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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. You may ask, but I’m disinclined to answer. Consider: If you don’t know what you’re offering in your gig, how is a buyer suppose to figure it out? I’ll give you a hint though: you should use your description to describe the packages individually. That said, does your teammate have comparable English skills? If they do, you could ask what they think about the context of the gig and profile.
  2. Because it’s their platform and that’s the commission they decided on.
  3. Your gig description doesn’t match your packages. Like you skipped the ‘education’ section of creating a profile, you could have skipped the ‘certification’ part as well. You say ‘we’ in the gig, but here in the forums, you’re saying ‘I’. Are you a part of a team? Is everyone in your team as young as you? Does anyone else have a certification that could be applied?
  4. Huh, old thread, but I think this one might be a fun one to resurrect! :zombie: Honestly, because of the current situation, feeling a tad homesick, so I would love to go to my home-state of MT and visit my family there. (Maybe even have the extreme honor to meet a certain other Fiverr Montanan!) ⛰️
  5. You should create your own thread. As for the gig, check the options in the dropdown on the far right.
  6. I think you should start by putting a bit more effort into your samples.
  7. You have a “.” at the end, which is normally proper, but in this case you’ll need to remove the fullstop/period.
  8. I was in a conversation about nearly this topic 2 days ago: The situation isn’t identical (no abusive language, larger review ‘cushion’, continuous revisions issue), but there are similarities. I’d copy/paste, but it’d probably be harder to read.
  9. Money-back guarantees are never a good idea. (Please see (DES) point 1 for reasoning.) There are a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section too. As for your question (if I’m understanding it correctly), your profile picture is the same across your gigs. If your asking if you should include your picture in the gig image, that’s up to you.
  10. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159744-before-you-ask-about-how-to-get-orders-or-no-orders-read-this-more-orders-tips-buyers-first-order-impressions-sales/
  11. I thought ‘split audio’ referred to stereo, like Right and Left in speakers. I might be wrong, though.
  12. Have you edited the gigs recently? Edits need to be previewed by Fiverr, so it reduces visibility temporarily. Edits should be made as little as possible (though as much as needed). It looks like you are sill getting orders though, so I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ll admit, if you managed to get high traffic at the start, that might have not been a good measuring stick to set your future estimates with. Expecting daily orders seems unrealistic. About the only thing I can suggest is that your gig descriptions should clearly differentiate what perks are part of which package. If a buyer is confused and there are other options, they’ll likely go to those other options, rather than take the time to puzzle out what you’re offering. (The first sentence in every gig should echo its title, to reaffirm what you’re offering to do.)
  13. Good recap! The use of colors in advertising was one of my favorite segments in my marketing class. I remember the chapter covering the topic was easily the second most referenced for the semester final group project. (Most referenced was the 4Ps.) Some good memories there, so thanks for the nostalgia! Some of the colors differ in meaning from what I remember, but I also recall there’s sometimes cultural differences that can affect a color’s meaning.
  14. What are your thoughts on: profiles with gigs that drastically differ (to the point of being in majorly different categories), and profiles with gigs that are all similar but are actually carefully crafted to offer unique services?
  15. Unlimited revisions are never a good idea. (100% money back/satisfaction guarantee are also very risky.) Fiverr allows three images per gig, maybe add another image? Your gig descriptions need to clearly differentiate what perks are part of which package. (Why does the basic sweater design package offer 1 Initial Concept and the standard and premium don’t?) Tiny urls are not permitted. Use your full Flicker url so that people know what they’re following. There are several English errors in this gig, your other gigs, and your profile. “Languages: English - Fluent” is inaccurate. It should be ‘conversational.’
  16. I was going to do my standard checklist, but I saw something that I felt needs it’s own post. A few of your designs are very borderline considering the TOS. Terms of Service: Specifically: Your ‘Philadelphia Champs’ t-shirt and the Jong sweater. Political messages in general can trigger backlash. Again, none of these outright violate the TOS, but I’ve heard of gigs taken down for less. If you do decided to keep them, be sure to reiterate that you will not make anything that violates the TOS.
  17. You have two gigs that are identical, please review the ‘gigs’ section of the TOS.
  18. It depends on what I’m working on. But as background, I prefer instrumental/synth/techno. Aaron Opfer, Alan Walker, Blackhole, cornandbeans, Dimrain47, EnV, EON, F-777, NemisisTheory, ParagonX9, WaterFlame, ZeRo-BaSs… I should probably stop there.
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