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  1. Yes, I am facing the problem with my main gig from more than 2 years. But not growing till now. Don't know why this happening. I have completed a couple of projects with all 5 star and personally asked them about "they are satisfied'' they said yes. But this still happening to me.
  2. What kind of help? And as I mentioned up above that how much I earned in last month, so what do you think about it? By taking this feature, can I make something better from previous?
  3. Nothing is happier than this mate. I appreciate your hardworking.
  4. Why didn't you start early, man? However, your body looks bold.
  5. As, for the past 1+ year, I didn't have any new client messages or orders. And my monthly earnings are almost nil. Last month, I got an order of $90 from my repeat client, and this month I have received another one of $25 with a $5 tip. So, my question is, by taking the subscription, will my selling seriously increase at all? As you all know the state of mine, what would be your suggestion to those who are Seller Plus members and getting benefits by utilizing it as well? Thank you so much for your valuable advice. Best regards, Rahman
  6. To take "Fiverr seller plus" subscription is a good idea?

  7. @donnovan86 You have cleared so many things beautifully, man. So, the matter is always giving our 110% to our valuable client to get tremendous feedback (if they are willing so) to maintain the level of getting new orders as well.
  8. Seriously you design this one ?
  9. This will never happen to here. As all the clicks are not looking authentic as well. How did you do that? Fake favorite exchange ?
  10. Rules are rules. You have to be patient to get the eligibility to have the option for promoted gig.
  11. Without getting opportunity, (if they don't push our gig in somewhere to get order) there is no way to improve the circumstance as well. As a result, the final output is as the same as before.
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