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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @atul_shandilya, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! 😊 In your bio, you probably can delete everything I've highlighted in yellow. I also noticed that you don't have any "You" statements - this means you are talking about yourself, but not in terms of your buyer. Use your bio to show how you can help your buyer. Include at least one "you" or "your" in your bio (example: "Please feel free to contact me to discuss your project. I would love to hear from you!"). In your gig descriptions - all of your gigs pretty much have identical gig descriptions. This gig description is very short, need to be corrected for grammatical errors, and doesn't mention anything about the services you are providing. Use the gig descriptions to describe your services in detail and explain your value proposition - why should buyers buy from you and not someone else offering the exact same services?
  2. Thanks again for another great post @smashradio! I really hope everyone on this thread read (and truly understand) everything you wrote! Simple doesn't equal "easy": For all the sellers who read the "tips" on the forum and come back to say that they "did everything ... what's next?" Here's what they actually need to be doing:⬇️ In the end, there's actually no end to this process. What really matters is consistent, quality work, day in and day out. If you even slip on even one order, it can affect you for months. I also think that sellers shouldn't be surprised if they lose visibility in search because they did slip up ... or that another seller is performing better than they are (and has better visibility in search). None of us is perfect, so slip-ups will happen from time to time. Own it and move on. ⬆️I think this is the reason why-- many sellers are surprised that they aren't doing well on the platform. some sellers think that Fiverr is out to get them, is ignoring them, or is unfair. a lot of sellers focus only on gig images, titles, tags, seo, and marketing instead of improving their skills and and services. sellers refuse to admit that they are the problem - and choose to blame anyone or anything else for causing their problems.
  3. Hi @drswase1 - As a new seller, the only place that you can add projects (aka "portfolio" sample) is in your gig gallery - and I see that you have added PDFs showcasing your work. Select sellers will be given access to the "My Portfolio" feature, which allows you to showcase up to 20 projects. You can learn more about this here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4413134063633-Using-My-Portfolio Fiverr doesn't really have much information on what determines your eligibility to become one of the select sellers if you aren't a Rising Talent, Fiverr Business, Pro, or TRS seller. I've seen several Level 1 and Level 2 sellers with it. I got this feature when I was a Level 2 seller for 8 months. It just showed up on my profile one day. Visit your Profile in edit mode and scroll down until you see your skills section. You should be able to add in your skills there. I noticed your profile has the new look for writers, so your screen may look different from mine:
  4. Hi @annaisurru - read through your inbox conversations to find out why the buyers are not placing orders with you. It might be your pricing, it might be communication, turnaround time, your services, or other reason (for example, sometimes they are just shopping around and aren't ready to place an order yet). By looking closely at what your customers are saying in the conversation, you can usually identify why they are not placing orders (and you can also learn what you can do to change that). When I was a newbie, I found out most of the buyers were contacting me for data entry on my proofreading gig, so I created a new gig for data entry and started to get more orders.
  5. Contact Fiverr Support by emailing them at: support@fiverr.com
  6. Hi @kotha778 - it looks like you have been scammed. All communications and projects must be done on Fiverr and anyone asking otherwise is in violation of Fiverr's ToS. The only way you can get paid for projects on Fiverr is to do the projects on the platform through Fiverr's ordering system. No - you should never have to pay a registration fee to sell your services on Fiverr. Most likely you worked for free. You probably won't get anything for your services. And if you pay the registration fee, you'll also lose $100. Follow Fiverr ToS - they have these rules to protect you. There is no protection for you if you do projects off of the platform. If you do, you also risk your Fiverr account getting shut down for violating Fiverr's ToS.
  7. I hope you also reported this buyer and their threats @ggamesstudio! I'm glad you're not letting this buyer push you around with their manipulative tactics (which are clearly against Fiverr's ToS). I hope CS can help you resolve your issue quickly so that you can block this buyer!
  8. Hi @israt_asma! According to your logic, this won't work. You mention that Fiverr sets the minimum gig price to $80, but the sellers aren't enforcing this. So it's a seller's problem (not Fiverr's) if they agree to do $80-$100 worth of work for $10-20. No one is forcing a seller to work for such a low amount. If a buyer isn't willing to work with your prices and asks you to do a $100 job for $10-20, they are not the buyers you should work with. Just smile and quickly send them on their happy way to work with the lower-value seller. You don't even have to negotiate. Only work with the buyers that agree to your prices (or at least close to your prices). You don't have to compete with sellers that are charging 10-20% of your rate. You do have to show your buyers that you can deliver 10X the quality of those low-value sellers and prove that you deliver exceptional value for the services you provide, to justify your prices. There are buyers and sellers in every budget range. As a buyer, I've hired a web designer that charges 4-5 times your $80 rate. I didn't even consider working with a web designer in the $10-20 range. As a seller, I found that buyers with higher budgets are much more enjoyable to work with. It's not worth the headache of doing business with buyers who don't respect my prices or try to negotiate steep discounts. Unfortunately, we do have to part ways with some of our past buyers. Last year as a newbie seller, I was offering resumes for $15 a piece and this year, my average resume costs $245. The quality of my services has significantly increased and as a result, I've raised all of my prices on my gigs. So not many of my old buyers are willing to work with me. However, I've picked up newer buyers who are okay with my higher prices. So even though I get less orders, I make more. @smashradio wrote a great guide on seller levels and what you should focus on at each stage of your business. I think you'll find this article helpful. As you level up as a seller, your business should also evolve. You shouldn't operate your Level 2 business the same way as your Level 1 business. You can read more about this here:
  9. Hi @ps_editing77, What have you been trying to do to get orders so far? If we know what you have tried, we can make suggestions on what you might be able to do.
  10. There isn't an easy way - web design is highly competitive, so you need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. You have to outperform the other sellers on all metrics, your quality of delivery, and quality metrics in order to do well on this platform. This requires consistent and diligent effort on your part. You'll have to keeps tabs on the health of your business and any changes in the marketplace. @frank_d says that if you are thinking about gig ranking and SEO, you're already behind the game. Instead, focus on this: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/300818-fiverr-40-some-thoughts-on-the-current-state-of-things/
  11. Hi @minhaj_ahmed00 - I notice that you have a few gigs set up related to logo design, so have the buyer order the logo through one of your logo design gigs (or create a custom offer from one of your logo design gig). It really doesn't make sense to create a logo design order in your social media post gig because it doesn't reflect the service you are offering in that gig. It's important to keep your services relevant to the gigs that you are offering for best visibility in search. Otherwise, you'll confuse your buyers when they click on your gig and see some samples of work that don't relate to what they are looking for.
  12. Hi @pitfulll - The buyer may have reported you as spam. Unsolicited contact with your buyers isn't allowed on Fiverr. Buyers will come back to you if they are interested, but if they aren't, don't follow up with them or your account could get flagged by the buyer.
  13. Even though you didn't initiate the conversation, you chose to continue conversations that were not on Fiverr. I understand you have other means to communicate with your buyers, but those means are restricted to open orders that require such communication. Once those orders are closed, you can't use those communication tools, especially if an account is restricted and prevents you from having communications on Fiverr. Fiverr imposes those restrictions for a reason. For anyone who has had their account wrongfully shut down (I have), this is the hardest part - not being able to reach out to your customers. But you have to be patient with Fiverr CS and not communicate with the buyer during this time (it can take days or even weeks before you have a good response, depending on the type of restriction that is on your account).
  14. I haven't seen any negative effects from these types of cancelations. On this recent one, I got a Fiverr's Choice badge a few days later (which is awarded for good performance) and I'm still getting regular inquiries in my inbox (which means buyers are finding me).
  15. It's not legit. There are many red flags here: the buyer is trying to tak we conversations off of Fiverr (each is against Fiverr's ToS). No one gets a salary here because we are freelancers. You also don't get "hired, a "salary," or have to provide any credentials here. You are a freelancer. Legitimate clients will buy your services by placing an order, and multiple orders I f they become your repeat clients. I would mark this buyer as spam and move on.
  16. CS should be able to correct your order stats if the buyer ordered by mistake. I had a similar cancelation two days ago that brought my order completion rate to 96%. I immediately submitted a ticket and a day later, CS replied that they could see that it was a mistake order and corrected my order completion rate to 100%.
  17. I currently have 7 "likely" orders sitting in my inbox that I requested the buyers to gather information before placing the order. I debated whether to pause the gig or not, but am glad I didn't because the buyers are taking longer to get back with me. In the meantime, I've turned down some orders (but also accepted some that I think I can work around these 7 orders). I did have my Out-Of-Office on for a bit, but took it down because these buyers took longer than 3 days to place their orders and I was able to take on quick orders while I was waiting. I had some buyers that I canceled their custom offers and reissued them several times because the buyers were ready one minute and the next minute they weren't. I don't mind them being wishy washy, but it does make it difficult to decide if I should take on a new order or not. So the fact that your seller is taking on more orders can simply mean that they were holding a spot for a likely customer that approached them before you did, and they decided that they couldn't add you to the schedule. I do have the Request to Order feature on, so no one is able to place an order without contacting me first. I do think it's better for sellers to have that Out-of-Office up to let buyers know their availability, because I'm a buyer myself, and I put a lot of research into selecting a seller. All that effort goes down the drain and it's back to the drawing board if a seller immediately tells me they're unavailable for my project. As a seller, I find it a tricky balance. If every buyer placed their order right away, it would make things easier. However, I don't want to start a project without all the details first, so I request that my buyers take the time to gather their information upfront. That way I can just go with it when they place the order.
  18. Well, you look cool to me! The purple band caught my eye, then I looked down and read "bubbly, upbeat" and "South African Accent." Can't get much cooler than that! 😊
  19. @alanikeiser ... I wonder why you have a cool purple ring around your profile picture! Lucky! 🍀I don't have one!
  20. Hi @alanikeiser - it might also be helpful to visit @smashradio's profile and gigs since he is a Pro and Top-Rated Seller, so one of the best voice-over talents that we have. Even though I don't know Norwegian, and I'm not a VO artist, I do enjoy looking at his portfolio samples and gig videos. There's a lot to be learned just from combing through the gigs of the best talents on Fiverr. I spend a lot of time doing that. You can also mention in your bio that you are now active again on Fiverr. You have a newer delivery showing up as your last delivery, but your reviews are still old, so buyers may wonder about that.
  21. Hi @natasha_39 - Your buyer actually gave you a 4.3-star review (which counts as a 4-star review), so that might be why you aren't getting as much visibility. You would need to get a lot more orders to bring your ratings up so that you can get better visibility in search. But yes, if you consistently get 5-star reviews, deliver high-quality services, and keep your buyers happy, you should perform better in Fiverr's search.
  22. Hi @levinewman, would it be okay if you kept your thread open for responses for at least 2-3 days? It can take time for people to put their thoughts together. Sometimes the best comments and feedback are received several days after a post is made. Even on my post that I shared with you (about what buyers want), I didn't get a response for 12 hours and I thought that was quick. People are in different time zones and their work schedules may also prevent them from replying right away.
  23. Hi @levinewman - I wrote a post a few weeks ago listing my concerns about creating a better community environment for buyers to prevent customer attrition: This forum is not a place where I would recommend my buyers to hang out or ask their questions, especially if they are new to the platform. I'd like to see what we can do to retain our New-To-The-Platform buyers better. This platform isn't the most intuitive one to learn and it can be frustrating for new buyers. Not having a good support system to answer their simplest questions makes it even harder.
  24. I experimented with pricing all of my gigs above $100 earlier this year and came to the conclusion that it doesn't work with certain gigs, such as my proofreading gig. I think @vickiespencer can confirm. I'd love to see @vickiespencer as a Pro. I do think that a Pro is serious enough with their business to price themselves right. I would think Fiverr's team would take that into consideration when vetting a seller for Pro. If the seller's pricing seems off for the services provided, that would be a flag that would prevent that seller from becoming a Pro or maintaining that status.
  25. It is nice that vetted Pros can set their own prices, though. It would give them greater flexibility during market changes and when they are restructuring their gigs.
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