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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. So you just listed all social medias that exist? How is that going to help him? Do you know who are his clients that he is trying to reach? So you know his niche that he works on? otherwise your advice is completely useless. It’s like me just listing that there are green, orange, blue, yellow and red colours when someone asks about colour trends.
  2. It doesn’t matter which platform other people use. It matters which platforms YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE is using. Will you be selling this 5 people that commented here? If not then it’s completely USELESS.
  3. Carry on writing only “congrats” messages all over again and again?
  4. There is no effective way, there is one and only way is to keep your stats at over 90% and you will get your level back
  5. Staying online or sharing your gig on social media has nothing to do with your impressions. Your impressions depend on your performance and performance of your gig aka how was your performance when delivering order and how people react and interact with your gig when they se it in search.
  6. Is that why you are liking each every post even in old topics?
  7. Why is it best? What does it give you? What are you hoping to achieve with just refreshing fiverr page?
  8. Being online on fiverr wouldn’t bring you any orders or rank your gig. It’s pointless.
  9. What yes it is? Whom else fiverr should suspend in your respectful expert opinion?
  10. Make sure that your services are interested to potential clients and that it will stand out in search compared to other gigs
  11. Fiverr is giving a boost to new gigs. If you had higher impressions and now they are lower that might mean that your gigs didn’t get any traction or Pinterest and fiverr is just placing you now according to your gig performance
  12. No why do you need to show “active”?
  13. There is no best social media. It all depends on where you think most of your potential clients are spending their time.
  14. Would be a good decision too to suspend all Bangladeshi sellers? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  15. Which sanctions are those? There was no sanctions that forbid companies to conduct business in Russia. And that’s misinformation. It would’ve been even better to just say that it’s because of SWIFT and inability to process payments.
  16. 🤦‍♀️ I have no words…. He is asking how??? He is not asking if marketing is marketing. Can you please read my other replies at least in this topic? It’s getting bizarre.
  17. What does that even mean? How’s it done? Why exactly those three social media platforms? What if his target audience is not on those platforms?
  18. You guys just sound ridiculous. He is asking HOW to do marketing and you answer is “do marketing”??? 🤦‍♀️ That’s how you communicate in real life too? Someone asks you “how to cook a soup” and you answer “just cook a soup”? you are not being helpful at all.
  19. You can’t fix this “problem”. The only thing you can do is to read fiverr rules aka TOS and do not break rules ever again or you will be risking your account to be banned.
  20. Never saw them operating with cryptocurrency before 🤔
  21. Again? How many topics will you open with the same question? no benefits if you don’t read and don’t learn and you obviously don’t because you keep posting and opening topics for the same questions. 🤦‍♀️
  22. Spam is spam as everywhere else. Posting messages that doesn’t add any value to the forum or just replying “great” on all topics is spam. Sending unsolicited messages to forum users is spam. Posting your gig links in comments is spam
  23. It means that they don’t perform well anymore. It means that some of your hidden statistics or open stats are below average and that triggered the system
  24. You very well know it. You created loads of topics, even stole content from other websites and commented a lot. What exactly else you don’t know? Ah yes, what you don’t know is ethics and forum rules 🤷‍♀️
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