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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. No, just wait for their response. Creating more tickets may result in an account warning. I understand how urgent it is for you, but sometimes it can take CS several days to respond. See below: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/305939-unresponsive-and-ignorant-customer-support/page/2/#comment-1923980 The more courteous and patient you are with CS, the better chances you have of getting an acceptable resolution. @smashradio also wrote on this topic: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/307118-how-to-get-better-help-from-customer-support/
  2. Hi @fedanyya, Based on the message from Fiverr, you only have a 7-day period to withdraw. You can ask them to look at your request once more (because it looks like they didn't understand that you did pass the review period and received instructions from Fiverr to make a withdrawal). So kindly remind Fiverr CS that you have passed the 90-day review period and received notice from Fiverr with instructions to withdraw your funds (show the screenshot again). So you are authorized to make a withdrawal per Fiverr's message, but are unable to do so because the system won't let you select a withdrawal method. Fiverr usually sends templated responses, but when you kindly correct them and give them the details, they will usually take another look at your request.
  3. @mdrana_dev, if you list your question here, someone may have the answer for you. It's not too late to add to the thread! 😊
  4. Hi @mdrana_dev, did you have a question? You posted this in "Fiverr Questions."
  5. HI @powerjinglesnl, sorry to hear about your dad! I think you've done an amazing job at picking yourself up after such a devastating loss and rebuilding your business on Fiverr. I don't think you needed to delete any of your previous gigs since your negative reviews are still on your account, but it looks like you are doing well! I started on Fiverr with really low prices and gradually increased my prices at 5, 10, 15, and 20 orders. So I don't see a problem with you increasing your prices, especially if you continue to get orders. Price yourself based on the quality of your services and make sure that your profile and gig quality are also of the highest caliber. There are buyers at every price point, and I find that the quality of buyers generally increases at the higher price points.
  6. Hi @anindya23, can you clarify your question? Are there inbox messages that you see Fiverr marking as "Spam"? If that's the case, it's because the sender most likely sent the same messages to multiple sellers, so the messages are automatically flagged as spam.
  7. Based on this post here, the Inbox Ads usually start with "Looking for ....?" + [whatever service you are offering]. Hopefully, that helps you! ....on a different note (no pun intended!), I love your seller intro video! Great job putting that together!
  8. Hi @d_place, that is usually the first response (and they will try to have you just create a new gig to replace it). However, there have been other people who have similarly had their gigs accidentally deleted and restored (like the one below), so you can politely ask CS to help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/233365-fiverr-deleted-the-wrong-gig/
  9. Hi @d_place, you can submit a Help Desk ticket to recover the gigs that you accidentally deleted. I have seen other sellers on the forum who were able to recover a gig they accidentally deleted.
  10. @dt_zn_ - Here's a thread where you can see how not to communicate with CS (and how you should): CS agents are human, too and they aren't the ones who issue warnings. So you do need to be patient with them and clear in your communication when working with them.
  11. If you want to reach out to me on the platform, I can take a screenshot of your Buyer's Insights for you so you can see how you appear to sellers. 😊
  12. Then submit a ticket. Sometimes they are wrong, so if that's the case, you should be able to dispute it fairly easily. Be professional in your communication and ask for proof.
  13. If you are on Seller Plus, you can see the buyer's cancelation rate.
  14. Once you get a warning, it's always on your record. Fiverr can decide to shut down your account anytime in the future based on past violations. However, for leveling purposes, if you don't have any warnings for the past 30 days (and you meet all of the other requirements to level up), you should be able to move up to the next level.
  15. Hi @dt_zn_, if you feel that the warning was issued by mistake, you can submit a ticket stating that you have done nothing wrong and for them to clarify (or provide proof) of the reason for the warning. Based on their message, Fiverr thinks your buying history is suspicious (or there is something suspicious with your current orders). We are fellow sellers here, so we can't see your buying history (as a buyer) and we can't tell if you asked for positive reviews (which is against Fiverr's ToS).
  16. Hi @graycat331, I know how devastating it can be for a new seller to work hard for your first orders .... only to have them not leave a review. I've had that happen many times as a new seller. Since reviews are optional, there's not much that sellers can do except for making each order your best and trying to exceed your customer's expectations so that they will want to leave a review. Even so, it can take a long time to build up reviews. On one of my gigs (which I've had for over a year and a half), I finally got my 7th review because only 40-50% of the buyers on that gig leave reviews.
  17. This is against Fiverr's ToS. As @sandyroseus1 mentioned, buyers can always chat with us in the inbox about their order requirements. If necessary, we can even use Fiverr's Zoom feature to discuss it over a video call. There's no reason for taking the conversation off the platform. Sometimes buyers will ask to move the conversation off the platform but they are usually okay with chatting in the inbox when I explain that it's against Fiverr's ToS to do so.
  18. If you are in the U.S., then you'll need to fill out the W-9, even if you are a minor. Just make sure that it has your information on it (your name and taxpayer ID).
  19. Hi @amina_zahoor360, If you don't know where to start, try Googling "colors that go together" or "beautiful color combinations." Pick a color scheme that makes you happy and go with it. I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it because you'll have plenty of chances to improve your gig images over time. My first gig thumbnails didn't look that great, but the images got better over time.
  20. Hi @wpmanditech, you can offer any services that you have the skills to do, even if the skills are unrelated to each other (e.g. in different categories).
  21. Check your spam folder for messages. Most likely your response rate is going down because of spam messages (you still need to respond/mark them as spam within 24 hours). I once complained to my Success Manager that my response rate was going down even though I was religiously answering every message, even spam. She found out that there were several spam messages that I responded to, that were incorrectly counted against me. So CS adjusted my response rate for me.
  22. If you change everything into English, you will increase your gig's visibility because most customers are using English when they search for your services on Fiverr (even your French-speaking clients).
  23. Hi @tareksydur, feel free to browse through Fiverr Learn and CreativeLive for courses that you can take to grow your skills. Even if you don't purchase the courses, they should give you ideas about what skills you are interested in developing to help grow your freelancing business.
  24. HI @saqlainhussain7, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! You can get started by reading these articles on the forum: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279005-the-first-5-things-you-should-do-when-starting-your-fiverr-career/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  25. If it's not working for you, then you can cancel. This program won't give you more orders or visibility. However, you do have more free options to promote your gigs and services (i.e. first-time buyer promotions, coupons, highlighted reviews) and you can contact your success manager any time with questions that you have. You also have access to the Seller Plus forum, and many new features that Fiverr is rolling out. I like having the ability to get paid as soon as my order is closed via the Early Payout feature.
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