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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. The OP's account is no longer active, so the account was shut down.
  2. Hi @maverick_web10, it looks like you are in the same situation as this seller: @Lena, can you take a look into @maverick_web10's issue as well? Thanks so much for all your help!
  3. This feature came out in October 2022: I was concerned about it because buyers can extend their review period for up to 5 days at a time ... for an unlimited time (as long as they request to extend before the review period expires). So far, the longest I've had a buyer extend their review period is a month.
  4. You have 8 good reviews. 😊 Keep up the good work! The first 10 reviews seem like they take forever, even the first 20. I think I started getting more consistent orders after I had 20 reviews.
  5. He disappeared from search because he got many negative public reviews (which are an indicator of his private reviews). This will cause his gigs to disappear from search results. So he shouldn't contact CS, because CS can't improve his performance. Only he can. Rather than getting orders and reviews (he currently has 9 in queue), the seller should work on improving the quality of his service. If buyers are saying that his turnaround and communication is slow and that he has errors in the delivery, that is what he should work on. It doesn't help getting more orders and more customer reviews if the quality isn't there. Negative private reviews can affect a sellers account for 60-180 days, so we want to avoid those. And it looks like @mathisha_m is working on his quality because the last three reviews were awesome. 😊 As long as he consistently delivers great service and keeps his customers happy, he can turn around his performance and his gig will be shown more in search.
  6. Fiverr does have accessibility issues. I don't think it really considers accessibility in the design of its site and features (for those with disabilities and chronic illness). One thing that I'd like to see, that would benefit all sellers, is a real out-of-office feature. Currently, the out-of-office feature only prevents someone who has never contacted you, from contacting you. This is pointless because anyone who has ever contacted you (even someone who messaged you once, 10 months ago) can contact you when you are spending planned time off for a hospital visit or downtime (and you have to respond or you get dinged). I don't think anyone who is responsibly managing their time should be penalized. If you are out-of-office, you should be able to set an out-of-office message stating when you will be available again. Success Managers have this feature, so I don't know why sellers don't have it as well. That message should be sent to anyone who tries to contact you and can count as an on-time response. I really think the OP should have used "reasonable accommodation" instead of "special favor." No one with chronic illness or disability wants pity or special favors/treatment. They do want reasonable accommodations, which I think, Fiverr can consider. I think this is really wonderful! Fiverr allows people of all abilities and conditions to sell on Fiverr. We have sellers dealing with all kinds of challenges including visual or hearing impairment, social anxiety, speech impediments, physical disabilities, or other mental/health conditions that make it really difficult for them to work otherwise.
  7. @adnan8520 - respond back to CS with "I'm sorry, but you didn't answer my question. My question was about my seller level, not Promoted Gigs. Can you look at the original request that I sent you above, along with the attached picture, and let me know what can be done? This is still an issue. Thanks for looking into this for me."
  8. @smashradio - this seems to be happening to several people: These sellers get a notification that their account is under review. So they wait for 90 days. After 90 days, Fiverr sends them a message saying that the seller can now withdraw their funds ... but they have to do it within 7 days (because their account will be fully shut down after that). These sellers try to withdraw, but the withdrawal feature is grayed out - they can't do it. So they reach out to customer support and get this generic response. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking and they are still unable to make a withdrawal. @Lena - do you think you can take a look at @webtraffic05's ticket?
  9. In one of those, the seller responded to the original, 5-star review with: "Thanks! It was great working with you!" Once the buyer's review was changed to a negative one, the seller's response looked cold-hearted, like they were completely overlooking the buyer's review. I think that if the buyer changes their review, the seller should also be able to change their response to match that bad review. It's only fair.
  10. My Fiverr app just refreshed to say that the evaluation period is complete. Did you get a notification/level up?
  11. I can see the opposite for me ... my older self would just say, "Chill...que sera, sera" 😂 I am already the "future me" for my younger self - who was very strict about everything, anxiety-ridden, and emotional. I had mental breakdowns whenever things didn't go as planned (even the weather). As a kid, I wanted to be just like my grandma because nothing seemed to faze her - she would just smile and keep on going. I really admired her fortitude and grace. I've learned how to "loosen up" over the years, especially when I got married and had kids. Crazy things happen all the time. However, I still tend to worry about things outside of my control (or operate from a fear-based mentality). I wouldn't ask myself anything. None of the concerns that I have right now would matter to my future self anyways. I just hope I look like my grandma, with her shock-white hair, purple lipstick, and colorful muumuu!
  12. In addition to what everyone is mentioning here, Fiverr is also doubling its efforts to clean up the platform. Gigs that were once up for years, may be removed if they violate ToS or aren't providing value to Fiverr's marketplace (e.g., these sellers may be in a saturated category and aren't performing as well as others or they may be simply be in a category that doesn't align with the direction Fiverr is moving towards). Fiverr also seems to be denying more new seller accounts, so not everyone who wants to sell on Fiverr can.
  13. One thing Fiverr did mention was that these reviews on canceled orders will be marked as canceled orders, so that would be clear to anyone reading the review. It would also make sense for these reviews not to have as much weight (or none at all), since the buyers got their refund. If Fiverr wants transparency, let the review go up, but not count towards the BSR or seller's rated review. Then the seller just needs to worry about responding professionally to the review to show potential buyers their side of the story (and let sellers have the last word). Buyers should not be able to change their reviews, which seems to be currently allowed by CS. If sellers can't even mention reviews, buyers shouldn't be able to change their reviews either. I've seen several cases on the forum where buyers who once gave 5-star reviews, changed their reviews to 1-star reviews as an act of retaliation.
  14. Oh, that's too funny! CS didn't understand your request at all. 😂 Well, CS doesn't need to answer on this one. If you hit all the requirements, you'll get promoted to Level 2 this month. As @imagination7413 stated, this can take a few days. I have the Fiverr mobile app and it still says the next evaluation period is July 14, 2023. So it's still processing for this month.
  15. I totally agree with you! That's why I said this: The last reason is the only one I feel is problematic with the way Fiverr wants to roll out reviews on canceled orders. Maybe Fiverr should only roll out the reviews on canceled orders where the seller doesn't respond within 24 hours to a message or the delivery was late (reasons 1 & 2).
  16. Most likely you also had a negative private review from the buyer, which can affect your seller account for 3-6 months. A negative private review can cause your gig to lose visibility in search. Normally you would see a huge drop in impressions (and as mentioned, this can last for 3-6 months). No, because CS can't help. Only good, consistent performance will give you better visibility in search. So continue to focus on making good deliveries and keeping your customers happy.
  17. This is why Fiverr didn't roll this new feature out. Fiverr is currently in the process of gathering feedback and ideas from sellers to make sure they are addressing sellers' concerns before rolling out this new review policy. As far as I know, Fiverr still intends to roll out a policy that allows reviews on canceled orders, but with certain conditions in place. Currently, these are: 1) the seller is not responsive (i.e., not responding within 24 hours of a buyer's order message), 2) the seller delivers late, and 3) the seller made a delivery. I think 1 & 2 are pretty straightforward. These usually can be blamed on the seller (with very few exceptions). The last one is problematic because it assumes that every order that results in a delivery + cancelation is the seller's fault (i.e., the buyer received a delivery that they did not like). That's not always the case, because there are instances where buyers like the delivery and cancel (e.g., they don't want to pay or decided they no longer need the services or other reason that doesn't make sense/isn't fair). In this case, it would make sense for the seller to dispute this type of cancelation first, CS comes to a decision to decide if the cancelation was legitimate or not, and then a decision made whether a review could be left on that order or not. Other concerns voiced by sellers include how badly this would affect sellers' performance/visibility in search. So Fiverr is currently looking at these concerns voiced by sellers and will see how they can address these concerns before rolling out this new cancelation policy. Buyers can leave private reviews after orders they cancel. I saw this move by Fiverr as a way for making these private reviews more public because that would give us more insight into what is affecting our Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR). I agree - this would definitely be a culture shift from everyone having 5 stars to many "good" sellers accounts having 4.3-5 stars. Which, I think, Fiverr addressed by lowering the requirement to keep your level to 4.3 stars. I'm curious to see how Fiverr rolls out this new policy and how these changes will affect us. The best thing sellers can do is to respond to all canceled reviews in a way that demonstrates our professionalism and ability to handle customer concerns.
  18. You also have great repeat customers. 😊 My repeat customers have plans up through the end of August. I'm hoping to add on a few more repeat clients this month.
  19. I agree, but my technical writing categories are also different from each other (ecourses, resumes, internal business docs). They all seem to be doing really well right now.
  20. Yes. SaaS How-To Manual, Health & Wellness Policy & Procedures Manual, and Web Development Articles. What are you seeing?
  21. I don't think that will happen, @filipdevaere! I noticed an increase in technical writing orders, especially writing manuals.
  22. What do you want to improve? Work-life balance? Time Management? Mindset? Business Skills? Specific Trade Skills? Communication Skills? Whatever you want to improve on, take a look at where you are and where you want to be. Then map out specific steps and milestones that you need to achieve those goals. There should be daily, week, and monthly action items that you have (with specific, measurable targets) to help you track your progress and adjust your plan, if needed.
  23. No. The project you deliver to clients belongs to them, so you need their permission to add it to your portfolio. The best way to do this is by delivering a delivery image with each delivery. Clients can "check" the portfolio image to add the project to the seller's gallery to be displayed. Since this sample was approved, you can use this image in your portfolio. Fiverr won't let you remove samples that buyers add to your portfolio (even if it has confidential information) without the buyer's approval, because again, it belongs to them.
  24. Mine has been pending since June 2022 (over a year). This is because when Fiverr rolled out the updates to Top Clients, they changed it so that sellers can only pick clients from their drop list. When that happened, they stopped approving clients. So our Top Clients "pending" approval will be there forever. They won't ever be approved unless Fiverr changes its policy. Based on what I see on the forum (and my own ticket to CS), Fiverr recommends that we delete these clients to make space for clients that are on Fiverr's drop-down list. Since none of my clients are on that list, I'm just keeping these clients in "pending" mode just in case Fiverr changes its mind. All of my Top Clients are smaller unknown clients, but they showcase what I can do.
  25. There's no point being on Fiverr if you can't stick with their rules. I'm fine with the 20% fee because Fiverr is bringing me business that I wouldn't have otherwise.
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