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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Yes and no. cancellation itself wouldn’t make your promoted gigs unqualified. I can tell you that for a fact because I have orders cancelled by CS and that has never affected my promoted gigs. Your “ranking” is based on your performance. Cancelling order it’s a drop in performance but something bigger probably happened that even your gigs became unqualified. There are a lot hidden metrics on fiverr that you don’t see, there are also hidden reviews and they might be very different even if your clients left 5 star public review. Your gigs being unqualified for promotion is an indication of drop in performance and not just a cancellation. And if your performance dropped then your search position also will be affected. If your impressions are more than zero then your gig is still shown to people even if you can’t find it yourself.
  2. The strategy should be your expertise and how you position yourself and if your buyers can see value in your service for money that you charge. Simple as that.
  3. Why would it be false? And orders are not sent by themselves. It’s real people behind those requests who are looking for sellers that will solve their problem. If you are not getting orders from BRs it means that buyers don’t find your gig/offer/price/portfolio etc convincing
  4. After years many of us gave up. I even created a topic to management asking about forum objectives so we all can work towards their/our goal. Guess what? It’s being ignored. And I did bring up that question a couple of times. So it’s only natural that we start questioning that if “the head of the fish” doesn’t care why should we?
  5. I’m sorry to say, but if that’s your mentor then you guys are doomed.
  6. @ahmwritingco are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? I see you haven’t been online for 3 hours 😱 we need to stay active 24 seven 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mariashtelle1


      Oh damn, it looks the same bad even zoomed in 🤐😬 

       Those lips with red lipstick though…..

    3. ahmwritingco


      Yeah, why is a monkey wearing lipstick? 🤷‍♂️

    4. ahmwritingco


      @maitasunis liking all my posts in this thread. That's it, Maita. Keep liking me so I can soon be Grand Master!


  7. Where did you see that @gina_riley2 asked for tips on how to get orders? You are not showing yourself in a good light. You are just showing that you can not read or don’t understand what the topic is about.
  8. If someone writes something about your ethnicity in your fiverr inbox you should report it. There is a report button right next to the message.
  9. Please check your information first. But anyway, I attached here a screenshot from fiverr help page. Impressions are not how many times your gig was viewed, amount of times your gig was shown in search etc. Gig tags has nothing to do with impressions. They help connecting your gig with right buyers but tags by themselves don’t affect your gig ranking or impressions. So you basically repeated what I said? By the way that’s not the only metrics. There are way more metrics to measure your performance than the ones that you can see. I feel we are really going in circles. If you are curious how often buyer choose “online” filter please ask @gina_riley2 how often she as a buyer choose online filter and only online sellers. We already discussed it in this topic. It looks like you know better.m and I guess you are staying online if you believe that. How are your sales going so far? Did staying online help you personally? If not then it’s better to get the experience first and then see what exactly worked for you. Wow. Look, I will not be engaging with you anymore. It seems that you only want to argue. I even have you the advice that you asked about your profile but it still seems you believe that you are the only person who is right so if you think you are doing everything g right and staying online is the best thing then I wouldn’t try to reassure you. You can believe what you want to believe and we will see if that works for you with getting steady orders. 🤷‍♀️ Good luck.
  10. No. Please stop repeating it. Staying online has nothing to do with your impressions. Impressions is the amount of time fiverr showed you to potential clients. And how often fiverr shows you depends on your performance. If you have horrible performance but staying online fiverr still will show you at the last pages even with filter.
  11. And you still can find videos saying to ask for a review. Some things are quite outdated there.
  12. Thank you for the link reminder! I found there some other great rules to follow and enforce 👇
  13. Very questionable. Those people just make money on your views on YouTube. 95% of those don’t care what kind of advice they give and if it really works, it’s just a click bait. Wawawewa. The only thing I’ll say here is that as a buyer she doesn’t need to have a strong profile. She is buying not selling and she doesn’t need to attract anyone. And we all know that’s not how real life works. If someone’s gives 3-10 bullet points on how to achieve something that most likely will be completely useless. Will you really believe a person in a random forum that give 10 bullet points on how Jeff Bezos built Amazon and that if you’ll follow them you will build another Amazon? Even if that would’ve been coming from Jeff Bezos himself I doubt that anyone else would’ve built anything g successful with 10 bullet points. On what to do there is fiverr help page. And all they say that impressions ranking etc depends on your performance. All this stay online etc is not listed by any official fiverr source. So whom do you want to believe? Sellers on the forum that don’t have sales? Your own guess of how you think things should work? Or official fiverr source? 🤷‍♀️
  14. Glad to see you back on the forum! 

  15. Do you really use “zuzutto” word to describe slurp and enjoyment of eating ramen?
  16. @gina_riley2 is a buyer, would you like to ask her how often she uses the filter to see which sellers are online?
  17. You don’t need fiverr to be know in Latin America 😉 fiverr has enough potential clients around the globe. You profile offers two completely different services: background removal is already over saturated and on top of that offering both services looks like you are not sure what is your expertise.
  18. I don’t understand: is this a question? Or is it a tip for buyers? buyers don’t care which colours are primary or secondary. Every person have their own styles that they like and only you as a seller choose which colours will represent your brand and brand psychology and which target audience you want to attract with your branding.
  19. There is no such thing as favourite healthy food. All healthy food for me is pure suffering 🙈 Deliveroo addict here 🙋‍♀️
  20. It’s not the promoted feature itself. You are not qualified for promoted gigs when your hidden metrics fall down, if your metrics fall down then your gigs get lower position. That feature is most likely just and indication and not the cause.
  21. How does he prepare himself? And how is he planning to beat top rated sellers?
  22. What if new seller offers his service for 5$ and TRS also offers the same service for 5$? Why would you choose new seller over the TRS?
  23. So what used to happen in the past: fiverr CS couldn’t fix your percentage that is shown but they would add a fix on the back end on the orders that were cancelled with no fault of yours and that wouldn’t affect your evaluation. It was weird because you would have below 90% on the evaluation but you wouldn’t have been demoted because CS did something on the back end. However I have not seen that happening for quite some time.
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