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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. You are correct - I tried to do the same thing and reached out to Fiverr Customer Support. They told me that I just had to mark the buyer as "spam" if I wanted to block buyers before they placed an order with me.
  2. Hi @shohagsheqder, when you qualify for this, it will show up on your seller profile page. Get permission from your client to add them first, then you can add them as a top client. You can add a brief description of the work you did for them. If they are already a part of Fiverr's dropdown list, they will be added immediately to your profile. Otherwise, the top clients will go into pending status until Fiverr approves them:
  3. I had to request to add three clients. One client was approved within a week. The other two have been pending since August. I think it depends on how busy the team is that reviews the clients. My success manager said not to worry as long as it still says 'pending' (because that means they haven't denied it).
  4. That would be a great option - I'd love to see if there's an option to have threads auto-locked if they sit around inactive for a certain period of time. If someone really wanted to add to the topic (and the topic is relevant) they can always ask for the thread to be unlocked again. Unfortunately it isn't just the old threads that are being resurrected by spammy responses, many of the new threads get spammy pretty quick. This prompted @cartoon_avatar to make this suggestion: Whenever I see a topic that is starting to get spammy I'll "reporting" that thread so that it can get locked. I'll also "report" a member if I see a spammy response in a thread and then visit their profile to see that that their last 5 responses were all spammy, too. And then, I report if people are posting in the wrong category or sharing their gigs/gig links inappropriately. Sometimes I'll let them know I'm reporting (but I don't want to clutter the forum with my responses to spam, so I usually just report silently). Sometimes I'm reporting more than posting on the forum. The m0ds do respond to these requests, but so much happens on a daily basis that it's hard for them to keep up with the requests. Or to issue warnings. So there's no real punishment for these spammy posters. The system rewards them for posting, (whether it's good or not), so they keep on posting.
  5. Hi @sazzad_wp, You have orders, great reviews, and great images in your Live Gallery. I wouldn't worry too much about your "gig rank." You just recently joined Fiverr earlier this month, so to already have 8 reviews is pretty amazing. Most sellers won't get orders so quickly. Your gig rank probably dropped because Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers and when that boost disappears, your impressions may drop. However, you are getting fairly regular orders and happy customers. So as long as you continue doing that, your gig should be visible to your buyers. Just so you know, what you see in search isn't what your buyers will see. I have a hard time finding myself in search, but I still get regular buyers ordering from me. Fiverr's algorithm gives each buyer a different view - so they may see you higher up in search than you see yourself (so it's useless to try searching for yourself). What you should focus on is how many impressions, clicks, and orders you are getting. Impressions will show you how visible you are in search. Higher impressions will get your gig shown to more potential buyers. You can increase your impressions by continuing to keep your buyers happy, being responsive, and keeping your seller statistics in good standing. Fiverr won't promote sellers with subpar performance. You can also increase your impressions by making sure your title, tags, and gig descriptions are relevant to the buyers you are targeting. Use the words that they would use when searching for your services. Clicks will show you how attractive your gig is in search. Higher clicks means that you are attractive to many buyers. You can increase your clicks by keeping your buyers happy, having attractive gig images, adding a gig video to both of your gigs, having a competitive price, and having a clear title. Orders will show how healthy your business is. Pay attention to your conversion rate - if you are getting many clicks but no orders, you aren't convincing people to order from you. Instead, they are moving on to your competition. Your goal is to get buyers to visit your gig and place an order. Your gig description, gallery images, FAQs, and profile should be written specifically with that in mind.
  6. I do think you should contact Customer Support. Show them how the buyer is abusing the revision button and not letting you know what needs to be revised. You can also show how you have delivered according to the order requirements. Customer Service may be able to contact the buyer on your behalf so that the buyer can actually tell you what changes need to be made. You can create a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order/create-ticket
  7. Hi @jamshadulrafi - if the order is still in "incomplete" status, you actually don't have to do anything. I have several orders in incomplete status (and one is from May). The order is paid for and won't start until the customer submits the information, so you only need to send one message to the buyer to remind them to submit their order requirements (you don't need to send more). The buyer will either provide you with the information you need, or they will eventually cancel the order. My buyer from May reached out to me in July to tell me she was busy and will send me the order requirements soon. 😊 If an order is canceled before the order requirements are submitted, that cancelation will not affect your order completion rate:
  8. Hi @jamshadulrafi, when is your delivery date? If the delivery is due soon and the buyer is not responding, you might want to cancel the order (to avoid a late delivery) through Customer Support so that it doesn't hurt your order completion rate. You can show Customer Support that you have no order requirements from the buyer and that the buyer is not responding. If the delivery is not due soon, I would still contact Fiverr support to request help for a non-responsive buyer. I've had Customer Support contact a buyer on my behalf when my attempts to contact the buyer failed. The buyer responded to replied to Customer Support and then provided me with my requested information. You can contact Customer Support here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order/create-ticket You might also want to submit an extension request to the buyer asking them to extend the delivery date so that you can have enough time to finish the order.
  9. Hi @alfonsolovera - Fiverr is designed to bring buyers to your gig, so you shouldn't have to promote using social media. Instead, focus on optimizing and making your gig attractive to your potential buyers. If your gig is optimized and relevant, Fiverr will start showing your gig to buyers when they search for your services. If your gig is attractive, then buyers will click on your gig and buy from you. Think from your buyer's perspective, and write your gig for them. What would make them want to click on your gig image (and not your competitors)? What would make them want to buy from you? For example, if I wanted an English-to-Spanish translation, I would want to see samples of your work. You only have one gig image and nothing else. Use your remaining 2 image files, 2 PDF files, as well as a gig video to show off your abilities and portfolio. When you have no reviews, an impressive portfolio will give you credibility. Here are other ways you can update your gig to help increase your visibility in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/273172-the-simplest-way-to-get-a-boost-in-ranking/
  10. Hi @ayesha_rehman99, I like to use @newsmike's response to these buyers: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/255537-question-buyer-might-be-abusing-the-revision-request-system-to-get-free-work-what-can-i-do/?do=findComment&comment=1555167
  11. Hi @anniejenkinson, if you cancel (and then reissue a new order) in the manner I described below, it won't affect your seller stats. You also can have that order sitting in "incomplete" status without having to keep extending it. The buyer would need to be available to accept the new order as soon as the cancelation is finished for it to work (or at least within 2 weeks). I usually have the buyer cancel and then I send them a new order to accept. You shouldn't have to involve Customer Support if you do it this way.
  12. Hi @carlamaria06, Cancel the order and then have the buyer place a new order (without submitting the order requirements). This will put the order into an "incomplete status" indefinitely until they give you the required information to get started. This is a good option because: If you cancel an order and the buyer purchases a new order within 2 weeks, that cancelation will not count against you (it will not hurt your seller statistics). There are also no public reviews on canceled orders - buyers have their funds returned to them, so it's like an order didn't take place. Public reviews are only on finished/delivered orders. You won't have to keep extending the new order - as long as the buyer doesn't submit the order requirements, the order won't officially start until they give you the files. I have an order in the incomplete status since May and I just leave it that way - the buyers have already purchased the gig, I'm just waiting on them to submit the required documents to start. My second incomplete order is for a third subscription order (because we are trying to finish the second subscription order first). I like this option because I don't have to follow up on the buyers and I'll be notified as soon as their order starts. My buyers like this option because they can have as much time as they need to gather the information needed for me. The buyer that hasn't given me her files since May reached out to me in July to tell me that she's incredibly busy and will get the files when she can. So I don't worry about her order. If an order in the "incomplete status" gets canceled, it also won't count against your seller statistics. So really it's a win-win for you and your buyers.
  13. Hi @atawin, on your seller profile page, there is a "Certification" section for you to add in all relevant credentials (it is under your picture, just scroll all the way down on the left sidebar and you'll find it under the 'Education' section): I add in all my certifications here and I don't need to show a copy of my certificates. It'll look like this after you fill out the form above:
  14. It does look like policy changed in July:
  15. Hi @sajid_wali, The algorithm will be looking at the prices for all of your gigs, so the "Get brief" price isn't the only price that will be looked at when the algorithm matches you with a potential buyer. I set my "Get brief" minimum price to match a premium package that I wanted to get matches on. With both the "Get brief" price and gig price matching, I tend to get a lot of matches (5 a day) for the gig/price that I want.
  16. Were you able to find the activities of your copycats on that website?
  17. I also had several orders canceled immediately (without the order requirements) and they didn't affect my seller stats.
  18. Hi @razib_biswas, if you had to cancel two orders, that can affect your impressions. Can you explain what you mean by "fake"? If the orders were canceled due to buyer error, you can create a ticket with Customer Support to make sure that the cancelation doesn't affect you as a seller: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order No, keep your existing account. Work with Customer Support to see if you can remove the two cancelations without it affecting your seller statistics. If not, the cancelations will stay on your account for 60-90 days. During that time, you can work on optimizing your gigs so that you are more attractive to buyers. I noticed that the gig thumbnail on your first gig state "Data Entry Expart," please change to "Data Entry Expert." Also, your gig profile and descriptions contain long lists of your skills. Buyers don't really care for these long lists - they just want to find someone who will get them what they need. So consider rewriting your bio and gig descriptions so that you show your buyers how you are the answer to their problems. Here are other things that you can do to make the most out of this downtime: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  19. Hi @mavaisashraf, It doesn't hurt your seller statistics if an order is canceled before the order requirements are submitted, so if you really wanted to, you could cancel these orders. However, since the buyers already paid for their orders, it doesn't hurt to just keep those orders where they are at. I think Fiverr also periodically cleans some of these orders for you if they've been hanging around for several years. I have an order that has been in the "incomplete status" stage for about 6 months, with no buyer response since July. The price of my premium package has increased by $70, and I'm doing another price increase, so I might cancel the order based on these price changes. However, I'm still okay with the price of this one order and will probably keep it open since the buyer admitted to being really busy (but still interested) in her last message.
  20. Hi @saqibjaveed1891, I asked for your last two posts to be removed since you can't share your contact information here. The last message also looked spammy. If you want to offer your teaching services on Fiverr, you would have to create and publish a gig. Then interested students could order lessons from you. If you're working with buyers on your own, you would need a marketing plan in place to find students. For example, you could use social media marketing, affiliate programs, email campaigns, and sales funnels.
  21. Impressions are only related to buyers who are using Fiverr's search function to find your services. A buyer will type in a service and if your gig pops up, that will count as an impression. If they click on your gig, then that will count as a click. Those coming to your gig via social media don't need to search for you because you gave them your direct link. So they will go straight to your gig. This is good because your gig will get more traffic - it's just not measured by impressions and clicks.
  22. It already happened! The new cancelation process went into effect on Oct 3rd, 2022. I already tried it out on several orders and it works great! The only issue I ran into was when a buyer accidentally accepted my custom order before canceling the previous order. That cancelation initially affected my seller stats until Customer Support was able to fix it for me.
  23. Not at all! 😂 This is fun! I always wondered how the "Rising Talent" badge worked. When I was a newbie seller, it was a badge that I always wanted. Now I know that I never got it because I lacked "great potential" and "verified skills." Transferable skills don't really count as experience. And if @williambryan392's right, I also didn't get it because of the super cheap prices that I had when I first started (I set them low because of my lack of experience). Luckily the Fiverr's Choice badge is available based on quality, because I do get that badge often. And that badge seems to have higher clout than the Rising Talent badge. It also gives a big boost in visibility. @vickiespencer - I saw your comment above, what are you seeing with the Fiverr's Choice badge? ...Now that I know why I never got the Rising Talent badge, the only other question I have is why I can't ever seem to get the "Highly responsive" badge.
  24. Hi @emdad555, Once you turn on the "Get brief" feature, it can take a while before you get briefs. It can also take a while to start getting relevant briefs. Here's how the process works: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/291227-get-brief-option/?do=findComment&comment=1837068 Here's a fun discussion on the features and improvements needed for Buyer Briefs: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/288127-using-brief-matching-process-effectively-teach-the-ai/
  25. Hi @duzmachine - I see that you had a 4.3-star review 5 months ago (which is this May). You also had a 4.3 star review 10 months ago. In both of these cases, the buyers may have left a negative private review (which you'll never see, you'll just see a decrease in impressions). It can be really difficult to recover from negative reviews, but it can be done. Repeat buyers can really help out during slower times, and I do notice that you have one strong repeat buyer. It would be nice if you could get more repeat customers. Are you on Seller Plus? Offering coupons or discounts via custom offers to buyers who are likely to reorder might be a great way for you to drum up more business.
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