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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. It’s simple: if people can see your gig but they are not buying them there is something in your gig that makes them not to buy it.
  2. Im sure that’s not the reason of you not receiving messages Clients can message you even if you don’t show online. By the way, your profile is showing online 👇
  3. And what have you done to be on the first page? Did you prove to fiverr with your performance and your gig performance that you deserve to be on the first page? It’s doesn’t happen by accident or by using some kind of tricks.
  4. Stop repeating this bogus advice please. When you are asleep you should be asleep not tricking customers into thinking that you are online and will reply their messages when you can’t. And on top of that fiverr can ban you for using auto refresher.
  5. Why do you think your gig deserves to be on the first page instead of all other sellers there? What have you done better than those people?
  6. Then did you read the comments that you liked? That limit was applied so you wouldn’t write this spam comments like “I also face it”. And instead you should think of something meaningful to add to the conversation as you have a post limit. That’s why you have a post limit.
  7. Please stop spamming. You just liked all 8 comments sit this “I also face it”. Didn’t you read them? And if you didn’t read them then why did you like them all?
  8. I know, and I was the first one against that. I even got a warning for opposing that decision 🤷‍♀️
  9. And what did you learn from the last couple of comments? 😉
  10. Great, so now you know that instead of writing “I also faced it” to read other comments first? And then add more meaningful comments?
  11. Of course you did. That post limit was made so you guys wouldn’t spam forum with comments like “I have faced this too”. But you still manage to spam instead of writing something more meaningful that can add to the conversation.
  12. There are much more cons to it 🙈 there is no sick leave or paid holidays, if you take days off it comes out of your pocket. There is not paid insurance and you have to cover it by yourself including your personal medical and business insurance. Income can vary a lot from one month to another and you have to plan for that if you have lower or bigger income in a month
  13. On the forum? You don’t need to grow your level on the forum. It’s just for fun, it doesn’t have any benefits or anything at all to it.
  14. Did you already check other similar topics on the forum? You didn’t find anything useful there?
  15. After 90 days clearance you can contact fiverr support to request your withdrawal for orders that weren’t refunded
  16. Then it’s definitely a ground for them to ban your account. It’s written in fiverr TOS that academic work is strictly forbidden on fiverr and you signed that document and agreed that you read and understood it.
  17. Because it’s their right to do so. They don’t have to give a warning if you stole or plagiarised someone’s content. If your account is under review then there is no way for you to get your gigs back, you’ll have to wait for the review outcome.
  18. This badges are pure gamification. Your post limit depends not on your badge but on your reputation score on the forum. The higher your reputation score the less restrictions you have. That’s the protections from those spammers that get to grand master badge by just spamming and liking all posts
  19. Obviously not. That message violates rules somehow and was blocked. If you’ll attempt to do it again you might be banned. you can try to attach the text of your proposal here so we could advise you what was wrong with it
  20. Are you going to answer my question? How can I help if you are even ignoring my questions 🤷‍♀️
  21. I feel like they don’t even check if someone replied 🤔 I had zero people reply to me when I’m even asking them a direct question. I don’t know if they just forget that opened a topic, or they don’t know how to check notifications, or they just post to “stay active”. I’m always assuming the worst though 🙈 😂🙈
  22. What things were you trying?
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