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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Thanks to internet archive I was able to see this https://web.archive.org/web/20210129155449/https://www.fiverr.com/babajee
  2. Do you have to gain anything from a forum? You're a part of a great forum and there's lots of knowledge spread around. However, this WON'T give you sales directly, nor will it make you a millionaire. As an entrepreneur, focusing on gain from the start is a huge mistake. Are there Fiber sellers? Where?
  3. Even if you share that, it doesn't count as a reply from your side. So if you don't share a manual reply within 24 hours, your response rate is affected.
  4. Why would Fiverr risk thousands of complaints a week/day when they can just leave things the way they are? Customer support is already overwhelmed the way it is.
  5. Well there was a time when people were able to change their review and that brought a lot of animosity and scamming. So yes, it's better to not have any review changes, most professional buyers know very well what review they need to give and it's not an accident. Having the ability to change reviews would just open up the door to thousands of scams. What if a buyer gives you an amazing review, but a few days later they come back and threaten you with a very bad review unless you give double the work for free? That can very well happen if you allow buyers to change reviews.
  6. I don't know if that brings any specific favor from the algorithm, I still have very low prices myself and tend to be at the top of search results. I think it's more improtant to have lots of happy buyers, no late deliveries and as few cancellations as possible.
  7. I only bought via Fiverr once and even if there were buyer requests, I just used the search system, you can find what you need.
  8. Yeah but now with briefs it's easier since you can report it. I never had any gig via buyer requests because most people there were asking way way less than what you would pay for a professional service. Congrats for getting an order thoguh BR, but you were severely underpaid most likely.
  9. They deleted it because 99% or more were just scammy request and many people were just self-promoting..
  10. I wouldn't worry that much. Videos are not mandatory, nor will they ever be. I assume they might become mandatory for the Business side of Fiverr but here I doubt it. Who knows though.
  11. The amount of time spent on Fiverr has nothing to do with orders. It's just a waste of time.
  12. Fiverr's AI didn't see you a good fit for any of the jobs currently available.
  13. BADGE Not BATCH https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=batch
  14. I am pretty sure you can try it 2 times within the timespan of 3 months. I do suggest you prepare a bit more before you take the test a second time.
  15. A random post from Quora doesn't prove anything though. And the English used in that post is so bad it burns my eyes.. Anyway, believe that if you want, but having a lower sales price won't be a problem and it definitely won't derank you. If anything, it makes you more competitive and you generate more sales. The more you increase prices, the less sales you usually have (although there are exceptions). And when you end up delivering late, cancel orders and so on, those things have a much bigger impact on your gig.
  16. There's no way to show this is true. I sell a lot of $5 gigs and my average selling price is much higher, and I still am at the top of search results. Customer satisfaction has more to do with your search results positioning rather than what you mentioned above.
  17. And I respect that. I was not talking about his personal stuff. I just tackled the Fiverr stuff at the end, where he said maybe if people comment he gets orders. That's not how Fiverr works, and I provided some important ideas.
  18. Maybe, but the truth is that a lot of people just think they are depressed, when all they need is a push. I was just trying to encourage that person to try and improve themselves, whether they want it or not.. that's up to them.
  19. Don't fall into depression. There are a lot of things to do. Create a Fiverr gig or more, promote it/them and in the meantime work on your skills. There are free online classes on pretty much anything. So it all comes down to having the drive to learn and improve.
  20. The button is still there, you might have some issues with the browser, who knows.
  21. Well first they have to wait 90 days. If they don't bring the account back and he is fully banned..
  22. It's not an update. It's evolution, growth. Websites change all the time. Buyer requests was filled with people that were severely underpricing and manipulating sellers that were desperate for work. I don't use the new brief system, but it's way better than buyer requests.
  23. What update? The latest update that I saw was being able to add automated replies. I don't see any use for it myself, others might need it. But clearly buyers don't benefit from that, we do, if anyone. Yet as I said, I don't see the benefit of having an automated reply when I still have to reply manually anyway otherwise the response rate is lowered..
  24. I had someone come to me pretending to ask for an article and samples, then when I asked what they need, they immediately started begging for work and I said I can't help, they sent 20 messages. I mean, that's demotivating and VERY FRUSTRATING.
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