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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Well the AI can generate gibberish and that would make people think you are not professional. It's always a good idea to write everything on your own, manually.
  2. Even though I generally like heavier music, when I work I prefer syntwave or synthpop compilations. They are great, keep the flow going, while not having any voice that might distract me. At least that's what works for me.
  3. Actually Fiverr does investigate every cancellation. But if it's via a chargeback, they can't do anything because the bank forces them to send the money back. Fiverr just closes their account.
  4. Everyone, not only newbies encounter this. And that's because no one knows how the algorithm fully works. Plus, you have to realize that there are tens of thousands of active sellers in most major categories. So the chances of having the algorithm pick you are very low to begin with.
  5. So I see your profile is new, most likely what happened is Fiverr gave you a boost and you received some clients. But others in your niche most likely surpassed you, and thus you were pushed behind. Also, Fiverr asks for private reviews aside from what you see publicly. So if a buyer slammed you and you have few reviews, then obviously a negative private review will have a major impact.
  6. Glad to see you back, didn't see you for a while. Honestly I didn't even realize he was talking about impressions :)) With his fiber and empressions..
  7. You can always use a separate browser for Fiverr and not worry about ad blockers.
  8. Improving your English would be a major starting point.
  9. I agree, but in some niches price is the only thing buyers are looking at.
  10. You can't have more than one Fiverr account. Support is not helping you because you broke the rules. So that's it, they banned you most likely and you can't use Fiverr anymore.
  11. Seller plus will not give you any ranking advantage. If you choose the expensive tier with the seller manager you will receive advice on how to improve your gigs. The cheaper tier is interesting too becaues it adds some interesting features. It's up to you to choose what works, but remember, it won't directly impact your ranking. The knowledge you receive from using the program might do that, but there's no ranking guarantee.
  12. I enjoy summer, don't get me wrong, it all looks great outside and it's a pleasure to go on a hike, etc. But I prefer winter myself, I am born on Christmas Eve, so I am a little biased I guess. However I have a much better cold resistance when compared to most people I know, so it's more natural to me. Summer to me is just intense sweating, constant headaches due to sun exposure and so on. No snowfall yet in my area, but hopefully there will be soon.
  13. Active, inactive and delivered orders that are not rated.
  14. donnovan86

    Fiverr is broken.

    Well no freelancing site helps you. Don't go into this believing a website will help you. Instead, you are the one that has to improve their presence here and show that you are an expert which surpasses everyone else in their niche. Another thing to note here is that you entered Fiverr at the worst time in history. The number of sellers tripled, quadrupled even during the pandemic, so obviously there were a lot of people making accounts, which means not everyone will receive a job. Add to that already established sellers that stand out when compared to newcomers and yes, it really was the worst time to create an account if you did that in 2020 at the boom of the pandemic.
  15. Yeah, same, that was a few months ago. Now I can play Miles Morales, already got it, just too busy for it. I will leave it for later during the year.
  16. Most likely you have inactive orders that were not started. Those are also added to that number.
  17. I mean you had a negative review. And 2 x 3 star reviews. If customers leave a negative review that might have a negative impact on ranking. They can leave a private review too, and if those 3 star review people left a negative private review, that means you have 3 negative private reviews. That's why you got pushed to the back. It can take 2-3 months for these to not be taken into consideration, until then Fiverr will feature other people that don't have a negative private review.
  18. That's how Fiverr works, people are able to buy without your approval.
  19. Well you can use another browser where you are not logged into Fiverr. Browse their profile link in that browser and if the link is still active and you can see the seller's profile, then that means they blocked you. If their profile link doesn't work, then that means they were suspended.
  20. That's the thing, you sent an offer and he thought that it would cost him way less. Anyway it was terrible to behave like that from their part. But what you can learn from this is to never send an offer unless you 100% know what the customer wants, just to avoid any issues.
  21. Even if there are refunds, seller can be reimbursed by Fiverr for their work. But it depends on the situation and subject to Fiverr's own approval. I was reimbursed a few times after scammers did a PayPal refund or one person asked a refund after SIX months..Yeah, they asked for a refund half a year after I delivered...
  22. Actually a ban is 99% what will happen. Fiverr is very strict with this kind of stuff. They clearly say to not encourage people to work outside of the platform, and this person did it most likely more than once. So yeah, there are rarely other situations like it.
  23. It's the same thing as "what's the ideal time to send buyer requests" that people were saying back in the day. There is no ideal amount. As Vickie said, it's what works for you. Experiment with different prices and go from there.
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