  6. Hi @artisticoahanaf, you can cancel the order and create a new custom order for the correct amount. Under the new Cancelation Policy, if the buyer purchases a new order from you within 2 weeks of the cancelation, that cancelation will not count against you.
  7. Hi @young_jae1, Welcome to the forum! 😊 I see that you are a digital marketer, so you'll be very interested in understanding how Fiverr works so that you can increase your visibility in search. It's very different from how SEO works for a search engine. @frank_d wrote two, detailed articles that will help you understand exactly how Fiverr operates and what you can do to increase your chances of success on Fiverr: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  8. Hi @webgaragepro, Here are the two levels:
  9. Hi @smartdezigns - it really depends on how much you use and get out of the program. If you don't really use the features, it won't be helpful for you. I get a lot out of my Seller Plus membership so it makes sense for me to keep my subscription. I suggest you monitor how this program is working for you and keep it if it's helping your business.
  10. Please take your success manager's tips with a grain of salt. Success Managers can only make recommendations - it is up to you to see if the recommendations will actually help your business or not. If it isn't working for your business, don't do it. I love my success manager, but not everything she suggests to me works for my business. And that's to be expected. When I show her the numbers, how it's not working, she usually agrees with me that I should stop and change course. You are the the business owner. It's great to try out different things and features that Fiverr has to offer. However, things that may work for other businesses might not work for yours, so you have to be able to change course when needed.
  11. Hi @artspace_, It looks like you lost your eligibility for cash advance. If it's not available, you won't be able to take a cash advance. This isn't to say you won't be offered this feature again in the future. You might get it back.
  12. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum, @munadelk! I wish the best for you and your Arabic-English translation business! 😊
  13. Hi @aben_paulson, As a new seller, focus on getting impressions and clicks, and converting those clicks into orders. Here's advice that I shared earlier today on clicks and orders: If you want to increase impressions and visibility in search, this is a great resource for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/
  14. Hi @shreya_diptha, Welcome to the forum! I see you are a Level 2 seller with many happy customers! I was also a Level 2 seller when I first started posting on the forum. I love your portfolio and cartoon logos! 😍
  15. Hi @hossenhk, I saw your other post where you shared your impressions, clicks, and orders. Start with these metrics. Since you are getting impressions, this means that you are relevant in search. That means when buyers look for your services, you are showing up in their search pages. This is a good thing. However, your clicks and orders are low. Low clicks means that your gig isn't attractive enough to make buyers want to click on your gig. So try to find ways to make your gig more attractive - what will make your gig look different and stand out from the competition? If it looks too similar, it won't catch a buyer's eye. Also, if you have too much text, you'll quickly lose the interest of your buyer. List only 2-5 words on your gig image that clearly states your services. Check your title ...it may be optimized to be found, but is it too long for your buyer to understand? If clicks aren't turning into orders, then you haven't convinced buyers to buy from you. They moved away from your gig and decided to go with you competition. Don't give them reason to leave. Remember, you don't need to stuff your gig descriptions with keywords - your gig descriptions should be written for your buyers. Most of them won't know half of the words you included in your descriptions. Buyers don't want to know the tools you will be using - they want to know what you can do for them. So show them that through your portfolio and writing descriptions that moves them into action and buying your gig!
  16. Hi @design4y0u, The "Among my clients" feature is only offered to select sellers. I think they just started to offer it to more sellers because I just recently got it several months ago (and then also got the "My Portfolio" option last month). There were also more reports on the forum of other sellers, including Level 1 sellers, receiving these features. My guess is that seller performance plays a role in who gets these features. So hopefully, these will be made available to you sometime soon, too. I do like your graphic design samples in your Live Gallery and gigs. Having "Among my clients" and a "Portfolio" will also greatly enhance your profile and add to your credibility as a seller.
  17. Hi @dana__b, you're correct, I was one of the sellers that was "matched" to your brief. I did consider your brief since I love writing resumes and profiles for career changers and SAHM's. I'm a career changer myself, having transitioned from 17 years as a food scientist to doing data entry, writing resumes, and offering other services on Fiverr. I love my work now because it allows me to work from home and be there for my kids. I feel that a PhD in Psychology transitioning to a career in the music industry is not a long shot, especially with your volunteer experience in concert and live music. Music and psychology are deeply intertwined, since music is meant to evoke certain emotions and enhance the quality and overall enjoyment of its listeners. So there's a lot of fun connections you can weave into your resume and profile to show off those qualifications. However, I also noted your strong plea to the music industry, which is one of the reasons why I declined your brief. I do review and optimize resumes for those in the music industry and production, but I'm not specifically in the music industry. So I thought it was best for you to explore working with those sellers first. You can type in "resume for music" or "entertainment resume" to hopefully find sellers who are more in line with what you are looking for. I have better luck using Fiver's search than submitting Buyer Requests or Buyer Briefs, because like you said, sometimes you get sellers who aren't the best matches for what you are looking for (they only happen to be in the category that you selected).
  18. I agree! Revisions should be a system-enforced thing. Sellers already set the amount of revisions included when they set up their packages. This would prevent buyer-abuse of this button if they automatically start getting charged for any additional revisions (or at least get a pop-up warning saying, "If you proceed with this revision request you will be charged "X" amount in USD.).
  19. Hi @muneebali5, you should have received an email from Fiverr explaining why your account was restricted. If not, you can reach out to Fiverr to find out why. You can create a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/account-issue/account-was-disabled/create-ticket
  20. Hi @mohidfaizi - I don't see a negative review on your profile (I only see 5-star reviews), can you explain what the issue is? Normally a bad review is on your profile forever (even if you delete the gig). So don't delete the gig. Instead, respond to the negative review professionally and address the concerns of the buyer. How you respond to a negative review influences how your future buyers perceive you. As a buyer, I might consider doing business with a buyer that has a negative review based on how they responded to the negative review. Also, over time, if you consistently deliver quality services and keep your buyers happy, your average rating can get back up to 5 stars.
  21. @quantivo, I'm sorry to hear of your negative experience! 😟 Yes, it seems like 2-3 months ago, we started to see a lot of would-be-sellers coming onto the forum saying that their new seller accounts were denied (or their gigs were denied). About that same time we also started to see existing sellers who have been on the platform for years, saying they were shut down. This is part of Fiverr's initiative to "increase the quality of services on Fiver." That's really all the information that we have, and we can make assumptions on what exactly that is based on what gigs are getting approved/denied as well as new changes that are being rolled out by Fiverr. Some of those sellers weren't violating Fiverr's ToS or Community Standards - but it did seem like their gig and category didn't seem to align with the new direction that Fiverr seems to be moving in right now. I think that might be the case for you and your category. Only 150 gigs were pulled up when you typed in the search term "tradingview indicator." That is really a small amount when compared with the rest of the platform. In a lot of the categories on Fiverr, there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of gigs that are pulled up with one search term. It could possibly be that Fiverr is now denying new sellers in you category to limit the number of sellers offering this service because of the low volume it pulls in (and because the service doesn't align with the direction that they're moving in). But only Fiverr knows that direction. I don't think Customer Service has the bandwidth to take down all of the existing accounts that are currently violating ToS. Some are getting caught by Fiverr's team, but a lot are getting flagged by the automatic system when these sellers are making updates or by sellers or buyers who notice that the gigs violate Fiverr's ToS. There's still a lot of gigs on Fiverr that are in violation of Fiverr's ToS that haven't been taken down yet, but Fiverr is trying to clean up the platform. I think Fiverr is trying to shake the image of $5 cheap freelancers and they're trying to show buyers that they will have a higher calibre of sellers on the platform by screening new accounts and gigs, and restricting/denying the gigs and categories that don't really align with their movement in that direction. Fiverr usually doesn't provide much information other than referring to the Community Standards, their quality standards, and ToS. I'm surprised that they corresponded/communicated with you as much as they have. Most of the people coming to the forum with the same problem didn't get much feedback from Fiverr CS. This is really harsh. You're not allowed to sell. All you can do is buy on this platform. And customer service says, "All the best for your future endeavors!" (a little too brightly and optimistically) I joined Fiverr without any idea of what I wanted to do. It took me 2.5 years to decide on my first gig, and from there, I branched out with 6 more gigs in completely different categories. I'm really grateful that I had that time to to explore and figure out what I wanted to to sell on this platform. I'm pretty sure I would be denied if I were to approach the platform in the same way that I did 3.5 years ago. I was denied on other freelancing platforms because they didn't need the services that I was offering. I was lucky enough that Fiverr was lenient back then. It's much stricter now! I did see other sellers-to-be on the forum who were told to "try again later." This seems to be a kinder option. Was that offered to you?
  22. Hi @sayedcsee, Here's what's offered on the two plans: I'm on the Premium plan and this is what I love from Seller Plus: I can get paid as soon as an order closes (a 1% fee applies) or get paid within 7 days. I can see buyer's data - their cancelation rates, average order amount in USD, and what they typically order I can utilize Negative Keywords to prevent certain types of buyers from contacting me based on their keywords I have access to more data on how my gigs are doing, where my orders are coming from, and which keywords I should be using I can use coupons to encourage my buyers to place orders I have faster response rates from Fiverr CS - sometimes my tickets are resolved in less than 20 minutes. I love the Seller Plus forum - we get an exclusive look into new features I love having a dedicated success manager that I can email at any time I'm curious about the "Top Rated Seller priority vetting" and if it will help me There are constantly new features being added to Seller Plus
  23. The tendency seems to be to accept one of the first answers as "the answer" ...even if 5 TRS come in later and refute the answer. This is why I search for threads where there are no answers yet, because I have a chance at giving a good response and making an impression on the OP before the "stay online" promoters jump on. If the "stay online" folks have already responded, the impression on the OP is already made and I don't have much hope of changing their bias towards the first answer. I think @imagination7413 talked about this bias earlier. And it's very true. That's what I've been doing. I'll usually report with "this thread is becoming spammy, please lock it." Usually it's locked pretty quickly. Thanks @williambryan392! I might take you up on that!
  24. @sahiramsiyag - You only have reviews from 1 buyer (and all your orders have been within the last 2 weeks). Please don't spread myths like this on the forum. This has been stated many times on the forum: Your activity on the forum does not have any bearing with how you are doing as a seller! It will not bring you more orders or more exposure from your target buyers. It will not give you extra privileges as a seller. It will not increase your chances of getting the rising talent badge.
  25. I also love Fiverr - Overall, I'm really pleased with all the new features and changes that they are rolling out. I like how product development is listening to the input of those in the Seller Plus program via the Seller Plus forum. I see Fiverr as a launchpad for those who are new to freelancing and business in general. It teaches sellers fundamental skills on how to price themselves, how to track important metrics, how to deal with customers, and how to market/brand themselves right. These skills can be applied to other business opportunities elsewhere. I agree with you that it's wise for sellers to branch out and start off other businesses, but I also wouldn't mind sticking with Fiverr for as long as I can, even if it ends up being just a few orders here and there. 😊
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