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About hossenhk

  • Birthday 08/16/1990


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  1. Fiverr always says to share gig in other platform with out being spam. If you will spam, then your gig will banish. So first learn what is spamming then share your gig whenever you want. By the way i also share my gig linkedin, behance,t witter, instagram.
  2. December month is dry season. Gig impression and click low is a common factor.
  3. যে কোন কাজেই ভাল ভবিষ্যৎ আছে যদি আপনি ঐ কাজে স্পেশালিষ্ট হন। সুতরাং আগে কাজ ভাল করে শিখুন তারপর ক্লায়েন্ট এমনিতেই আসবে।
  4. Check your gig is active or not from here- https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status
  5. Find LSI keyword and do image SEO with searchable keyword with LSI keyword in description, Tag, and also in image even in video too. Then see the result. Your impression will increase within 24 hours. After edit, make sure your gig is active by checking from contact page.
  6. If you not find option via visa card then create a PayPal with your card and then pay via PayPal which will reduce fund from you visa card.
  7. There is no problem as i know. Just get the share link from gig then promote it, but don't spam.
  8. Contact with support. They will give you best answer.
  9. Re-do SEO and analyze main keyword with sub keyword. Without gig rank you will not get buyer response. You can marketing your gig to bring buyer from outside.
  10. FInd LSI keyword- searchable keyword in Fiverr, implement that keyword on Title, description and tags. Do image SEO, this will increase impression and click. There are several tutorial for making SEO in Fiverr gig. Watch those video for help.
  11. When you edit a gig this will lost rank a while but rank again. If you draft a gig then there is no problem for ranking other active gig. I also draft gig before publish. You will not make a gig perfect in a day. So it's better to draft a gig and make adjustment timely until you fill that it's perfect to publish.
  12. Best solution will give you from Fiverr support. Go to the link and submit your inquiry. https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/
  13. I upload 4 gigs at a time and i did not get more views at first and after do SEO and publish 2 more gig i get order one of my gig and then i noticed Fiverr only promote one gig. So better to publish one gig first and make it rank then publish other.
  14. From desktop/laptop you will get buyer request but there are few request. Fiverr replacing it with "get briefs". Buyer request come in specific time. If you are from Asia like +6 time zone then buyer request will come at morning 8-11 am. In evening 5-11 pm. So refresh your buyer request time and notice what time it comes.
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