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About muhammadfaheem0

  • Birthday 05/25/1993

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  1. You welcome @mariawasim
  2. Hi @mariawasim, I hope you know me. I am your fellow designer in the same category. Just like you, I posted here the same query a couple of years ago. But no one here can give the right answer. I got TRS badge after waiting for it for 46 months. My stats are similar to you. All I can say is just keep going without worrying about the badge. One day you will get it. Wish you all the best 🙂
  3. Keep waiting and keep improving. I am waiting for the last 28 months consistently maintaining my stats for TRS. Check more here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263755-reason-for-not-getting-trs/?tab=comments#comment-1642065
  4. I never contacted Fiverr CS to cancel those 2 orders because they were buyer's mistake. I simply cancelled the orders myself without asking FIverr team to cancel them for me.
  5. Now I get your point. I am in communication with Fiverr CS. Let say what they say
  6. I always thought the same that Fiverr team manually reviews an account to make the promotion. But this demotion seem to be automatic and it didn't happen as expected. So I concluded that there is some glitch with the system in checking my account.
  7. I am also an old user and had some conversations with these guys in the past. So I tagged them. I still see they have good earned good ranks here.
  8. When we hover on the 89% red stat, it says, you should have at least 90% to maintain this level. 89% is below 90 and is also red so clearly it's the system fault for not monitoring my account.
  9. Thanks for your response @mariashtelle1 My order cancellation is still below 90% and the next evaluation is now showing up as Oct 15
  10. @humanissocial @mariashtelle1 @radennorfiqri @vickiespencer @wp_kid @uk1000 @english_voice
  11. I got nominated for Top Rated Badge back in Feb 2020. Since then I have maintained my stats but never got promoted. Finally, after waiting for 28 months consecutively, I found the reason for not getting the TRS badge and that reason is: Fiverr system NEVER evaluated my account 😐 Let me explain how I knew it. I went on a recreational tour in August and thus I paused all of my gigs. When I returned back, I had to cancel 2 order (buyer's mistake) and then my "Order Completion" dropped to 89%. This is the first time in my 6 years of Fiverr career that I had to demote to Level 1 on September evaluation. So I was waiting to get the notification of demotion. To my greatest surprise, the evaluation period ended but the system DID NOT demote me to level 1. That was the "Ahhhan" moment when I realized what I am missing to get the TRS badge. My profile was not being evaluated at all! So I contacted Fiverr customer support and explained everything. As expected, they responded with a template response 🙄 After some more struggle, I convinced the agent to forward my case to Fiverr Tech Team so they can look into my account and see what the problem is. I will update this post when I get any update from Fiverr team. Recap:
  12. I agree with you that starting is a huge step but when it comes to Fiverr, I think, consistency is much more important than starting it. Creating a profile and gig/s on Fiverr is quite easy. There are a lot of people who start selling on Fiverr and expect unrealistic sales and quickly stop trying here saying that they didn’t get any order in a few days or weeks. Only those who keep trying make it happen.
  13. That’s a great goal… I will also write it down in my list… Do you achieve your goal each year?
  14. That’s awesome! and if they return every month, you can have at least 40 orders every month… Why don’t you stop doing a job for someone else? and start working for yourself full time and make more money?
  15. Hello Doers, It’s the end of 2018 and I hope you have made a lot out of it. We all have Goals about everything we do in our lives like educational goals, career goals, family goals and so on. Today, let’s talk about Fiverr Goals. :thinking: For me, 2018 is/was a wonderful year and by the Grace of my God, I have achieved much more than what I decided to achieve on Fiverr at the start of this year… From earning to finding some awesome clients, I have done all what I wanted to do…😇 What about you? Did you achieve your Fiverr Goals of 2018 or you even didn’t set any goals for yourself? What are your Fiverr Goals for 2019? Let’s get motivated for the New Year or motivate other by your inspirational Fiverr Achievements. 😉
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