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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. Please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010560118-Achieving-levels
  2. I'm not sure, but if you're buying a prohibited service (https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services), you might be forfeiting you funds. I will suggest replying to the tickets you've already made, instead of opening a new one.
  3. Never make a gig on a service you cannot perform.
  4. Just noticed, the ToS updated this month.


    Still reading, but haven't found the changes, yet.

  5. I don't think anyone on the forums can answer this question for you. Have you opened a ticket with Customer Support yet?
  6. Huh. I've read a lot of the Fiverr articles, but this is the first time I've seen that one. Interesting, and thanks for sharing it. In that case, I don't know. I'd give at least 10 business days, but it depends on the Customer Support backlog. Maybe, if you get no reply in 2 weeks, add a message to your currently open ticket? Just be sure to stay polite and thank them for their time, even if this delay is annoying.
  7. I'll admit upfront that I'm not positive, but I am pretty sure that Fiverr does not issue that kind of paperwork. As a freelancer, it's your responsibility to track your orders and income. Fiverr is only a platform, not an employer for it's users.
  8. Short answer: you can't. Longer answer: the Fiverr Choice badge is granted by Fiverr and is much like the Rising Talent badge: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011204777-What-is-Rising-Talent and while it is possible to earn, it's best to focus on self-improvement over trophy-chasing. There are, quite literally, over 2 million gigs on Fiverr.
  9. From the Fiverr Terms of Service: It doesn't say anything, specifically, about FaceBook, though I would recommend reading the ToS/T&C for FaceBook's ads to be sure, as breaking a third party's ToS IS a violation of Fiverr's ToS.
  10. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (https://community.fiverr.com/forums/?sortby=posts&sortby=posts&sortdirection=desc&forumId=16). You'll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources **as there are some false tips**(https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/215551-top-5-fiverr-myths-debunked/), even among the top threads.) It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly. "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)
  11. The Fiverr forums are a separate platform from Fiverr. If you scroll to the very bottom of any forum page, you will see this: Because of this, activity on the forums does NOT constitute as activity on Fiverr. Please also see number 4: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/215551-top-5-fiverr-myths-debunked/
  12. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (https://community.fiverr.com/forums/?forumId=16). You'll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources **as there are some false tips**(https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/215551-top-5-fiverr-myths-debunked/), even among the top threads.) It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly. "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin) --- . https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/216701-how-to-get-any-orders-at-all-and-get-more-once-you-have-a-few/ . https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/ . https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159744-before-you-ask-about-how-to-get-orders-or-no-orders-read-this-more-orders-tips-buyers-first-order-impressions-sales/
  13. Just saw that your "Word Story Game" didn't go so good. Bummer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vickiespencer


      Then he made a new Emoji game in which he would post each puzzle and tell the participants if they were correct or not! 

    3. vickiespencer


      Do you think he despised me? I thought he just wanted points? 🤔

      "And he took the competed. He did not it right."

      Okay, asad931, I will help you by giving you an English lesson today. 

      I think you meant to say:

      "He made a competing game and doing that was not right."

      I agree! 

      I think was not very happy that I would not play either of his games and instead argued with him. But both of his games were taken down. So we know who was correct. 😊

  14. I am despairing over the two 'Tips' categories. 😨 Is 'category editor' even a permission that can be granted on this new platform? 

    1. krheate


      I wish! I’ve seen so many users who continue to ask for new orders in the Conversations category or advertise their gigs in the FAQ section. And sometimes even when I tell them to change the category, they don’t! 🙄 

  15. I would suggest asking Payoneer customer support. You are unlikely to get an answer to this kind of niche question on the Fiverr forums.
  16. The Fiverr Help Center page, https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4402267122449-Early-Payout claimes:
  17. No one knows exactly how the algorithm works. This is what Fiverr has to say on a very few factors: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs This is what one fellow Fiverr Seller has observed on the matter:
  18. I emphatically agree. This will take a lot of some getting use to. But just look at all the new formatting options! --- Looks like there's integrated 1.5 paragraph spacing, but shift+enter also works, and regular enter for 2.0 spacing! --- Seems like we lost line breaks, but gained COLORS! And some sizes! ...Though size 72 should maybe not be allowed. Can I hide text with white? Oh, nice! Yes, yes I can! Hehehe... > : ) (Highlight text above to see the new *spoilers!* method.) --- Do bullet lists still work? looks like yes Ooo! And shift+enter also works for sub sets! Nice! Though it looks like regular [enter] is needed to turn off the lists option. --- I'm going to miss the side-by-side preview window, but at least there's a preview option. --- Nice! It can be dragged to other parts of the post! --- Testing 'code' mode. Does this prevent auto hyper-linking? support@fiverr.com fiverr.com support@fiverr.com fiverr.com http://fiverr.com Oh. Looks like it's auto-disabled anyway? (EDIT: Okay, it did auto-hyperlink, but only the http url.) fiverr.com Ah, I see. Looks like if someone wants to hyper link they need to use the actual [insert hyperlink] button. That makes me worry a bit about bit-ly and other short-links though... --- Looks like we've lost collapsible text, though. Darn. I used those a lot. --- @looseink (Tagging still works!) Thanks for letting me use your thread to play with the new formatting options. Sorry for not asking permission first? 😓
  19. When new sellers expect to be given everything needed to succeed. 1987×2015 206 KB
  20. Are your impressions zero? First check here to verify that the gig is active: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new/gig?level1=not_searchable If your gig is ‘active’ then how many days has it been zero? If it’s only one day, give it 24 hours. Sometimes systems are slow to update. If it’s been zero more than 72 hours, and is listed as active, contact Fiverr customer Support. If impressions are not zero, then it doesn’t matter if you cannot find your own gig. Other people can, or you would not be getting impressions. Otherwise, please see: Impressions aren't all that important. Here's why: or If your impressions are dropping, please read this. [ARCHIVED]
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