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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. It's possible that the gig(s) are inactive. You can check here to see if they are actually active: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status If they are active, then yes, what @smashradio mentioned would be the most likely other scenario. The following is found in the Fiverr Help Center: Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs?segment=seller
  2. Because: Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs?segment=seller and https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4599361153809-Cant-find-your-Gig?segment=seller Fiverr gives new gigs a chance. Fiverr only makes money if you make money. If you can't capitalize on the opportunity Fiverr gives, why would they continue to put your gig in a spot where a profitable gig would be better? PLUS, yours isn't the only new gig. New gigs are being created every day. You have competition. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/242470-2-mio-services-available-on-fiverr/ ^ (And those numbers were from over a year ago.)
  3. Sure: Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-statistics
  4. It can be a lot of fun. It's clear that the Klei (the Developer) team put a LOT of work and personality into the mechanics. The animation in particular is top notch. The 12 principles of animation can sometimes be tricky to implement into games, but this game really nails them in small subtle ways. Same for the 'lore'. There's nothing outright that states 'this is what happened and this is why you are where you are', but there are SO many little clues. Yeah, resource-management games aren't for everyone. This one has a decent-sized, dedicated fan-base, and plenty of tutorials, including a lot of 'set-it-and-forget-it' builds that can carry new players far enough to see most of the interesting content. Plus, it does have a sand-box mode, so 'free-play' is an option if you just want to mess with building stuff (or just to watch the pretty animations) without worrying about keeping a colony alive. --- (@ vickiespencer, if you've stumbled on this topic, no I haven't forgotten the quest I made in the last games topic. It's just turning out a LOT harder than I thought.)
  5. I don't have Plus, but THIS would be a reason for me to get! If, if, IF this is strictly search results and not DMs. Negative keywords? I can think some immediately. For my drawing gig: NSFW, NFT, hyperrealism, vector. For Beta-reading: NSFW, Smut, (other 'adult' words). For typography: 'recreate', vector. (If I still had my lyrics gig up: Trap.) Those are all just 'nope' for me. Will not do, would rather cancel an order. (In fact, my one-and-only cancellation thus far was for 'adult' content.) If anyone's looking for that kind of stuff, I don't want to even be on the radar.
  6. Over the last week, I watched a GDQ 'Bingo Lockout' top 8 of a tournament playoff, and wow are speedrunners crazy good. As for board games, I recently discovered a YouTube channel that gets ppl together to live-play some tabletop games. (Yes, there are more than one channel that does this, but I'm not sure I've seen this group play enough to outright recommend the channel yet.) I like watching lets-plays while eating. As for what I'm playing... still Oxygen Not Included... I was hoping to move on, but my colony nearly collapsed from a sudden lack of water, and a spiral that I'm only now getting it stabilized again. (I was SO close to reaching endgame before I had to abort for sudden urgent rescue of my Dupes.)
  7. You shouldn't need to (unless your gig explicitly states that you do not include commercial use in a package) as the order with that Buyer should have an indicator that if did/does include a commercial use license. The Fiverr Terms of Service states: Therefore the only proof they should need to provide to that platform is the Order that states they bought a commercial use license with their purchase of your gig. I'll admit, I don't know what the order page looks like from the Buyer side, but the 'Order Details' in the Seller side lists what is and is not included with the gig. Now, if you didn't set your gig up properly, then your Buyer might indeed more proof, but I'm not clicking/downloading a random PDF from the internet to see what you claim you were provided.
  8. ... Um... @frank_d, I think they stole your profile image. I mean... can't prove it, but... Those sure look like the same lighting artifacts over the shoulders to me. Edit: which, after glancing at the main Fiverr profile, means they've probably stolen other stuff too. (They have, but I'm not going to point out specifics here.)
  9. We all started from somewhere. The long-term-sustainably successful ones are the ones who did, and continue to do, the research. (Also, I can see @vickiespencer is typing, and I'm sure she is about to reprimand you for calling her a 'sir'. Making an assumption like that, in a professional business environment, is insulting.)
  10. By starting off of Fiverr. Gain work experience in-person. Learn how to sell something, how to connect and persuade and convince people that they want what you want.
  11. If the changes have been made, per the original agreement AND revisions, redeliver the order in its entirety.
  12. I don't know for sure, and this is just a guess, but since you offer writing as a service, probably forum rule 6 or 7b https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/253722-community-standards-forum-rules-2021
  13. The regulars will recognize this first one: "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin) "Just because you see a turkey flying in a tornado, doesn't mean turkeys can fly." - Dave Ramsey (on the topic of economics) "Most people won’t change until the pain of where they are exceeds the pain of change." (also) - Dave Ramsey “When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.” - Zig Ziglar “I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.” - Art Williams
  14. If I had to guess... probably 'funnel'. Not sure why the 't' was capitalized, but lowercase the 't' and the 'f' are both similar in appearance, and close together on the keyboard. Also 'sales funnel' is indeed important in marketing, and there was chatter about the CTC in Promoted Gigs. So as to be contributive and on topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_rate_optimization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purchase_funnel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay-per-click
  15. You decided. Is proving it more work for you? Does them having it save them more money down the road? Are they a reseller?
  16. Question 1: Where and how did you search? Here in the forums? The Fiverr Help Center? Google? Did you narrow and refine search results to be specific? Question 2: 'Nobody' in what way? If you mean you couldn't find the information yourself, then it might be a problem with the where and how mentioned in Q1. If you mean no person reached out to you specifically, then you need to reset your expectations. --- Source: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/253722-community-standards-forum-rules-2021/
  17. There is no way you've read through this entire topic in 2 minutes. If you have nothing to contribute, then please just use the reaction option.
  18. You can only send offers to Buyers Requests. The option is found under the "More" tab. If you do not see any, then there are currently none available for you to make an offer to. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159742-buyer-requests-leadership-suggestions-on-buyer-request-complaints-few-requests-br-faqs-times-issues-etc/
  19. Not sure staff has been reworking things in the backend of the forums, but might want to update your 'member' label to 'staff' or 'admin' or 'Fiverr official' to lessen confusion. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/members-and-groups/adding-editing-groups-r30/ Also, since you're creating an Official 'What's your software/app' thread, you might want to either lock these two, or merge them into this one, so as to discourage duplicate threads. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/266597-what’s-your-favourite-go-to-software-to-create-graphics/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/281978-for-digital-artistsgraphic-designers…/
  20. Based on the context in this post (https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/276560-i-just-received-my-first-“brief”/?do=findComment&comment=1764308) you have to reject the brief to access the 'spam' option/reason.
  21. I've recently discovered 'Leverage' though I've only watched 3 episodes so far. As long as you're willing to suspend your disbelief, it's good fun. (Like a Saturday morning cartoon. Or like junk food.)
  22. Still playing Oxygen Not Included, still at a very slow pace. Other things still are given priority. (Though I did play some Slay The Spire last week, and some Shapez the week before that.) I've thought about it off and on for the last month, and to be completely honest, I'm somewhat torn. I really would like to find/recommend something you'd enjoy, but at the same time, I don't want to see you caught in/by the massive time-sink that some games can turn into. Even something as simple as Minesweeper can easily steal a half-hour. I'll give it some more thought, and I might come up with something, but I also don't want to recommend something I've not played before myself.
  23. They do clarify some here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010490438-The-How-Tos-Of-Advertising-Off-The-Fiverr-Platform?segment=seller
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