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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @nadeemehsan723 - on your best-selling gig, the standard package is $50. Do you think you should set the minimum price to $50?
  2. Thanks! The last time I changed my picture was when I became a Level 2 seller. This month marks 1 year since I published my first gig with Fiverr, so time for another picture change! 😊 I actually have mine set at $200 now and my last Buyer Brief order (last week) was for $168. My best-selling package is set at $160. I still get 3-5 briefs a day with my minimum "Get briefs" set to $200. I'll be increasing the prices of my package (or creating a new gig) because most of my custom orders are $200-$250 for that gig. I've been rejecting other briefs that are not for that gig (even if I offer the service). That's why I think my pricing has worked for me.
  3. It's on your Gig page. Click on the "My Business" tab and click on "Gigs." In the top right corner will be a "Get briefs" feature. Turn it on and enter in your minimum price.
  4. If your gig is ranking well, you have a good chance of getting briefs. However, if your seller performance is down because of negative reviews (private or public), you might not see as many briefs (for 90 days or so). Play around with the brief amount. I got zero briefs at $50 and then 3-5 briefs a day when my minimum amount was set to $100-$150 (which reflects my best-selling package). It would be safe to start by setting the minimum about to your best-selling package and then see what kind of briefs you get.
  5. The red symbol is just to warn you that your rating is less than 4.7 stars. If you were a leveled seller you would lose your level if your rating was below 4.7. You aren't a leveled seller, so you don't have to worry about that. However, I'm not sure why your profile edit view is showing 4 stars when buyer still see a 4.7 average review when visiting your page... Just focus on keeping your customers happy so that they can give you good reviews. If you get enough 5-star reviews, you can get your average up to 5 stars. Your 4-star didn't leave any clues on what you could do to improve, but one of your 5-star reviews left the following comments on what you could improve: So I would focus on improving that if I were you.
  6. The negative reviews are considered "relevant," probably because they are still relatively new. My top relevant reviews are usually from 2 months or 3 weeks ago. Buyers reading the reviews can mark reviews as being helpful or not. If marked "yes," the review stays up at the top. If marked "no," the review goes down (until it disappears).
  7. If your gig is not getting many impressions, most likely you won't be getting many briefs either. Both the marketplace and buyer briefs operate using smart algorithms to match buyers to the most relevant services. So if you aren't considered relevant in search, you probably won't be considered relevant for briefs either. Your relevancy will be determined by your title, tags, gig descriptions, and seller performance. Make sure you are using keywords that your target audience will use when they look for you in search. You are a web designer, so you have a lot of technical knowledge. Your target buyers do not. You can read more about that here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480 When you speak the language of your buyers, you will be more relevant in search and will start being considered more relevant when your target buyers search for your services.
  8. Fiverr is getting rid of buyer requests and replacing it with buyer briefs. Please make sure the "Get brief" feature is activated on your gig page and you have a minimum rate set. This will help you to start getting relevant briefs.
  9. That's wonderful! You are a digital marketer, and it looks like your marketing is working. You are getting orders. If you are driving traffic to your gig, buyers will going directly to your gig via gig link (they will not be visiting Fiverr's marketplace to look for you in search). Impressions and clicks are only related to buyers who find you through Fiverr's marketplace, so those numbers won't increase even though traffic to your gig does. I wouldn't worry as long as your own marketing is bringing in new buyers. Focus on converting those buyers into repeat buyers so that they keep coming back to order your services.
  10. Hi @rifat_samiul, You might want to read this thread - think like a buyer! https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480 When you have zero sales, you will have to work hard to find was to connect with your buyers in your profile bio and your gig descriptions.
  11. Where do you see that list, @max3dmodel? I've never seen that before, but it looks fun! Congratulations on being a problem solver!
  12. I haven't seen changes in prices affecting my visibility in search. What it does impact is my clicks and orders. When I increase my prices, I get less clicks and orders. When I decrease my prices, I get more clicks and orders. So if I'm busy, I'll increase my prices so that my orders slow down and if I'm not getting orders, I'll decrease my prices. I also make sure that over time, my average selling price is increasing. Even though I get less orders now because my prices are much higher, I still make the same amount with 25 orders/month as I made with 87 orders. in one month So that's much less work for the same amount of money.
  13. Hi @rashid_gmc, Welcome to the forum! I saw that you are a fairly new digital marketer on Fiverr and are looking for more sales. In order to get more customers, you will need to convince your customers that you understand the audiences that they are targeting and can get them the relevant traffic they need to grow their business. So instead of saying you are an expert digital marketer, show them. Use your business as a case study to show your buyers that you understand how target marketing works. Find ways to bring traffic to your own gig to increase sales and your client base. Show your buyers that you know how to connect with your target customers by providing them with services that exceed their expectations so that they will want to be returning customers.
  14. You can only share your email as part of an order (in the order chats), as long as it is necessary for you to complete the gig. You won't be able to share it before placing an order. Because of that, if you need to log in and view your clients' data in order to provide a quote for them, make that a gig (or package). It could be called an "Initial Assessment" gig (or package). Then you could provide your email in the order chats and your delivery will be your quote. You can then provide a custom offer (for the price you quoted) to do the main job. Depending on the gig, quoting might take a lot of your time - so it's important that you get paid for your time. For gigs that are easy to quote, I'll provide a quote free of charge. For gigs that require more preliminary work and research to quote, I charge $50 for a consultation or $100 for a detailed outline.
  15. This is because Fiverr is slowly phasing it out. Some sellers didn't have Buyer Requests on the mobile app since August while I just recently lost access to it on the mobile app. So different sellers are seeing different things. Eventually, it will be gone for all sellers on the desktop, too.
  16. I'm very cautious about doing it since my success manager told me not to. I already reached out to Customer Support once when I received an invite to join the Fiverr Select Buyer program (and they were adamant about me not signing up because I am a seller). I'm pretty sure Fiverr Business is the same way - it'll let me set up an account, but technically I'm not supposed to because I'm a seller. I'll just wait because Fiverr Business buyers can still find me and order from me. I just won't be in the Business catalog.
  17. Thanks @cartoon_avatar! I looked at the link and it took me to Fiverr Business (for buyers). I did find the section for Fiverr Business (for sellers) and it looks like buyers can sign up, but sellers have to qualify (see below from the FAQ section): https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4412909373841-Fiverr-Business-Setting-your-profile?segment=business
  18. Get more orders and keep your buyers happy. If you get enough 5-stars reviews, you can bring your average up to 5-stars. Take a look at the 4-star review and see how you can improve to keep your buyer happy. The buyer mentioned how it was frustrating to have all the files in separate files instead of one file (and mentioned they would have given 5-stars if they did get it in one file).
  19. Good point. I wonder why buyers see a 4.9 star average but the seller sees a 4? I'm guessing it's from a recent order (that isn't showing yet).
  20. Oh, I've never seen that one before. It looks like it's connected with your reviews (or your seller performance). I see a 4.9 star average, so that's not anything to be worried about (it's when it gets below 4.7 that it becomes a problem). Do you see any other issues noted on your Seller Dashboard (e.g., response time, on-time deliveries, or order completion rate?
  21. I do that if I have all my deliverables, but on this order, it would have been an incomplete delivery. I had enough info for 2 deliverables (a cover letter and resume). The buyer wanted to see the first two before giving me all his requirements for the LinkedIn update. After I showed the first two deliverables, he disappeared and I was unable to deliver without the LinkedIn update (I couldn't find his LInkedIn profile by search).
  22. Customer Service has been taking up to 2 days to respond, so they are busy right now. They will respond as soon as they can. Normally for suspended accounts, it can take up to 90 days for them to complete a review of your account. It may be that your account and the order was found to be in violation of Fiverr's ToS. Did you receive any feedback that can give us insight into why both of this happened?
  23. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum @dk_presenter! 😊
  24. Hi @engr_sikander - Fiverr is getting rid of Buyer Requests and replacing it with Buyer Briefs. So eventually there won't be Buyer Requests anymore. Please make sure the "Get brief" option is activated on your Gig page with a minimum amount set. This will help you start getting briefs.
  25. Hi @digitalartek - Can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing?
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