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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. That’s not how fiverr works. You can be promoted right the next month if your stats are back to normal. You referred to Frank’s post but you are missing the biggest point. Changing prices or setting them according to average selling price has nothing to do with ranking. You lost your “ranking” because your performance got worse and you were demoted on top that. Why not to try to fix the thing that got you in that situation in the first place? Your performance. It will take time but if you continuously will be delivering great work then your gig will “rank” higher again. the average price idea doesn’t make any sense at all for me. Average is an average of 2 numbers. If you’ll set your gig packages lower then your average price will also get lower 🤷‍♀️ And I highly doubt that it affects ranking at all.
  2. We miss you! 

    1. miiila


      Still! But you're probably right, and definitely saving a lot of time. 🙂 Guess you won't see it, but in any case, greetings!

    2. vibronx


      I didn't know I was missed! Thanks for remembering me, haha!


      And I did definitely save a lot of time, miiila! And now it's probably time to go offline again!

      Just wanted to check how many notifications I got, but it was only 20-something. I think they delete them after a while!

  3. And I wouldn’t be surprised if their government have a deal with fiverr the same as they have with Udemy. Which would explain why nothing is done about spam. And even if so many people on the forum will agree with you about spam and where it’s mostly coming from it’s still not ok to negatively call out certain countries, names etc. Edit add on: Actions needs to be taken towards spam and not towards countries. All this is happening because m oderation is close to zero and fiverr forum own rules are not enforced on people. And if there are no rules then of course there will be spam etc. We need to solve the root of the problem not the symptoms.
  4. No one can tell you that. And people who are telling you how to rank your gig are lying to you because fiverr doesn’t share how their algorithm works. The only point that fiverr gave that it’s your performance and statistics hidden and visible that affect your ranking.
  5. No. It will not. Keywords are not connected with “ranking”. Keywords are just keywords and nothing else.
  6. Keywords have nothing to do with ranking. ranking is based on your performance and other factors. Keywords are merely for connecting you with right clients that for example looking for logo design and they will be showing you in logo design category and not in powerpoint presentation. But where your gig will be ranking in that category depends on the performance.
  7. Where did you check it? Is it what you see on the order page on the green header above the order page “you earned x amount” or are you referring to the actual earnings page with pending clearance?
  8. No. No groups 🙅‍♀️ That’s not marketing, that’s not your target audience. Sharing in groups and comments is just spamming. marketing is creating your own following audience and sharing gigs on your own social media profiles.
  9. Are those orders already marked completed by buyer or left the review? Or did you just deliver them? Is it still in pending clearance?
  10. Now instead of 10 people discussing interesting things we have hundreds of people writing only the same 10 sentences 1. Congrats 2. pray for me 🙏 3. stay online active 4. how to rank my gig? 5. Share your gig social media 6. sent 10 buyer requests daily 7. Why I didn’t get an order? 8. My account was banned, can a get a solution for this? 9. Créate 7 gigs, attractive thumbnail 10. Thanks for your valuable information. I think that sums up forum nicely. Nothing else is happening here.
  11. I can’t say I saw a big difference. It was a long time ago however if I look at my analytics over the years the increase was gradual and doesn’t seem connected to my levels. There is also a topic on fiverr called “level 1 hell” or something like that were sellers complain that their orders plummeted after they reached level 1.
  12. Right talk? Talk about what? I’m not sure what you mean. mita fiverr questions category and I don’t understand if you even have a question.
  13. I reported many posts there, I created topic in forum suggestions about that, but it seems that posts still weren’t moved out “tips for sellers” category. Even the ones with self promotion and fiverr gig links are still there.
  14. That would be @mjensen415 It’s not in a forum suggestions so it might be great to bring attention to problems that people are voicing.
  15. I don’t think the score should even be there for categories like Logo design or Web design. No one ever woke up thinking that it’s a great idea to re order their new logo or create a new website every month.
  16. Look, you are running the business and it on you to resolve such situations. If the client is unhappy and you can resolve a situation with getting paid and getting great review then it’s great. If you can’t then as any business you need to account for any losses would that be a bad review or cancellation. it’s your business and fiverr doesn’t have to compensate you from their pocket.
  17. No one knows that. fiverr doesn't disclose how their algorithm works. The only point that fiverr is sharing is your performance. And anyone telling you "follow this 10 bullet points" or "follow these 3 tips and tricks" are lying to you. and I would really question any of those advices. So I'll just leave it with you.
  18. @looseink I haven’t seen you writing “thank you” notes or messages asking to pray for you on forum topics yet 😉
  19. The best service is the one that you are good at
  20. There is no benefit. Zero. Nothing. it’s only to show how long you’ve been here and how much you helped people for pure gamification. please see an official reply 👇
  21. Please stop it… just in this topic you posted 6 replies one after another. Did you know that you can put it it all in one of post instead of creating 6 different ones? and even better there is “thanks” and “arrow up” emoji reaction that you can put on the post that you like
  22. no, it's a horrible "frame" I can't even understand what you mean in that quote or what you are offering
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