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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. One of the first things she did was go behind my back and demand that Customer Support pay me for a canceled order where the buyer disappeared and took my files. I had one last deliverable that I couldn't deliver on the order, and since the buyer disappeared (and I was silly enough to give the other deliverables in the chats), I had to cancel. I was just planning on taking the hit financially, but my success manager thought otherwise. A month later, I found over $100 in my account and received an email from Customer Support saying that my account was credited for the work that I did. When I told my success manager about it, she admitted she was behind the whole thing.
  2. Seller Plus hasn't increased my business, but I do like the perks, so that's why I keep it. I'm on the Premium plan. I like the Seller Plus only forum, trying out new features (like Negative Keywords and Request to Order), giving product feedback to product managers, and having unlimited access to my Success Manager. Oh, and having funds on the same day the order closes is nice, too.
  3. I'm sorry you feel that our suggestions are treating you like a newbie seller. That wasn't the intent. The truth is, many experienced seller opt to ignore the Buyer Briefs entirely for all the reasons that you mentioned. Briefs often come from budget buyers or buyers who don't know what they want (so they keep the briefs vague). On top of that, you then have to submit an offer if you want a shot at the job. The whole reason why I joined Fiverr was to avoid bidding on projects. Buyers who know what they want will usually find you via organic search, which why many experienced sellers choose to work with these sellers, rather than the Buyer Briefs. I only go to the Buyer Briefs during slow downs because I have a high chance of getting the brief if I make an offer. So Buyer Briefs only make up 0.1% of all the orders that I do (yes, I calculated). 😊 I'm guessing the same is true for you!
  4. I'm following your conversation @cartoon_avatar & @strategist_ceo! I'm also not in the Fiverr Business category and just assumed it was invite-only (or that I haven't met the qualifications yet). I also believe that as long as you are providing good services, it's only a matter of time.
  5. How about processed food? I was a hotdog last year. Apparently dressing up for Halloween was a job requirement for my teaching English job in Japan. They didn't know how terrible I am with costumes. The first year, I made a poor attempt at a robot costume. I didn't realize there were "cool" robots like Transformers. Even my husband disapproved of the costume and reminded me that my version of a robot was "from a hundred years ago." Whoops! The second year was better because I could use my white lab coat. I'm not sure what we were teaching the children though ...that it's okay to take candy from a doctor hiding in a narrow alley? (As long as you answer a question in English!) My last Halloween as a teacher, I was a hotdog because nothing's scarier than processed food! 😂 (I was the only one laughing at that joke.) However, part of the hotdog costume was to encourage the students to speak in English as much as possible, so I would say, mission accomplished! We had good conversations about food, whether a hotdog's a sandwich, and took turns explaining the techniques of doing the floss dance properly while in a hotdog costume. This year was great because I didn't have to dress up! Yay! The joys of being a full-time freelancer!
  6. With Buyer Briefs, you have 3 options: 1. You can just reject the brief for being too vague. 2. You can contact the buyer directly with your questions before submitting an offer. 3. You can submit an offer with terms that work for you. Set the timeframe and define the deliverables. If the buyer is interested, he or she will contact you - most likely they will define their specs better at that point and you can withdraw your original offer and give them a custom one that works for the both of you. I usually do Option #1 or Option #3. Option #2 can seem spammy to the buyer.
  7. Before the order goes into "late" mode, reach out to Customer Support by creating a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order/create-ticket Customer Support can reach out to the buyers on your behalf. I've had several buyers start communicating with me after Customer Support intervened. Sometimes you might have to cancel to avoid a late delivery (or if you don't have enough information to deliver). In those cases, Customer Support can cancel and make sure that it doesn't affect your seller statistics.
  8. Seller Plus has two options. One is a Top Keywords (which helps me see the average order amount I get from each keyword): Another is Keyword Research, which shows me the top performing keywords for my category (as well as the competition): When I didn't have Seller Plus, I would just enter in keywords into Fiverr's search to see what keywords are shown in the dropdown box (and it seems to work well):
  9. Hi @clxvers_designs! Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! It's great to see a teen with a dream. 😊 I like how you set up your gigs! One of the best ways to build credibility with your buyers is to show of your portfolio and skills in your image gallery - you have slots for 3 pictures and 2 PDFs, so take advantage of that! When I first started, I spent a lot of time working on my portfolio. Then, when buyers contacted me, they would specifically mention my portfolio saying, "I know you can do this because I saw your work." So this is one of the most powerful ways that you can connect with your buyers when you have zero orders and no reviews yet. If you want to read and learn about how to build your Fiverr business, the forum is a great place to do that. Here are some articles that you can read to get started: Start with @miiila's advice here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279005-the-first-5-things-you-should-do-when-starting-your-fiverr-career/ And continue on with this comprehensive list of resources from @williambryan392 and @imagination7413: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  10. Yes, you're correct. Fiverr is in the process of shutting down Buyer Requests. This will be replaced with Buyer Briefs, so please make sure the "Get brief" option is on and a minimum price is set on you Gig page.
  11. The Orders Breakdown Page shows it only for a certain timeframe (30, 60, 90. 180 days). It also won't show orders that have been delivered but not accepted by the buyer or auto-closed yet. Fiverr's search is specific to each buyer, so what you buyer sees in search might not be what you see. Sometimes I can't even find myself in search and then I'll get several Fiverr's Choice orders. So even though I can't find my gig in search, I know my buyers are finding me. So don't worry too much about finding yourself in search or trying to see if you have the badge.
  12. Hi @marymaerivas! Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! You just joined this month and it can take some time to get that first order. You can help your business grow by reading and applying the tips in this article written by @williambryan392, a Pro seller and top-rated seller - it's packed with many great articles. Please also scroll down to find @imagination7413's post in the same thread for some more helpful links: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282557-%F0%9F%A4%A9popular-top-rated-sellers-what-are-your-thoughts-on-these-comments-about-becoming-trs/?do=findComment&comment=1784338
  13. Yes, but only after the coupon is applied. So if you have a $100 order and a 20% off coupon, the buyer will pay $80 and you'll receive $64 (after Fiverr fees are applied).
  14. My comments are just speculation. You have more data than I have. I can't see your impressions, clicks, and orders. I can only guess based on written reviews. So look at those numbers and try to find out the reason why your gig isn't visible in search. There's always a reason and sometimes it takes a bit of research to find out what's going on.
  15. I was talking about negative private reviews, which no one will see. Based on the comments in a review you got 3 months ago, I suspected that buyer might have given you a negative private review, even though the public review was 4.3 stars. Private reviews are weighed heavily and have a big impact on your visibility in search. It also can stay on your account for 3 months.
  16. I don't blame Customer Support for using copy/paste answers! Same here. Usually I don't send them questions since most answers can be found by search or through my success manager. I only contact them for order-related issues. I'm pretty sure Customer Support is swamped with the same questions from sellers asking why they can't find their gig in search (or why they don't have clicks and impressions), why gigs or profiles aren't getting approved, why briefs aren't being sent to them, and why no one is ordering their gig.
  17. Hi @mohammad_sohan, Good for you! Please also ask the buyer why he no longer wants it. Find out if it's due to your delivery (e.g., if the buyer isn't satisfied with your work) or if he just doesn't need it anymore. If he isn't satisfied with the quality of the delivery, ask the buyer to specify what revisions he would like so that you can revise and re-deliver. If the buyer is satisfied with your work, but just doesn't need the order anymore, it doesn't qualify as a cancelation. As long as you've delivered everything according to the order requirements, you can respond as @newsmike suggests here (and keep rejecting his cancelation requests): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282473-yesterday-buyer-opened-a-dispute-and-i-declined-3-days-gone-but-order-is-not-marked-as-complete/?do=findComment&comment=1783095 You can also alert Customer Support of this problem so they can help you resolve this issue with your buyer. You can start by creating a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/issue-with-an-order/create-ticket
  18. Good point! I always cc my success manager after I create a ticket (I usually just forward the ticket over to her).
  19. Yes, it's usually due to negative private reviews from your customers (which you'll never see). Negative private reviews can make you seem invisible for 3 months or longer. The best thing you can do, is what you are doing now - continue to work with repeat buyers, delivering good orders so that you can get more positive reviews on your account. This can help you slowing gain more visibility in search until the negative private review drops off your record in 3 months. I did notice you had some negative reviews about three months ago, so hopefully it'll drop off soon and you can start seeing more impressions on your gig.
  20. Hi @donnovan86, normally I get a response within 3 hours, however there are some times when Customer Support is overwhelmed (it seems), and it can take them 24 hours to respond, even with Seller Plus. When that happens, sometimes the support agent is less knowledgeable and skilled, so it can take longer for them to understand the problem and help. This is only a problem when I agree to do a custom offer with a 24-hr delivery, so I try to avoid that. Customer Support should still be able to fix your OCR if you cancel yourself, especially if the order violates ToS.
  21. Good point, @miiila! I had to go back to my only "negative" review that I wrote (it was for a buyer that bought a resume package from me) and my review looks like your example: "Thanks for your order. Good luck with your job search." And then I just let the low stars say what I didn't say. So your point is very true. Many will try to separate & close the order on a good note (even with a negative experience). The only good thing I could think of was that I was grateful for the order and wished him well.
  22. No, it's a new feature being rolled out to Seller Plus members (and currently not all Seller Plus members have it yet).
  23. I actually appeal to one type of customer, but across 7 different gig categories. This not only helps me to target a specific group, I also get orders from others who don't fit my "target customer" profile. If you target one customer, most likely you'll have a group of the same type of customer that you can target. You don't need to cater to everyone, and you only really need a handful of repeat clients to do well on the platform. Narrow your focus to get rid of the competition. You can read more about that here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292277-how-to-get-the-data-entry-first-order/?do=findComment&comment=1842627 The more you can think like your customer, the better off your business will be. This article explains why: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480
  24. I agree! Since buyers are asked to leave three reviews for each order (2 private and 1 public), there are over 6 notifications that may go off to complete these reviews. On top of that, we are reminded to tip, which is annoying because even after you tip, you get the reminder to tip. It erases all goodwill a buyer has when tipping. Fiverr gets 20% of every tip, just like it takes out 20% from each order. This is to prevent abuses that could happen if Fiverr didn't take a cut out of the tips (e.g., sellers could circumvent Fiverr's 20% fee on the order by putting the bulk of the order amount on the tip). Fiverr has been pushing hard on getting buyers to buy, and to buy more. As soon as an order is placed, I'm immediately notified of other services that Fiverr has hand-picked for me to order. Whenever I do something n the site as a buyer, Fiverr picks it up and immediately starts sending recommendations to me. This is all aimed at making the buying experience easier. However, the notifications and recommendations are a bit spammy, in my opinion. It would be nice to opt out of certain things like the tip reminders and recommendations.
  25. Hi @dataentrypro3, this is an English forum, so it would be helpful to include the English translation so that everyone can know your question. English translation: Send the buyer a request to extend the delivery date of the order (I would add a week, just in case they don't give you the order requirements). The buyer will have 2 days to accept the request to extend the delivery date of the order. Then, reach out to Customer Support and let them know that the buyer declined your request for a cancelation and still have not provided the order requirements. You can ask Customer Support to ask the buyer to send you the order requirements. Ask if they can cancel the order if the buyer doesn't accept your request to extend the delivery date of the order (and have them make sure that the cancelation does not hurt your order completion rate). Orders canceled due to buyer error should not count against you as a seller.
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