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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Well for me.. I don't see the purpose since it already says that you have to reply manually if you want to keep the response rate... So the only situation when I would use an auto reply would be to thank the buyer for their order. But then I also have to reply again to do the same thing and not lower my response rate. Maybe I am missing something or this is not for me. I am sure others will find some use for it.
  2. Generally the chances of getting your account back when you are banned are minimal to 0. They only give you the account back if Fiverr made a mistake. I think you most likely messaged multiple people, they marked you as spam and when that happens you lose your account. I am sick and tired of people sending random messages or even worse, constantly asking for work. I mean come on, you can't expect success and sales from bothering others, especially sellers. One month I ended up ignoring spam messages from some users and it ended up lowering my response rate. So not only are they annoying, they damage my account. The thing is, you are not allowed to self-promote and randomly disturb people here, that's not the inbox is for. Not sure what exactly happened in your case but as I said, realistically if you know you contacted multiple people and those persons said you are spamming them, then most likely you will not see your account back either soon or at all.
  3. I joined in 2014 and got multiple orders the same day. But that was around 9 years ago. These days.. it's very difficult to receive orders just because there are SO MANY people coming to Fiverr and randomly creating gigs. Not everyone is a professional, In fact most people creating gigs don't have a clue what they are doing. Yet Fiverr still tries to offer them the spotlight and they showcase these gigs in front of potential buyers. You need to create great gigs, make them stand out and surpass all the others with samples and back up all your claims. It's the hardest it's ever been to stand out on Fiverr, but many people do it and you can do it too.
  4. Well, what does your Fiverr account has to do with your local, brick and mortar business?
  5. No This is not a plan to boost orders. You can talk with the seller manager if you choose the expensive package and they might give you some tips on how to improve orders. No one will give you more orders, you have to make changes yourself. Seller Plus is not for that. It gives you some extra tools on Fiverr, many of which are helpful. But don't expect an increase in sales.
  6. Well, check the features and see if you want to use them or not. It's as simple as that. You can start with the cheaper plan and upgrade if you want to work with a seller manager and access other features.
  7. You can only have a SINGLE Fiverr account. You are knowingly breaking the rules, and you will be banned most likely. It's funny though, you break the rules by having multiple accounts and you're asking what's wrong :))))
  8. As everyone else said, just because you can offer 20 services that doesn't mean you should. If you check successful sellers here, they just have a few gigs and many just have as single one, maybe 2 at most. The idea is to have gigs that highlight your skills and which show yes, you are the best at this and people should hire you.
  9. Well when that person canceled a 6-month old they didn't say anything and CS said they had no choice but to refund. Who knows, really. That was last year so I assume things changed a bit. Still, anyone can claim the work is of inferior quality and CS can't judge it so..
  10. There is no timeline. I had a buyer ask customer support for a cancellation 6 months after the order was placed. And Fiverr gave it to him because there's no way to force someone to accept an order. They did reimburse me because they said it's not ok they asked for a refund after already doing lots and lots of other orders in the meantime. So it's not like it took 6 months to check the content. They just wanted some extra money from other orders and started refunding old stuff. So as you can see, there is no clear deadline.
  11. Well, they don't have to warn you if you did something against the rules. It's just like stealing, getting caught and then being mad the police caught you. If you did something against the rules, Fiverr will eventually find you. Sure, sometimes your account might be disabled automatically by the system and it's not adequate. But those things are very rare, and most bans are done manually. The bottom line is, unless Fiverr changes their mind, you will have to freelance somehwere else because Fiverr won't re-activate your account once it's disabled. Unless, as I said, there's something wrong on their side and you were banned by mistake.
  12. Even if you ask for a review, it can easily backfire. Let's face it, no one likes or wants to be forced to do something. So you can encounter buyers forced to leave a review that end up sharing an average or bad review. I had a buyer that did not like Fiverr pushed him to review the work and he gave me a 3-star review, even if he was a repeat buyer which was always happy with my work. He was forced by Fiverr to review and he just randomly chose some stars. So, it's easy to just let it go. Let people choose when and if they review. Most of my regulars don't share a review and I am fine with that..
  13. Response time won't be affected by your sleep hours if you just open up the app and reply a few hours a day. I usually reply within the hour or instantly when I am at my PC and check the app whenever I can during the day. And I always kept a 1-hour response time. I sleep 6-8 hours every day so.. sleep doesn't have anything to do here.
  14. A lot of writers have Copyscape scans of their work that they use as samples, or just PDF samples. I have an older PDF I wrote a while ago and the reason why I don't have any others is because that PDF was stolen to death by others. I always direct potential customers to my own website where I have content I wrote, at least I know they can steal and be penalized by Google for duplicated content. So I, for one, choose not to have any samples because people steal them.
  15. There is no new buyer request system. Buyer requests are slowly phased out and replaced
  16. Then you are not tackling the situation properly. Buyer requests is not a system you should rely on, same with the Brief system. Create great gigs that provide new leads and customers organically. If you rely just on requests from buyers, then it's better to choose other platforms specialized on that kind of system. Fiverr is unique because you just set up a gig, market it properly and people come to you. Focus on that, and you will have much better results. However, you do need to realize that you are in an over-saturated category (if you're a designer as the username says). So you really need to be unique and stand out, as there are thousands of gigs that are pretty much identical in that niche.
  17. New people come to Fiverr all the time. I have a lot of newcomer buyers and they are fine. That doesn't make them fake or scammers. If you create an account right now, does that make you fake? It's not the account creation date that's a problem. It's the way they interact with you. Do they ask to work outside Fiverr? Maybe they place an order and start adding in extra requirements for free? That would make me suspicious, not the fact that a buyer is new to the platform lol.
  18. Not to reign on your parade or anything. But you have to realize that this is a temporary badge. It's not like being a Top Rated seller where it's not removed unless you have bad performance. This Fiverr's Choice badge is temporary, and you will have it for a few months at most. So make the most out of it.
  19. I don't know.. I didn't find any topic on this, and I just saw the feature added on the seller side of things.
  20. I just received an order and it seems that aside from my own questions I ask clients, Fiverr started adding in their own questions as well. I am not sure how I feel about this.. On one hand it might share some relevant info. But at least for the gig that was purchased, these questions have nothing to do with it. This seems just an extra step for clients and I am sure many will skip it. This buyer certainly did..
  21. Maybe or maybe not. Images are not the only thing attracting people. I think it mostly has to do with reviews and the current seller rating. I don't care about the image quality if I want to hire a programmer or a writer. They are not design experts so thinking images matter so much for someone that doesn't hire designers (I can understand image quality being important for someone claiming to be a designer) is a bad approach. Honestly, most buyers care about ratings and prices. The other things might be important for some, but my experience shows that prices and current ratings tend to be the drawing factors, and many buyers actually told me that so...
  22. Impressions don't matter. Impressions show how many people saw your gig while browsing Fiverr, WITHOUT clicking on it. By comparison, it's just like having people walk by your store but never entering it. So Impressions are irellevant, if anything it shows how many people DIDN'T choose to work with you. As for clicks.. they tell you how many people were interested to work with you, and then you see how many of those actually placed an order.
  23. A simple search on the forum would give you thousands of tips. All you have to do is search. You just wrote a line and expect people to write dozens of lines with tips??? If you want results in anything, you have to put in the work. Here it seems you just expect get-rich-quick tips, and that's not going to happen. Put in the work, commit to it and you will have success.
  24. Thousands and thousands of competitors. You need to show that you are better than everyone else. And there are people who started here since 2011 or so, which means you have a lot to prove.
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