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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Orders canceled by the buyer before he or she submits the order requirements should not affect your order completion rate. Orders placed "by mistake" also shouldn't affect your order completion rate (but you may need help from customer service to adjust your order completion rate so it doesn't affect you).
  2. When I applied to be a seller on Fiverr, I also applied as a freelancer on another platform. I was accepted as a seller right away on Fiverr but was rejected on the other platform. I think it was because there were too many freelancers offering the same service as me. I didn't think too much of it. Fiverr accepted me as a seller right away, so I put all my effort into growing my Fiverr business. Freelancing platforms can decide who they will allow to work on their site or not, so if one doesn't accept you, try to find other ways to earn income.
  3. I agree with @looseink - I was off-grid at a National Park a couple of days ago (and we came home late, so I went straight to bed). When I woke up, I found out there was a buyer message that was sitting in my inbox for 7 hours. It was definitely the longest I've gone without responding to a buyer. But the buyer didn't mention my slow response time ... and they did end up placing an order. It's nice working with buyers who understand that sellers do have a life and don't need to respond right away.
  4. I'm so happy to hear from some of my favorite buyers on the forum @gina_riley2, @moikchap, & @smashradio! An exclusive forum could work for more established buyers who may be looking for that community of like-minded individuals where real conversations can take place (and without the level of spam that is on the main forum). I think it's awesome that @gina_riley2 & @moikchap have participated so much on the forum, since most of the buyers that I see don't stick around for long. I wonder what made the difference for you two? I don't think limiting that forum to Fiverr Business or Fiverr Select buyers will help the disgruntled first-time buyers who haven't even decided yet if Fiverr is worth their time. I like @moikchap's idea of an onboarding process to get buyers talking to the community (and soliciting feedback) before their first order. Because it's usually in the first orders when a new buyer has a bad experience (as @gina_riley2 mentioned). I'm so glad that you did stay with Fiverr (and the forum)! This is what I'd like to see happen more often. It is refreshing to see things from a buyer's perspective, and it would be nice to see more buyers being active on the forum. These are all great advice @moikchap! Maybe in the onboarding process Fiverr can let first-time buyers know there's a community where they can get a second opinion from when making their first order? Also, I know @Yoav.M was doing roundtable discussions with several sellers on different topics. Maybe this is one of the things we could have a roundtable discussion on?
  5. Hi Everyone! I'm really grateful for all that Fiverr and our m0ds are doing to enhance the community experience here for sellers and really want to see the same for buyers. Having a supportive community (and knowing that Fiverr cares about my feedback) makes all the difference for me as a seller. I know it'll do the same for our buyers if we can give them that same type of community that sellers enjoy. Concerns About Buyer Attrition It's great that Fiverr is being proactive about creating more engaging content and resources for buyers, but I have concerns about customer attrition based on the buyers that I see coming to the forum (as well as the buyers that I interact with on Fiverr's platform). I really started thinking about this ever since Fiverr Lift came out (https://www.fiverr.com/cp/the-lift#partners) with a link directly to the main forum so buyers could "Interact with other businesses like yours, ask questions, and find the info you need to get ahead." Although the forum is a great place for sellers, it really isn't a place for buyers to find "like-minded" individuals or the support that they need. The forum is heavily geared for sellers and the only spot for buyers (Tips for Buyers) isn't really helpful. There is good content there, but you have to dig through the countless posts from sellers venting about buyers (basically telling buyers how to make the life of sellers easier) or posting why buyers should order from newbie sellers. Many of these posts won't answer the questions that buyers have when they come to the forum (which are usually questions on how the platform works, from a buyer's perspective). Many buyers on the forum only make 1-2 posts and then leave because they are already frustrated with their experiences on Fiverr. Here are a few examples ... A disappointed buyer who thought Fiverr would be better than Up***k: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/307536-why-fiverr-sellers-do-not-use-limit-order-and-pause-for-gigs-if-there-are-not-taking-orders/#comment-1930029 A disgruntled buyer who left Fiverr for Up***k: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/299995-brief-system-is-terrible-for-buyers/ A typical post by a new-to-the-platform buyer: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284298-how-to-reach-a-specialist-seller/ New-To-The-Platform Buyers If we want to create a better experience for these new-to-the-platform buyers, I think the forum sheds light on why these buyers aren't sticking around. Buyers don't feel supported. They can't find a competent seller to work with. A lot of buyer dissatisfaction revolves around the platform's features (not just the sellers they deal with). So just focusing on sellers' Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR) isn't enough. Buyers are having issues with using the platform or its tools, and they don't feel like their needs are being addressed when they reach out to CS, or even the forum for help. It would be great if buyers, especially new buyers, could feel the same sense of community that I feel on the forum as a seller. I would also like buyers to feel that Fiverr has an interest in their feedback and really wants to support them in using all that Fiverr has to help them grow their business. I don't want to see them leaving Fiverr because we aren't giving them the support they need to be successful on this platform. Since Fiverr is placing so much emphasis on new-to-the-platform buyers, this is definitely one area that could make a difference to them. Buyer Concerns About Briefs I would love to see some of these new buyer concerns around Briefs addressed. I'm a seller who is also a buyer, but I don't use the "Post a Request" feature to post briefs, so I can't really provide help for the buyers who come to the forum with questions on Fiverr's Brief & Match feature. I usually share a link or tell buyers to use Fiverr's search instead of briefs, just like how the sellers responded to these two buyers: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/306906-the-thing-called-a-brief-posting-a-need-could-use-a-lot-of-improvement/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/306782-i-just-posted-my-post-a-request/ It would be nice if the brief feature actually worked for buyers and there was a way for buyers to communicate their concerns and receive confirmation from Fiverr that their concerns are being addressed. Fiverr does this for sellers on the forum, it would be nice to see buyers similarly supported. Here's a buyer who posts a detailed explanation of their experience using briefs - and wonders if there's anyone from Fiverr's team who's actually reading the post: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/307055-no-function-to-manage-posted-requests/ I also started to just message the buyers who post briefs (instead of making an offer). See below. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/296621-fiverr-brief-the-new-way-to-let-buyer-connect-to-seller/?do=findComment&comment=1924815 Note a buyer's comment following my post - buyers want to have real conversations with their sellers because the brief settings are so limited: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/296621-fiverr-brief-the-new-way-to-let-buyer-connect-to-seller/?do=findComment&comment=1926613 After having a negative experience with briefs, some buyers post their requests on the forum, asking "Are there any sellers who can really do the job?" And that's really the only time we hear from them because they leave and don't come to the forum again. So ... what do new buyers need? I really just wanted to start a discussion here to see what others are experiencing/seeing on the platform - are you all seeing what I'm seeing? If you are a buyer - I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences! I'd also like to hear from other sellers and Fiverr's team to see if my concerns have already been addressed in some way and if you have any ideas on tackling this issue. What do you think new buyers need? Another forum category with a Fiverr staffer assigned (like Fiverr Excel)? If so, how do we prevent it from becoming another "Tips For Buyer" category? Or do we need a dedicated forum like Seller Plus (or even an invite-only club that allows some sellers with a good reputation to join)? Or is the current forum good enough? Copying @Yoav.M, @Trisha_Fiverr, @Lena, @lior_porat (just calling on a few of Fiverr's team 😊).
  6. @moikchap & @hightlink - I found out where I was seeing the exact order completion rate ... this is only on buyers who have previously bought from me (so that's why I couldn't see an exact percentage for either of you ... I'm not your seller): I'm not sure how helpful this is - since the orders are with me, I know exactly why the orders were canceled (when my account was shut down, we had several orders in queue that were immediately canceled). I would be more curious to see the exact percentage on buyers who haven't placed an order with me.
  7. Copying @Yoav.M and @lior_porat on @mandyzines's suggestion so that this can reach the right product managers: This would help buyers tremendously. It takes a lot of time to find the seller's responses to reviews, especially when the seller has more than one gig in the same category/subcategory. Even if there's one gig, it can take time to find the right response. I agree! Many buyers will want to easily see the sellers' responses to canceled orders (or negative reviews) ... right next to the buyers' reviews. It's too much work to search for the sellers' responses.
  8. I agree with this - I don't deliver unless I'm 100% confident that I have addressed all of the points that a buyer asks. I do check in often before the delivery, but I also make it very clear that buyers are to thoroughly review the delivery, extend the review period as necessary, and/or request a revision change if they would like anything added, changed, or deleted in the delivery after viewing the finished product in its final state. I welcome feedback on my deliveries because even though I'm confident in my final product, I don't want buyers to ever feel like they are forced to accept an order that they are not 100% happy with. I also know they'll be happier if there's some skin in the game. Even if it's a slight color change or one word that they want to be replaced. Most orders have three revisions and I make it clear that I expect them to use those revisions if they want to. Those revisions are as much a part of the order as the first delivery. Many choose to accept the first delivery, but I think it's nice for them to know they can request revisions.
  9. I opened a file that had Malware, so all of my windows that were open were accessible by the hacker, who withdrew all my Earnings and requested that my account be shut down. Luckily, after 4 days, I was able to get my account back, Fiverr covered the loss, and they fixed my stats (all of my orders in queue were canceled when the account shut down). The hardest part was not being able to communicate with my customers for 4 days. They had no idea what happened. What is the second answer?
  10. It can take a couple of days in between the responses from CS (and often the responses are copy/paste). When my account was shut down by a hacker, there was 2 days in between CS's response, so I had to patiently wait for each response.
  11. CS will normally respond with a copy/paste answer. Just say, "This does not address my initial question..." and then restate your request.
  12. If you haven't already, create a help desk ticket - let them know that you believe that they made a mistake and that you haven't made any empty or partial deliveries, or abused the rating system and ask them to provide specific details of what triggered the warnings.
  13. Hi @sasyj93, you should have received an email stating the reason for your warnings. Sometimes it ends up in your junk mail. What did those messages say?
  14. So that's how Fiverr is going to classify it ... as a buyer satisfaction case (not as a buyer misusing the revision request). This tells me that Fiverr wants sellers to do everything they can to close the order (and not cancel). There's not much benefit to canceling if the buyer gets a refund and can leave a review (a potentially negative one). If you're going to get a negative review, might as well get paid for it. However, this could become a long, drawn-out nightmare if neither side backs down.
  15. It looks like CS won't adjust your stats for these types of cancelations anymore:
  16. Your gig's visibility in search depends more on the quality of your services and your performance as a seller than anything else. So focus on delivering quality services and improving the look of your gig over time. Making improvements to my gigs (by improving the gig images, gig descriptions, and packages) has only helped me look more professional to my buyers (which also helps any price increases that I make).
  17. @xoo_alicee, I would avoid offering virtual assistance that requires you to log into another Fiverr user's account, especially a buyer's account that is buying from your own gig. It's a conflict of interest and if you are logging into an account that is also buying from you that can risk both accounts being shut down (both yours and your buyer's).
  18. Your client won't be able to place an order with you (because it could look like you are ordering from yourself), so there's no way for this client to pay you for your services. They should add you as a freelancer instead of a team member so that you can get paid for your work and you aren't sharing your personal information, which is against Fiverr's ToS.
  19. My best buyer has no profile picture and lots of five-star reviews that pretty much read the same. It doesn't mean that this buyer will be the same. The best thing is to talk and communicate with this buyer to find out what he wants. If the buyer is asking for more than is in the scope of the order, you can add a gig extra to the order to cover the additional work. If the buyer doesn't accept the gig extra, then you can cancel and Fiverr should be able to adjust your order completion rate. However, if the buyer placed a legitimate order, then you should deliver what you stated on the gig.
  20. If she wants a logo from you, she will come back and contact you again. Unfortunately, there are a lot of buyers that will contact you and disappear. Just let them leave because they are not ready to place an order. I've had buyers that disappeared for months or even a year and come back to place an order.
  21. Hi @yishakabrham297, Fiverr evaluates your profile on the 15th of every month, so if you've hit all the milestones for Level 1 (and maintain it), you should be able to level up on July 15th.
  22. That's how Fiverr is designed - buyers can place instant orders. Reach out to your buyer to clarify expectations. If the buyer is able to provide all the information you need, then you can move forward with the order. If the buyer can't or requests something that you don't provide, you can cancel the order (or the buyer can cancel as "ordered by mistake"). Either way, CS should be able to adjust your order completion rate if the buyer ordered a service that you don't provide.
  23. Here's another example of someone who was able to restore a deleted gig: It looks like it took a long time and patience working with CS for @vovkaslovesnyy to reinstate his gigs.
  24. The fact that they just made a new rule stating that they will issue account warnings to sellers who misuse the report button tells me that sellers are doing just that - misusing the report button to report sellers who aren't in violation of any Fiverr rules (so the Trust and Safety team can't even address legitimate reports in a timely manner). Many of the accounts still up are blatantly in violation of Fiverr's ToS.
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