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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. That's what the forum is for. What's the problem?
  2. Where'd you hear/read that? It's certainly not in here: https://www.fiverr.com/content/payments-terms-and-conditions
  3. Glanced at your profile. Why a black shirt with a black background? Four of the gigs use the same video? How many tries for recording? Yes, Fiverr recommends faces, but that doesn't mean the video has to be all face. I'll admit I stopped watching after a few seconds.
  4. Glanced at your profile. Some of your gigs have room for more samples. In the illustration categories, more examples of your work is critical. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image?segment=seller Consider making a simple slideshow video, as you can show more samples that way.
  5. Without knowing what was written and/or requested in your Brief, no one can tell you exactly why. I will caution you that, if you are a seller, you can only use Briefs if you are also buying. Ads are not permitted.
  6. That reminds me of a topic I'd nearly finished writing, right before the forum migrated... Y'know what? Give me 10 minutes and I'll see what I can salvage/adapt from this HTML mess. Q: Is there anything known? Some of the variables can be guessed based on other known algorithms, but most are assumed and very few proven with solid evidence. What little is hinted at by Fiverr is vague. MOST IMPORTANTLY: It's also been known to change. Q: Why is it being secret a good thing? In short, it prevents cheating. As an example, you might have noticed the content farms that pop up on YouTube. These mills know the YouTube algorithm. They get millions of views and thus millions of dollars from ad revenue. The problem with this is that most of what they put out is either redundant, stolen, or faked, and some of it even dangerous. There have been injuries. (Citations for this at end of post.) Q: What does that have to do with Fiverr? Using the above example, there have been many competent and good creators on YouTube that have been buried and bumped out of search results because of the content farms. Good people who have been forced off the platform, because it's not worth it anymore to stay. For an offline and older example, consider all the mom-an-pop stores that vanished when big-box retail came onto the scene. Fiverr's algorithm can seem random at times, but it's better to be shuffled than kicked out completely. Q: What is known? As mentioned, there has been very little that has been directly verified by Fiverr itself (for good reasons), but as far as trends go: New sellers/gigs seem to get a limited-time boost for a week or two, but it is temporary Editing a gig will remove it from search while the edit is verified. The time it takes varies from a few hours to a few days, but is usually within 24 hrs. So this one is highly likely either a yes or a no, and is a all-or-nothing factor with a condition that's based on a binary 1 or 0. (Gig edit verified=y/n) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) does seem to play a factor, but it's likely composed of multiple smaller factors. For sure: it is NOT the only factor, and it's not likely to be a big factor. Gig tags play a part, but are suspected to have some-to-little weight. Seems to be heavily depend on both category and tag saturation. Note: Spelling is important! (e.g. 'color' and 'colour' have different results), see also above link on SEO. Being active on Fiverr might seem to help, but merely being online, for sure, does not. There is a filter option to search by online sellers, but there is no data on how often this filter is used, or full conversion. (NOTE: The forums are NOT Fiverr, they are a separate Invision-platform forums/server, and don't count.) In relation to being 'active', using Out Of Office mode is alluded/rumored to be a negative factor, but is again one of the points where there's much debate and not much data. Having multiple gigs seems to have no weight at all. Although outside factors affect each gig individually, gigs do not seem to directly affect each other. Gig statistics affect your profile, which in turn might affect your other gigs. (Caveat: duplicate gigs for certain will, as you're competing with yourself, making all your gigs worse off. "Intentional duplicates" are also a direct violation of the Fiverr Terms of Service.) Aside from negative reviews, public reviews are not as important factors anymore (though they used to be). Reviews of 4 to 5 stars are pretty much useless due to the number of sellers with a 4.9+ average. 'Once everyone's special, no one is.' This is at least partly why the “secret reviews” were introduced, and those are much more important to if you show in search results. Level stats: Message response, order completion, delivery deadline, reviews, site seniority, conversions, earnings, account warnings. One of the few things that is known is that the first 5 stats outright state that they're a calculated average of the most recent 60 days of activity. These and the other analytics all play a role, but the weight of each of these variables is unknown, and some are very heavily debated here in the forums. (For example, some claim account warnings do seem to have been given a very heavy weight, while other report no changes at all. It's possible that the type of warning is itself a variable.) Many of these variables affect other variables, such as a large influx of new sellers that the algorithm boosts thus making other gigs get shuffled while the new sellers have said short-term boost. In other words: outside conditions that you have no control over. Q: What about the statistics section in the Gigs tab? Impressions, clicks, views, number of orders received, and cancellations. This is one of the few things that we have a bit of extra data on, as Fiverr outright says they're General Analytics. BECAUSE OF THIS: We know that these are more a report of how the algorithm is behaving in relation to a given gig, and NOT a factor in the gig itself. LIKEWISE, all evidence suggests that the seller level is just a reflection of the statistics. Like the 'being online' variable, there is a filter option to search by seller level, but there is (again) no data on how often this is used, or conversion. (Even the granted level of Top Rated Seller, as well as Pro Verified, Fiverr Choice, and Rising Talent, are debated on if they have any actual affect, other than being filter options and/or a visual influence on the third step of the Buyer Decision Process.) Q: What about Promoted gigs? And BYOB? Promoted gigs are limited-access. You're better off pretending this option will never be available to you. Fiverr use to have a Bring Your Own Business program, where bringing new traffic to Fiverr seemed to help, and if it resulted in a sale seemed to have a greater weight, but also seemed to have diminishing returns, depending on the 'source'. (More back-links does NOT guarantee someone will join Fiverr, and thus aren't likely to have a large weight.) Fiverr Affiliates, and the Referral Program, do not seem to affect the Algorithm. Those have their own separate benefits. Things change. Adapt or, as a business, die. Q: Is that it? As stated, this algorithm is a secret. Everything listed that is not stated or hinted at by Fiverr is gathered based on chatter and debate in the forums over a period of months. Because the forums are such a small sample size of the total population (and a very skewed one), and because there's so many reports of contrary evidence on many of the points, very little can be determined. One of the main problems with gathering any data of this kind are cognitive biases. Also, the algorithm is Fiverr's intellectual property. In the Proprietary Restrictions section of the TOS, it states outright: One other observation: The algorithm is not static. It's possible, and likely, that programmers are still making changes to the algorithm. And that's a good thing. Q: So how can I get orders? Control the controllable. Have skill to back up your claims. Do the work. Do the research. Know your competitors. Find your target market. Go to them where they are. Show you are credible and capable. Stay professional. Stay disciplined. Set some obtainable goals. Make some challenging personal milestones. ***Have a plan.*** And a plan B, and C, etc. Stay focused. Follow though. Get it right the first time. Adapt to the market, or die with the rotary phone. Q: What do you mean by that last bullet point? It can be tempting to deliver an order fast, and just offer unlimited revisions to correct your mistakes or misunderstanding later, but that is a terrible business model and practice. You're risking the buyer simply requesting cancellation, or leaving a poor review. Q: You promised citations? Indeed I did: Fake & Dangerous how-to videos - blog w/ video, 4 October 2019, How To Cook That, Ann Reardon Using Plants to Dye Clothes (Debunking) - video, 1 Nov 2019, The King Of Random, Nate and Calli Debunking Fake Videos - channel playlist, How To Cook That, Ann Reardon The Fake 'Kitchen Hacks' with Billions of Views -video, 15 Feb 2020, BBC, Chris Fox Click here to check your Gig status in Fiverr's backend.
  7. 49 is a LOT of other variables. While it would depend on the weight given, that makes that 1 factor almost negligible.
  8. Post split so as to comply with forum rules.
  9. I see several things that can be improved. Check out these links: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  10. How to get the most out of the Invision Search Engine Google has spoiled us a bit. So, here are some tidbits on how to best use the forum search engine (Invision, July 2021 - ???) 1. SPELLING MATTERS - the search engine WILL NOT be able to know that you meant "Fiverr", if you type in 'fever, feaver, fiber, fivver, etc.' 2. WORD CHOICE MATTERS - the word "Fiverr" yields over 300 thousand results. Try to narrow the results by using more than one word AND the following: 3. The "Didn't find what you were looking for?" filters are your friend Using "Newest results first" Exactly the same as using the "Sort By: Date" option, but requires fewer clicks. If you want to see the latest post/topic that mentions your search word or phrase, this is critical to minimize ending up in some topic from 2015. Using "___ in content titles only" Critical to use if you're trying to find a thread on a specific topic. Using this will help eliminated posts within a thread where a word was merely mentioned, and not discussed. Using "___ AND ___ AND ___" Best for if you are looking for a post or topic you read in the past, and KNOW that it contained more than one specific word. This one will filter for the logic condition that a post contains ALL the words you're searching with, but no particular order. Using "The phrase ___" Possibly the most powerful tool, if you're looking for a specific phrase. Best for words that are frequently paired, like what Fiverr itself pairs. (Gig extras, Gig statistics, Fiverr forums, ID verification, etc.) 4. The "+ More search options" is your other best friend. Aside from being able to enable both 'titles only' and 'all search term' in one screen (helpful if you have slow internet), this also shows the option to refine where in the forum you are looking, such as only in 'topics'. Ultimately, though, it takes some use to get familiar with all the options. Try playing around with it a bit. See how many times people have used the term "world cup", or "color theory", or "dunning kruger", or "capybara", or "fries", or "world domination". Try different combinations and synonyms. Try more words, try less words. Use quotation marks. Use the filters. Have some fun reading a topic from 4 years ago where members are using emoji to play a game. Read. Learn. Grow.
  11. Exactly. (Though, @lloydsolutions was quoting another post, so you missed a bit of context.)
  12. Catwriter meant that quite literally. https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property
  13. According to forum archives, about 5 years ago (mid September of 2017) Fiverr tried out a feature called "Available Now". Those forum records indicate that it was something sellers could turn on when they were online, for Buyers to use as a filter to find Sellers who were (as the name indicates) available right that instant. Records further indicate that the critera for accessing and keeping this feature as a Seller were fairly strict (and a bit buggy). Forum post dates indicate the feature was cut by July of 2018. So, for nearly one year, Sellers were handed a blatant "be online" card. Now, I joined in 2019, so that was before my time, but I can easily see a tentative possible connection. We frequently see posts along the lines of "my friend and I are nearly identical, why he/she get sales and I don't?" Proof that what works for one person might not work for another. All it would take is the perception of "active online = good" for a false-positive to circulate. There's also the "anchoring" cognitive bias. Which is how we get parrots.
  14. Please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs Otherwise, make sure the gig is active on the backend: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status
  15. Unfortunately, since you approved the image(s) to be displayed, you'll have to wait for Fiverr Customer Support. (If you're a Buyer. If you're a Seller, you'll need the Buyer's permission.)
  16. I'm honestly not sure about the Invision forum. I'll try to look into it tomorrow.
  17. A fun topic! On my wishlist is socks. But these are very nice, high end, thick sole, super soft, warm alpaca wool socks that are nine USD a pair! And I'd really like to have 3-4 pairs.
  18. The Fiverr Help Center used to have an article that recommended against it. The newer one doesn't seem to address this, but using the same image/video may give potential Buyers the impression that you are lazy and cutting corners. Not a good way to earn confidence. Plus it's losing you the opportunity to show more of your work.
  19. I had not read that article yet, I found out about it through this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbyfhGHX0Vg ("Fake video testimonials: Inside the world of fake reviews" (CBC Marketplace) - YouTube ~ 22 minutes)
  20. I'm going to guess you're self-taught? Nothing wrong with that, but based on your Fiverr profile, you should borrow a few books on anatomy (or watch some reputable YouTube channels and be ready to pause and rewind a lot). The only structure/proportion trick you used in your gig videos was a circle for the cranium. Your drawing skill will improve by a huge amount if you learn a bit more on pre-sketch basics.
  21. "Debate" is a valid form of information gathering, for people who like knowing "both sides of an argument". In life, there are almost always exceptions. Peanuts and milk are generally considered good food, but allergies exist. Exactly. You only know your own experience. Everyone's situation is different, and (especially online) you never know when you are about to offer chocolate to someone who might end up in a hospital if they eat it.
  22. Fiverr updates statistics once a day, at 0000 GMT. If you do not see any change, check to make sure the gig is active in the backend, here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status
  23. Just want to add an observation to what @williambryan392 mentioned about the unseen cleanup: the automated filter relies on trigger words/phrases, and can only catch so much, but also triggers on false positives. If there were a filter for 'cake only', then it tiggers on both "cake only best diet" AND "the cake only diet is a lie!" even though the second is debunking. It also trips if the triggers is in a quote box, which causes more false positives. Manually checking stuff takes time, and is oft delayed, and even more oft, never seen. So, yes, PLEASE do tag a specific m0derator or four, for serious/urgent infractions, and definitely use the report option.
  24. Oh, okay, your talking empty requirements. That a buyer bypassed your mandatory information needed. Thank you for the clarification. As for solutions there's not much you can do but cancel. If you can't complete the order, you can't deliver. Simple as that. Fiverr Customer Support has been known to be a bit more forgiving in this scenario, but even if you do have to cancel, it's better than dealing with Buyers who can't communicate.
  25. Google. One of the greatest skills a business person should have in their repertoire is the ability to research and discern.
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