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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Don't get me wrong, I agree with this. I just said that there can be honest mistakes.
  2. Well you have the same IP. That's the issue, it's seen as 2 accounts made by the same person. Go to customer support and see if they allow it, but generally if you share the Wi-Fi, it's like having 2 accounts in the same place.
  3. I don't see Fiverr being that strict. Poeple make mistakes when typing, especially on the go. Being penalized for that would be cruel.
  4. Well what if you are replying quickly from your phone and deal with autocorrect? 😄
  5. Thank you Mike. Well, the fact that I am not US or UK based is very unappealing for clients that hire a writer. So that limits my market considerably. Even with around 18K reviews between all my gigs, I still have people that specifically ask me if I am an US or UK native. So even if I studied in the UK, I can't lie and say that I am born there or live there now. And there are plenty of people like that, I encountered quite a lot of them. In my case, I found that lowering the word count a bit is the ideal option to earn a bit more. Increasing the price and trying to double it was met with backlash from current clients, and overall it halved my income that month, so it definitely wasn't great for me. I will try again soon, just to see where it goes. But even now, I am pushed back in search due to a client sharing a 1-star review which said good job.. clearly by accident. However I wasn't abe to do anything since you know..if you start asking customer support to remove reviews because they were shared accidentally, might as well hand them a blank piece of paper saying "I want an account warning". So I just moved on, but it seems that the review in question is affecting my exposure anyway.
  6. I see you write in your local language, so that's a bit different. I asume you have way way less competitors when compared to the English writing market. This is way more competitive, and even if I lived and studied in the UK, the fact that I live in Romania automatically tends to push more expensive buyers away, not all of them, but some definitely told me they just want to work with an US writer, so right away that limits the market considerably. When it comes to raising prices.. I tried a few times, and I realized the better option is to shorten the word count instead of asking for a higher price. It depends on how much you rely on the Fiverr income I guess. But in my case, it ended up cutting my income in half for the month I experimented, things got back when I removed 100 words from the gig, so clearly in my case lowering the word count worked. But again, it depends on so many different factors..
  7. I agree that a fully functional site can't cost $10. However, they can't do that for something like articles. Due to their nature, they are very affordable and also something people can buy on a daily basis. So it works for some categories, not that well for others.
  8. It depends on the niche. In the case of writing gigs, this is more common because you can easily change the word count. Some do around 100 words and charge $5, others do 500 words for $5. So there is quite the difference, even if they both charge $5.
  9. I don't disagree with you, some $5 sellers are very bad and lack any business acumen or even industry knowledge in what they are offering. But then again, these people can easily charge more if $5 gigs are not allowed anymore. In fact, I saw a $25 gig for 500 words in the writing section where the person had VERY bad english, and still had dozens of reviews, which I assume are fake. Honestly @vickiespenceris right, sellers have to be vetted manually, that's the only way to curate sellers, at least some. Sure, there will be some that slip between the cracks, but it will be much better for the site. Will Fiverr spend a significant amount of time and resources for this when $5 gigs still make good money for the site? Most likely not. Also, I do charge $5 and I brought in a lot of sales, kept a lot of people on the site, so not everyone charging $5 is bad, I know that for a fact.
  10. That doesn't mean removing $5 gigs would make a difference. They can easily charge more. The problem here is in buyers vetting their sellers properly and asking for samples, talking with them before ordering. Like @vickiespencersaid, it mostly has to do with Fiverr vetting sellers. Because no matter what price limit you will have, people will just raise their prices and you still have the same scammers and unqualified people that just charge more.
  11. Well I would disagree. I lowered my word count and kept the $5 price for many years, and it's fine for me. Yes, I will eventually increase my prices, but removing the $5 gigs doesn't make sense. One, it's the site's branding. Two.. while some categories won't make sense at $5, many others do. Especially gimmick ones. Then there's three, the fact that they already have a business category anyway, so it would make no sense to ditch the current Fiverr and go Full Business mode. It's up to debate, but I don't see what harm is in having $5 gigs. Buyers are free to choose whatever they want, and not everyone visits Fiverr for very expensive services. There will always be people that want cheaper services, so I don't see Fiverr setting a $10 starting price. But who knows.. we never expected to have a full on war between very large countries in 2022, so anything can happen. I for one, don't see the benefit of removing $5 gigs.
  12. Last time I had a review that a person mistakenly clicked on was a 3.3 star review, the buyer went behind my back and asked for its removal. I ended up receiving an account warning. I don't want to endanger my account for a random dude that didn't know where to click. But yes, it hurts... quite a bit. The worst part for me is that I feel my hands are tied. But it is what it is. I just hope he didn't leave a private negative review as well, and my placement in search is not affected. I replied to the review stating it was a mistake, clearly.
  13. Well then there's no point in talking with someone if there's nothing that can be done.. It helps that I am high volume, yes, but it still hurts that I have my hands tied and there's nothing I can do here. If I report this to customer support I receive a warning, if he goes behind my back I receive a warning as well. So I just decided to share my experience here and vent my sadness a little bit. And who knows, hopefully it helps others too. He mistakenly placed those stars (or not), regardless he also sent me a message after reviewing asking me to add extra stuff to the content. I am adding that now, I'll just move on and not work with this person again, even if they are a repeat customer. I spend a lot of time doing the work for you, so it's only fair that you check how you review the content, because it's clear from his review and our previous orders that he just randomly put stuff here to rate the order. Not sure why, because you have 8 days to review stuff, why would you review right away if you're tired.
  14. Yeah, it feels like a slap in the face. Clearly the person just put random stars in there to finish the order, he's a repeat client that never had any issues, if anything he praised me in his other reviews so yeah.. I am quite unhappy to see this, espeically knowing that it will affect my ranking and for what... a random review left at 1 AM.
  15. So I just received this The review is from regular client and he clearly wanted to share a positive review, but due to him checking the work at 1 AM he just closed it with random stars. Obivously this feels very unfair and I can only imagine it affects my ranking. I always go well over what clients ask of me, and obviously this review brought a pretty depressive state because I know reviews are final and if I go to support for this, they would just give me a warning. But it's clearly a mistake, so I have no idea what to do, I replied and stated that it was a mistake, is there anything else I can do guys? Because it feels very demotivating for me...
  16. Maybe the seller doesn't have the minimum English knowledge needed to sell. Maybe the services are not allowed on Fiverr. There can be a lot of different reasons. There are so many useless services here that don't generate sales..
  17. No. It's not shown publicly and it doesn't matter. Just focus on delivering before the deadline.
  18. I will say this, the reply feels arogant. Don't say you are a great designer, let the others decide. I would recommend being more humble when you talk with customers and reply to client reviews. As Vickie said above, your customer service is very important. It's ok to just do a bit of extra work sometimes, it goes the extra mile and keeps people happy. You can block this customer afterwards if they were a pain to work with. But at least try to make them happy.
  19. There's no thievery. They checked and nothing was wrong most likely. If orders have tips, extras and so on, those clear separately. Sometimes the wrong amount is shown as cleared on the order page, but it's shown properly on the Earnings page. So check keeping those things in mind/
  20. Well we are during the holidays so there are already businesses offering their teams time off. So it might take a while.
  21. If you delivered the order on time you're not getting penalized. Revisions will always say that, but as I said, if you delivered within the deadline specified when the custom offer was sent, you are fine. You can wait for their reply, hopefully it won't take forever.
  22. It most likely has to do with your gig performance. If you received a bad review, private or public, then that might be the reason why you have such a problem. I know it happens to me at times too.
  23. It clearly says that the account was disabled. The decision is finalized and it can't be reversed. If it's final, what makes you think you can re-activate. Why would Fiverr ban you, if you could reactivate the account? It makes no sense. Unfortunately you won't be able to access the Fiverr platform anymore and if you do try to create other accounts, those will be disabled too.
  24. Either the person was marked as a spammer by Fiverr, or maybe they blocked you and thus you can't send them a message.
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