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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. When your account was banned, what did Fiverr say in the email? They usually explain there, and they specifically say THERE IS NO NEED TO CONTACT CUSTOMER SUPPORT. That's why they are closing your tickets. They already explained why and the decision most likely is final.
  2. No matter where you live in this world, you have to pay taxes for your income. As for the other things, you can easily search online or just ask a local accountant.
  3. Then make your offer better, change images, something might be turning people off. Maybe your price turns them off too, who knows, I didn't get to check your profile.
  4. I agree with you Frank. Don't judge a book by its covers. I for one don't have a problem if the buyer is new or the average spend is very low or very high. But I do think that the buyer insights tool is still really helpful when it comes to identifying hard people to work with. I was just contacted by this.. and after checking his seller reviews, that's not a person to work with. Either they gave a negative review saying the work was great, or they were extremely picky with things for the second review. So it's very helpful to have this tool. If you use it right, it can help you quite a bit. Asking questions always helps, and then you will see if they know exactly what you are dealing with. Sometimes it pays off to trust your gut, but other times you can be wrong.
  5. You can switch to Premium for a month, try it and then switch back to the regular version. Every seller has a different experience with the Premium features, so you won't know if it fits you or not until you try it. Some people feel that the success manager support is not worth it, but it depends on how established you are as a seller. The manager can only do so much to help...
  6. Well I had a talk with a customer that said their niche is very complex (excavators and industrial equipment) and whether they hire someone or use AI to generate text, they still have to edit. So they are not using freelance writers anymore, just because it ends up being cheaper to use AI. And you know I already have a very low price to begin with. So whatever Fiverr or anyone else says, I know firsthand people will lose customers. I already did, that person said there's no ill-will, it's just way cheaper for him and the content is delivered within minutes. So I can't beat that...
  7. The order was delivered, most likely the buyer for that order did a chargeback to receive his money back. When that happens, Fiverr automatically bans their account, so they are not on the platform.
  8. Didn't Fiverr have an AI related webinar a month or two ago? Do we only need AI in order to do our work? There are many other pressing issues and things to address rather than just AI. At least that's where my 2 cents go. AI is great, but not everyone needs AI, yet we need some improvements to the platform. Like, you know, not having buyers use gig multiples to do up to 20x any gig package...At this point I am ok with this feature being Seller Plus exclusive, just add it for God's sake, because a lot of people want to customize how they receive orders..
  9. Thank you Vickie and everyone else that guided me. I don't really mess around with the Forum settings, I didn't have to. But yes, these notifications become annoying. And Tanvir is one of the main people leading the pack with those constant likes. Unfortunately he's not alone.
  10. I have 80+ a day, if I am active and I am posting stuff. 15-20 if I don't post anything. You can do that? I should check, I am sick and tired of these persons. They think they will have more orders if they have a higher forum level. That's not how it works...
  11. Sometimes gigs are removed from search for 10-15 minutes when you make changes. That being said, there's no penalty if you change the gig. So you don't have to worry about that.
  12. I didn't even see that. You're right, people hire him to generate leads and he can't generate leads for himself...
  13. Relevant = the most expensive based on their purchases (most likely)
  14. It obviously depends on the situation and what the buyer did. Maybe the seller forced him to do something that broke the TOS, in which case the seller account is under review. As I said, it's way too general, unless you explain exactly what happened there's no way to know. And even then, Fiverr may or may not try to tackle the issue.
  15. I agree. Today I had 2 self-cancellations and also had another cancellation last night from a dude whose order requirements were just "contact me". So 3 cancellations in 2 days, none of which I was able to have any control over..
  16. There are genuine buyers that create an account but won't buy anything until after a year or two. So it doesn't really matter when the buyer account was created. Buyer reviews can help, yet a lot of people give a 5 star review to every buyer anyway, so those can be misleading. The only, proper way to know if a buyer is authentic or not is via communicating with them. And even then.. there are plenty of scammers that seem genuine buyers until you deliver, and then they threaten you.
  17. He is a programmer and I am a writer. So not the same category. As for the number of orders. What you need to focus is on quality.
  18. Just because you are a person selling lots of stuff, that doesn't mean you will ever be a top rated seller.
  19. Damn, didn't realize it 🙂
  20. Only a few people from thousands are accepted into the Fiverr Pro program. So most applicants are not accepted. Don't get your hopes up. If you are a Pro seller, then you will be under even more scrutiny, since Fiverr has very specific standards. For example, your gigs will need to be at least a certain price. You can apply multiple times, but that doesn't mean they will ever accept you. It's a very strict program and thus not everyone is accepted.
  21. What this does is it encourages people with a very bad attitude to really mess up your stats, and those "long" reviews appear as featured. Instead, customers can still use gig multiples up to 20x and we as sellers are not allowed to STOP gig multiples. I don't understand really, smaller platforms have the ability to stop multiples, why aren't they stopping that and instead are ok with cancellations and account damage for sellers? Or even worse, bad ratings...
  22. It depends on the success manager. If you see that the manager is very busy, ask for another one. The one they switched me to has a very open schedule, even if I don't really use them. So yeah..
  23. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=buyer+briefs+fiverr It's quite hard 🙂
  24. Fiverr Forum is FULL of topics like yours, all you have to do is search and read. Do you want the same members write all that stuff over and over for any new identical topic? People have better things to do. Good luck and all, but you should consider doing the minimum thing and browse the forum yourself before asking anything NEW 🙂
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