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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. It's in your screenshot: "Find out how your repeat business compares to other sellers in your subcategory" Have you asked them to share their scores?
  2. Yes. It's because the score is based on every other seller in your sub-category. Meaning there are a LOT of other sellers who also have statistics just as good as yours.
  3. You are as free as your eyes take in, your brain keep up, your wit can counter, your words can articulate, and your fingers can keyboard-clickity-clack. Which is why King can get away with gourmet-level satire, even if it can be as sharp as a candy cane licked into a point.
  4. I actually haven't played any games since I was bumped into this forum position. I still watch some Let's Play runs, though. Also, super excited that the LoZ BotW sequel has an official title and release date.
  5. Please see: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/277120-fiverrs-support-of-ukraine/?do=findComment&comment=1742978
  6. Hidden! Quick FYI, you can report zero-content bumps, as against forum rule 8b.
  7. Even better: the invented plugin will save those up to use as unique audio watermarks that will show up only when a Buyer cancels an order after delivery.
  8. But, I thought I was already 'Listerina'? Oh! I guess that's the advice I need! Should I promote my old nickname? (att. required hat pic) As long as it doesn't interfere with my nomination for forum bosswoman. 😉 Here, here!
  9. Yeah, that was me! @OP, I can add 'the' if you like, though it is technically correct as-is since Briefs is the name of the program, and 'brief matching' is the function. Actually, that would mean it could be 'the Briefs matching', with the 's'. I'll let you decide!
  10. Missing option: None of the above.
  11. From what we've seen there's no benefit. It's just a statistic.
  12. Please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image?segment=seller
  13. The post you quoted is over a year old, Fiverr has changed since then. To avoid confusion, "My Portfolio" is different from "Live Portfolio". The old link directs to the latter. The new link for the former is: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4413134063633-Using-My-Portfolio?segment=seller which states: This, therefore, means that yes, some new sellers can earn access.
  14. If you mean: Then the - is indicating 'no change over the time frame selected'. It's indicating movement. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-Statistics
  15. You '"used same idea"? No. You traced the idea. If you had used the idea, it would at least be symmetrical. Care to share any of those? You stated earlier that: As your gig is no longer visible, we can't check to see exactly what you promised in your contract. I would be willing to guess, however, that you claimed you were a professional, and/or expert. The fact that what you delivered as complete, didn't even have the symmetry corrected, proves you don't understand basic design principles. And before you say that what was delivered was a draft or mockup, reread the Terms of Service section on 'incomplete deliveries'. (Also the section on what gigs can/will be removed.) If you broke the Fiverr Terms of Service, yes.
  16. Considering you basically traced what they provided, I'm not surprised. They were asking you to improve what they had, not copy it. Plus, the font you used wasn't even close to what they included. (Quote box used to reduce post length.) (Image modified to hide username)
  17. Firstly, have you read this yet? https://www.fiverr.com/content/payments-terms-and-conditions
  18. Heh, I'm surprised there was no humorous mention of the 'mono' from monogram being a prefix meaning 'one', hence 'one letter'. Monochromatic, monologue, monorail, monoxide... On-topic: I like that it shows where the problem lies. "If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million." (Or, in this case, the GIF) I really like that you've defined the difference between 'variation' and 'version'.
  19. Nothing to be done. You'll just have to wait. Any reason you won't or can't use desktop in the meantime?
  20. I'm going to add to what @jonbaassaid: Which number matters to you more? The number of people seeing your service, or the number of people of people buying your service? Fiverr only tracks the internal numbers. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/73962-impressions-arent-all-that-important-heres-why/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  21. We newbs have been bless/cursed with seeing all the hidden posts. I'm currently in the process of moving those out of the way so I can see the forum itself. It would be nice to 'close the door', but we don't have that much power, so have to stick with taking out the flies. (I miss the old forums ability to completely opt out.) I do have ADD, though, so while the hyper-focus is great, I did get distracted by merging a bunch of happy-this-holiday topics Wednesday, merging a lot of BR topics Thursday, semi-locking 'News' topics Fri after day job, and conglomerating those stupid 555-555-5555 spam topics today.
  22. There is no benefit. They 'why' is because they've been told or believe that there is. Source: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/261334-spam-trust-levels-and-topic-clean-up/
  23. Glanced. Don't mix 2D and 3D in the same gig. (Don't mix drastically different styles in the game gig.)
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