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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. you will have to wait for your orders the more positive review you get your gig ranks higher and impression gets higher thaen you can get more orders
  2. make your gig SEO-friendly and proper gig image
  3. you cant ask directly
  4. after completing the exam fiverr will show you the score. and also it will show on your profile.
  5. optimize your gig and you should have good gig image with your service keywords.
  6. sign out using your account
  7. you have a good impression and clicks as well.
  8. Buyer didn't fill the requirements and order isnt active yet, He wants to cancel will it effect my cancellation rate? Thank you
  9. Change your gig image and also upload gig video
  10. Buyer wants me join his facebook group and collect his videos to edit. Is it Against terms and policy? Buyer has already ordered.
  11. New buyer wants to talk and i dont have options to call him, what should i do?
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