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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @wpwebexpert_, this is from your profile: If you already have clients via LInkedIn or social media, you can direct those clients to order your services through Fiverr. This would be a great way for you to get started building up your reputation as a seller on this platform.
  2. Exactly! This is pretty ridiculous: I also had a new seller like this: I was waiting for a quote from this new seller, but instead, the seller delivered the order in the inbox (it was wrong, because he rushed and didn't read all of my requirements). I did end up accepting a custom offer from the seller, but told my seller that I wanted to "discuss" the points that were not in line with my order requirements before I submitted my revision request. Right away, the seller redelivers my file twice (one right after another). By the time I reviewed the files and submitted my revision request, the seller told me that I already used up all of my free revisions. The seller then requested to cancel the order because I was "too difficult" to work with, when all I stated in my revision request was that he did a great job, but forgot to address points #2 & #4 of the order requirements. I tried to reject the cancelation request and even offered to pay for the revision. I know how cancelations can impact sellers and the work was already 90% complete. However, the seller chose to cancel instead. That made me really sad. 😟 I think a lot of times, new sellers cause themselves undue stress (and place the blame on the buyer). Sometimes they just need to relax, read the requirements, and focus on doing awesome work. That helps with the customer service side of things as well.
  3. That's exactly why! It's because they are new. I did that once as a new seller and learned my lesson. The buyer told me they were placing the order, I got started/finished the order, and then found out that buyer had supposed "payment issues" that never got resolved. As a buyer, I still run into sellers who deliver before I even place an order and it's usually because they are new. It's very easy to get excited about an order and want to show how quickly you can do the work. It is annoying as a buyer when that happens, though. I prefer to get my order requirements set in stone when I place an order, not based on inbox chats.
  4. So I have noticed this thread and have been thinking over this the past few days. My record retention policy depends on my gig, the file, and other factors - so I don't have one timeframe that covers everything. For my resume writing gig, I delete these files as soon as possible because these documents contains confidential contact and personal information that I believe I have no right to have/retain after the order closes. If I need the files, I can just pull it from the order page/or inbox chat. I also let my buyers know that I will be deleting their files so that they are aware of my record retention policy. Other gigs, I'm more flexible with and have been retaining indefinitely (especially my curriculum orders that take weeks, even months to build). Also, I retain buyer-provided documents differently than documents that I create on my own. Buyer-provided documents are archived as I'm creating my project, and then deleted when I make deliveries. I also retain copies of in-process work/different deliveries differently based on the gig. I wish this was a simple question to answer! The more I think about it, I find that there are more levels for me to explore and question. 😂 I might be able to vote in the poll, but I'm currently indecisive on which options I should pick!
  5. Hi @ogwritter, Normally Fiverr sends an email explaining why your seller profile isn't approved. Did you receive the email(s)? What do you mean by it occurring repeatedly? Are you trying to set up multiple accounts? Users are only allowed to have one Fiverr account.
  6. Thanks to @theratypist, I did my first searches today specifically selecting only New Sellers (and filtering out all other levels). I never thought I would do that! 😂 Based on these fun searches, this is what I determine to play a role (or not) in the Rising Talent badge: The seller must have the "New Seller" status. The seller doesn't need to have any deliveries on their account. The seller doesn't need to have any reviews on their account. The seller doesn't need to have any portfolio images or proof that they can do the work. The seller doesn't need to have a great looking gig or use all of the available features (like it states in the Help Center). The seller doesn't even need to be available (one seller looks like he has been OOS for 2 months because of being "overbooked" ... this is probably with another platform because there are no order in queue, no reviews, and no deliveries on the account; there was another seller that had a very long average response time, and others who probably haven't even gotten messages to respond to). The Help Center states that the criteria is based on the gig's quality and potential. However, I see inconsistent quality, and when you hover over the Rising Talent badge, the only measurement listed is "showing great potential." Based on my searches, "great potential" is synonymous with "previous experience." All Rising Talent sellers that I looked at mentions in their bio and gig description that they have previous experience offering the gig's service somewhere else. That was the only common factor that I could see. Although many gigs looked great, some did not have proof of the quality of their work (such as portfolio samples, orders, or reviews). Does anyone else want to confirm what I'm seeing?
  7. Gig videos increase user engagement. You can add your gig thumbnail and portfolio to each video, so the videos can definitely make your gigs more attractive to your buyers.
  8. Hi @sheni_303, to report a buyer, you can hover over any of their messages and click on the "flag" button. Or you can just mark the buyer as spam. As a seller, you shouldn't have to pay anything to get an order.
  9. Hi @hmagoon! I'm also not into the graphic design and all the cool stuff. So I find your gigs (with procurement and buying) fun. 😊 I also did a lot of work in the supply chain as a food scientist, so it was a struggle to find a good way to market myself on Fiverr's platform (food science and supply chain roles aren't really in high demand here on Fiverr). The key is to capitalize on your transferrable skills and apply them to more in-demand services. Once I figured that out, it was much easier to make money on the platform. You can read more on how to do this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/
  10. Hi @abidhafiz2, I really like this article by @miiila! It's a great read for new sellers and lists the first 5 things you should do when starting your Fiverr business:
  11. Hi @mahfuz97, Clicks are reflection of how attractive your gig is. So if your gig is attractive, buyers will click on your gig to check it out. I won't mention a specific number of clicks that's good, because clicks are only good if they lead to orders. So focus on your conversion rate. If buyers are visiting your gig, do they end up buying from you? Or do they just move on to the next seller? If buyers are not buying, that means you aren't convincing enough - you will need to change your profile and gigs to be more appealing to your target buyers. Pay attention to the conversations that you have in your inbox, because that can shed light on what makes your gig attractive to buyers (or not).
  12. Hi @mr_riyas_mhd, On your profile - Instead of "I need a Client satisfy. I'll do your order while you'll say OK!!" - talk about how you can solve your client's problem. On your gig Consider adding a gig video and 2 PDFs to further highlight your portfolio and skills - This gives you credibility when you have no reviews. You state, "My service is totally different from other sellers." - This is great information! Please explain how you are different. Unlimited Revisions - This is only asking for problems and makes buyers question the quality of your services. Limit your revisions and charge for extras. Money Back Guarantee - This raises question in buyers' mind - don't make them doubt the quality of your work. My work isn't complete until you are 100% satisfied - There are some clients that you just can't satisfy, so this is a promise you can't make. "Sent If you have any Idea samples logo" - I'm not sure what you mean here ....can you clarify? "i' always online for you." should be "I'm always online for you." - However, I would avoid saying this. You shouldn't be online 24/7. Buyers should understand that you need time to sleep and take care of your needs. Just make sure that you are responsive to any messages that come in. This is where you have to study your gig's performance to see if it's good or not. If you are getting impressions, clicks, and orders, then your gig is good. If you aren't getting impressions, then you aren't relevant enough - so check your titles, tags, and make sure you are performing well as a seller and responding to messages in a timely manner. If you aren't getting clicks, then your gig isn't attractive enough - so look at making your gig video, thumbnails, prices, and titles more attractive. If you aren't getting orders, buyers are leaving your gig page and are choosing your competition - so rewrite your bio and gig descriptions to make it more attractive to your buyers. Utilize all of your FAQs to answer any question a potential buyer might have.
  13. Hi @naqvio7, normally Fiverr sends an email explaining why your seller account wasn't approved. Did you receive that email? If not, you can reach out to customer support here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/become-a-seller/create-ticket
  14. Hi @shahriar_dhrubo, Clicks are all related to how attractive your gig is - your gig price, title, gig video, gig thumbnail, and seller level/reviews. If you are not getting clicks, then your gig isn't attractive enough. Keep your gig thumbnails simple with one image that clearly represents your gig. Currently you have a lot of images on each gig thumbnail, so it's very busy and hard for the buyer to clearly understand what services you offer. You only have a few seconds to impress them. If you have a gig video, you can take another 60 seconds to engage and impress them ...so add gig videos to all of your gigs so that you can showcase your services and skills. Once buyers click on your gig, you also want to convert those clicks to orders. So write your profile bio and gig descriptions with your buyers in mind. Currently your profile bio ends with a big long list of things that you can do. That won't attract your buyers. They will want to know how you can help them and solve their problems. The better you can show them how you are the solution to their problem, the more likely they are to purchase your gig.
  15. This is a great point! As a buyer, I've purchased over 100 gigs this year. I find that the clearer my requirements are, the fewer problems I tend to have. I also prefer going with sellers that ask a lot of questions throughout the order to see if they are in line with my vision. I have more problems with the sellers that don't communicate until they make a delivery (and then they find out it's not in line with my order requirements). Good for you! Since I'm also a seller on Fiverr, I had trouble doing this in the beginning. However, I'm now able to cancel orders if I'm not satisfied with the delivery. Fiverr does have amazing talent here! I was able to add a practicing doctor to my team as a subject matter expert for a project I was working on. I've also worked with some amazing voiceover talent, animators, video editors, data entry specialists, and writers. Thanks for answering all of my questions, @mahendrasing981! I wish the best for you and your business! 😊
  16. Hi @mr_riyas_mhd, You can only share your gig links in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig." If you share it anywhere else, it's considered as spam.
  17. Whenever you make changes to your gig, it can reset your gig. So it might take some time for you to see how it performs in search. Allow time to see how your impressions, clicks, and orders look like with the new changes. If they don't improve within the next week or so, you can revert back to your previous title, and then monitor your gig's performance again for another week to see how it performs.
  18. Yes - It will affect your response time unless you mark the message as spam. I just make it a habit to respond so it doesn't affect my seller stats, by saying "no" or "hi," before marking the message as spam. I know a seller who went from a Level 2 to a New Seller in one evaluation period because she was not responding to her spam messages (and was using the "flag" button instead of the "spam" button). So you do need to be very careful to respond to every message and mark spam messages appropriately.
  19. I think they are using Seller Plus members as the test subjects to try out new features. I don't know if all features will be kept to the Seller Plus membership indefinitely.
  20. Here's when it started rolling out (currently it's only available to Seller Plus members):
  21. That's a very clever way to set up your packages, @ahkdev! I'm currently using Fiverr's new Request to Order feature on all my gigs to prevent buyers from placing orders without talking with me: I turn this feature on and off based on how many orders I'm getting. It works great! I hope this feature becomes available to all sellers soon!
  22. Hi @jimsonwrites, You can always create a support ticket to attach links or screenshots from the Wayback Machine (an internet archive) that can show snapshots of when you made changes to your gig and the copycat's gig to prove that it is actually your content. Just type in your gig link/the copycat's gig link here (and search through the dates): https://archive.org/web/ Fiverr should have access to the edits, but providing that information makes Fiverr's work easier. You can create your support ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/community-standards-and-terms-of-service/report-violation/create-ticket
  23. Hi @dhaka029, Fiverr is eventually getting rid of all Buyer Requests and will instead use the Brief & Match feature to match buyers with sellers. So it's best to concentrate on the Brief & Match feature, since it will take a while to train the AI to send you briefs that you want. Please make sure that your "Get brief" options is turned on from your Gig page and that you have a minimum price set for your briefs.
  24. Hi @rokibulislamdm, Fiverr is replacing Buyer Requests with Buyer Briefs, so they are slowing getting rid of all Buyer Requests. To get the most out of the Brief & Match feature, please make sure your "Get brief" feature is turned on from your Gig page (you will need to set a minimum price for the briefs that you want to get).
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