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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Just so you know, once you are at your level, your buyers (especially your repeat buyers) don't really care about your seller level. Losing that Level 2 badge temporarily shouldn't affect how they view you (especially since it was only one canceled order)!
  2. Hi @alaminkhan786 - being on the first page will do you no good if it doesn't get you orders. You don't have to be on the first page to get orders - I'm not and I still get orders. Instead, focus on converting the impressions that you have into clicks and those clicks into orders.
  3. Hi @glow_writer, if you can get your stats all in green again, you should be able to level back up to Level 2 next month.
  4. As long as you delivered the order before the delivery date/time, your order will be counted as being on time (it will show up as "late" and red until you deliver again but that means nothing).
  5. I'm not sure where this came from. It's not really related to the OP's topic. @marcelalexan646 - I did look at your profile and you need to remove your tele*gm contact info from your bio.
  6. As long as it doesn't contain personal contact information in there, it should be okay. It is on Fiverr's Approved URL list. I remember @visualstudios mentioning an instance when a YouTube URL couldn't be used, but I couldn't find that conversation. Can you help us out @visualstudios? Thanks!
  7. Not exactly - it shows most of the benefits you can get as a Seller Plus member. Fiverr is constantly rolling out new features to Seller Plus members, so I find it a really great program to pay for. Negative Keywords prevents spammy buyers from contacting me in my inbox and I was one of the first to use the Request to Order feature - which has been an amazing help with preventing unnecessary cancelations and managing my orders. I also like how we can use First Time Buyer promotions to get orders instead of having to pay for Promoted Gigs. That's fine - not everyone gets benefits from Seller Plus. If it doesn't benefit their business, then they shouldn't pay the subscription. If it does, then they can keep it. These two statements contradict each other - do you think Seller Plus makes us pay for things we don't actually need? Or do you think Seller Plus restricts access to essential features to those paying the subscription? Either way, Fiverr isn't forcing anyone to join Seller Plus. And none of the features offered on Seller Plus are essential - you can still run your business without them. But they sure are nice to have. 😊 And these features do provide value to those who use them. I really think it's a steal of a deal to have unlimited email access to a Success Manager AND get all of these cool features.
  8. Hi @paul_ocelka, this is against Fiverr's ToS (and the reason why you got banned). All communication with your customer must remain on Fiverr. Most likely your account won't be restored and you won't be allowed to work on Fiverr again in the future because you broke their rules.
  9. Hi @andrewgichaga. I'm one of the people who don't have it. However, this is temporary and is related to updates they are making to this feature. @noahd_success mentioned it could last until the end of this month. Why would you downgrade if it is only temporarily unavailable? Seven days is still fairly quick and the instant payout should return once all the updates are complete.
  10. Hi @vickiespencer! Great job getting your seller intro video done! 👍 Looks professional!

    1. vickiespencer


      Thank you. My hubby is a Master of Photography. He set up the lighting for me and helped me shoot it. I could not memorize the entire text, so I shot it in sections and had a video guy splice it together. 

    2. vickieito


      This is still on my to-do list. My video/sound quality isn't the greatest nor is my camera presence. However, since I'm getting regular reminders to post my seller video, I'm going to try to get this done. Great idea to shoot in segments! 

    3. smashradio


      You should've witnessed the spectacle of my frustrated self attempting to record a video. It was a disaster. No matter what I did, I managed to look and sound stupid. I wouldn't even qualify for a TikTok video but somehow,  I ended up with a collection of ridiculously dumb clips and got the idea of starting to market myself on TikTok instead. What a fail. I need professional help. 🤣 It's painfully clear that my biggest problem stems from relying on a script for the past ten years as a voice-over artist. That doesn't work on video, at least not without a teleprompter. And to make matters worse, I can't even remember my own darn script, so I would have to make a jumpcut every 3 words.  So I'll leave my intro video to the pros while I lose what's left of my dignity on TikTok. 

  11. Hi @zoewynns! I noticed you were listed on the #1 recommended "Inspiration" in Fiverr's notification to me this morning (reminding me to post my seller intro video). I just wanted to tell Fiverr that I saw your video first! 😊 https://www.fiverr.com/cp/stand-out-with-an-intro-video Also, Fiverr did update their Help Center with new information (with pictures) about these Inbox Ads: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs?segment=seller
  12. Hi @levinewman! I'm happy to hear that you were able to cover so many of our concerns and topics during your meeting! Thank you for reaching out to our forum community and helping us to get our voices heard! There are so many changes that Fiverr is rolling out right now, so I'm curious to see how our comments will affect all of these changes in the coming months.
  13. Hi @magpolitewicz, This option doesn't exist. Sellers no longer have the option to browse through a "request" board to make offers on. Fiverr got rid of buyer requests last year. Fiverr replaced that job board system with buyer briefs. The Buyer Brief & Match feature is an automatic matching system that allows buyers to place "briefs" describing what services they are looking for. Fiverr then sends those briefs to the sellers that best match the buyer's brief and those sellers will have a chance to make an offer on the brief. The buyer can then decide which seller they would like to work with. You can learn more about how you can get the most out of this Brief & Match feature here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  14. That happens and it's normal to have brief periods of time where you might not hear from buyers (or even have any orders). That's great! I always have a list of "projects" that I have to work on to improve my business. It's really difficult to work on these projects during the busy times, so when there's some downtime, I like to take out my hit list and work on those items. I need to update my portfolio and some gig images. I also a lot of "To-Dos" for my other business as well. So I have plenty of things to work on. Sometimes that means it's good to take a beach day! ⛱️🩴🌴 There's more to life than just Fiverr and building your business. Don't forget to enjoy the journey, too! 😎
  15. Hi @amjad1031, I suggest you read through all of the conversations that you had with these potential buyers in your inbox. You might be able to find out why they didn't turn into orders. For example, when I was a newbie on Fiverr, I was responding IN ALL CAPS and "YOU ARE VIOLATING FIVERR'S TOS" for the most common violations I noticed in my inbox chats (yes, I know this was pretty stupid and definitely came from a place of fear - I didn't want to violate the ToS). These were Quick Responses that I set up due to spammy messages that I was getting. However, these Quick Responses were also scaring away a lot of new buyers who just didn't realize how Fiverr worked. I soon deleted all of those Quick Responses and took a more tactful approach by just mentioning that all conversations have to remain on Fiverr. After I removed those Quick Responses, I started to get orders. 😅 I now read through my inbox conversations often, because it tells me why buyers aren't placing orders with me. Sometimes it's how my gigs are structured (such as prices or turnaround times). Other times, I have to change my title & tags because I'm attracting the wrong audience.
  16. Nice to e-meet you, too @whaheed! Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! 😊
  17. Hi @whaheed - Fiverr only updates seller levels on the 15th of each month. So if you've hit all the metrics to reach Level 1, you'll have that badge after the 15th (in 4 days).
  18. Hi @inputhero, Since you don't have any messages yet, you don't have an inbox response time. Once you get your first message, you will start seeing data on that metric. This is the average time it takes for you to respond to your messages. All other metrics are automatically set to 100% and will only drop if you aren't responding to messages, delivering on time, or if you cancel an order.
  19. Well that's against Fiverr ToS. Also, you can share your gig link on the forum, but only in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig."
  20. Allowing orders to go into late mode should never be part of standard processes! 😲 That makes me really sad. 🥺 I find it really shocking that any seller will allow an order to go late ... and without talking to their buyer. I can understand if the buyer is nonresponsive, but the seller? They should be in constant communication at that point! At what point do orders auto-cancel with the message below?
  21. That's new to me! When did this change? Fiverr CS and @donnovan86 specifically told me that this wasn't possible (but that was a year ago when I had a disappearing buyer): https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282216-24-hrs-until-delivery-and-no-contact-from-the-buyer-also-unable-to-deliver/?do=findComment&comment=1781107 @donnovan86 said: Fiverr CS said the same and recommended that I cancel any order with a disappearing buyer before it goes into late status (because stats can be adjusted for cancelations but not for orders marked late). An order like the OP's (that is over 60 days late) is already marked late. So the late penalty will apply and it can't be reversed. At least that's what I thought. I've actually never had a late order in my life. So I've never been able to confirm any of this. Based on what you are both saying ... is it really possible to extend the delivery date on a late order that has already been marked as late? (so late orders can be changed/reversed after all?) I'm really curious to see how both of you have handled these late orders!
  22. It's not just your performance. You are being compared to all the other sellers in your category. They are your competition. If they are performing better than you in any way - for example, responding faster or delivering more orders - they will be more visible in search than you are. So you need to be better than them. Look at the sellers who show up easily in search - what are they doing that you aren't? (note: this is more than just how the gig looks. Check out their reviews and the gigs to see what they are offering that makes them more appealing to buyers). And what can you do to make yourself more appealing to buyers than them?
  23. ⬆️ Yes, it will affect your on-time delivery and once it's late, it is late. You aren't able to extend any more because extensions need to be requested before the order goes into late status.
  24. The only one who can change this is you: In the words of @nicks_voice: In the words of @smashradio: It's not just your performance that affects your visibility in search. It's the performance of others in your category. If they are more appealing than you, if they are better than you in any way, they will be seen more in search than you are. So you've got to stand out from the competition by making your services more appealing than other sellers in your category. You are competing against them. You might want to read @smashradio's whole article here:
  25. This is what you should do: In the words of @nicks_voice:
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