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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. I rounded 33 the other day. Or was it 34? I can't remember. I must be in my declining years. Considering Omega 3 and my wife actually had a similar talk with me the other day and guess what I got for my birthday? Nike shorts, new sneakers, a t-shirt and weights. I'll take that to mean "you're getting fat, darling". The best part is that I can't just leave the weights in the garage, since they were a gift. My wife knows I would feel guilty if I did. I'm a man. I use engine grease and coffee grounds. (Actually, I swear by the products from Rituals. It's the only personal hygiene and skincare products you'll find in my house. It costs me like 500 bucks a month, but it's worth it.) You know me. Three piece suits at home. It's the clothes that make the man. It does wonders! You don't have to take it as far as I have, but feeling fresh and professional can affect your attitude, morale and emotional well-being a lot, particularly when you're working from home. I haven't gotten to the afternoon siestas, yet, but I must admit it's been tempting to visit the couch for a catnap, ever since the covid hit me. I make dad-noises. My morning routine consists of a way too hot shower, two cans of Monster, a double espresso, and responding to all the schmucks who still get up at 5 a.m. to bother aging sellers like myself. I quit drinking a few years ago. Never touch the stuff. Got enough when I owned a bar. Beyond that? Not much, but I better use them weights! You're a most handsome and distinguished gentleman, my good sir. Uber Eats, Glovo, Door Dash – they ruined everything. If politicians were worried about our health, they would skip the covid lockdowns and start fining the woke brigade for telling people that fat = healthy. And I'm saying this as a guy with a rather large spare tire, who actually like my woman with some flab! If the governments around the world told people to go out and excercise, take vitamin D and stop using apps like Door Dash, it would probably save a lot of lives. I'm gonna take off at least 45 pounds before I'm happy. I can't give up, because I never started. 😂
  2. You claim to be an expert in digital marketing. I suggest you put those expert skills to good use. 🙂
  3. The 100s of orders just proves my point: common sense isn't very common. You need to send a video of yourself, performing Our Father and The Serenity Prayer. Additionally, you need to show that you're proficient in at least two new religions, including Jediism. "Space Balls" is a required documentary for all spiritualists. It does help if you also know how to perform a rain dance and have at least 20 followers on the Vampirism Forum. Don't forget: the schwartz is with you. Yes. From now on, all my buyers must read "Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength, and Love" by Judith Orloff. I mean... Just the title of that book is literally vibrating with feel-good thoughts and energies!
  4. I got confused for a moment, because I recognized what I wrote, but at the same time, I didn't. 😂 I've seen this a lot in the past few days. Users are just copy/pasting quotes or posts for forum credzzzzz.
  5. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
  6. Learn better English, as suggested by others. The more proficient you are, the better you're able to communicate with and understand your buyers. When you have the language as a foundation, take some online courses. Learn customer support and sales. Have a clear and awesome value proposition. If you don't have the foundation of a great service, a valuable offer and the skills to back it up, it doesn't matter how good you are at communication.
  7. You can't change the link. No need to worry: that probably won't affect your gig performance. I think far too many sellers worry about small technical things like this, instead of focusing on their overall gig quality and making buyers happy. That's what it's all about. 🙂
  8. Stress is no good! Take a day off for your mental health. It can do wonders. If we work too hard, we risk ending up with burnout.
  9. You could also add a message to your excisting ticket in the help center. I'm not sure if that would "nudge" it or not internally, but it might. If anything, the agent who comes along to your request at some point, will see that you tried to reach out two times, and maybe the agent will be more helpful because they know you're extra frustrasted at this point. I love brownies, too!
  10. Customer support answers all requests, usually within 24 - 48 hours. If you're a TRS or have Seller Plus, you'd usually get a response in 24 hours or less. If you haven't received a response within 48 hours, I wouldn't see it as unreasonable to give them a nudge about your case, but that doesn't guarantee that it will be taken care of sooner. I hope this helps!
  11. We should start a casino gig on Fiverr. All we need to do is register as a tribe. We even have a totem!
  12. I highly recommend asking your tax and accounting professional about this. Don't take advice from people on a forum when it comes to taxes and legal matters. Use a professional.
  13. If you deleted the gig that brings in the most orders, it will obviously affect you. You no longer have your best-selling gig on the platform. But if that gig didn't receive much orders anymore, you won't be affected.
  14. A sudden drop in impressions and visibility on Fiverr is usually caused by a dropping buyer satisfaction rate. This will drop if you receive negative, private feedback from buyers. The only way you can know, is if you see that sudden drop in rank. The best thing to do now is to work with your regular buyers and make sure to impress them. Under-promise and over-deliver. Hopefully, you'll get some positive private feedback, and that can help you get things going again.
  15. Click on My business > GIgs. On the Gigs page, click on the Denied-tab. You'll see your gig there. Hit the Down-arrow on that gig, and you should see some options. I have never had a gig denied before, so I'm not sure which options you'll find, but hopefully, you can at least pull out the gig description and thumbnails from it.
  16. I did read it. Had to check it out because of that. Always golden nuggets from Mr. Mooch!
  17. I'm going to create a "I will perform a religious/new age ritual of your choice while wearing my black cloak and devilish Sigil of Baphoment satanic ornaments for five dollars". Edit: Then I will not do the ritual. Because I'm evil.
  18. It was indeed, but I always appreciate your input, even if we don't agree on everything or if you're in the "wrong" category. 😄
  19. It might be from the few who doesn't tip. But keep in mind that other things affect your visibility as well, like your competition. If they are doing better than you in some way, that can also affect you. I always find it useful to watch the competition closely (without obsessing, of course!). There's a saying: don't keep all your eggs in one basket. This is very true and words to live by. Let's hope things improve for you soon!
  20. I'm not your dear. But I did ask you a question. Did you not understand it?
  21. These might be the best three lines on the forum, ever.
  22. Sorry to hear about it! Most of the time, increasing rates can help you become more visible, so I don't think it was this alone. But then again, you need to find the right value for your buyers. If you're too expensive, the buyers won't click. If you're too cheap, you'll get bad buyers. I increase my rates with about 15% each year. Sometimes, I have to decrease it again because I take it too far. Other times, I have to increase more just to lower my workload. Gotta find that balance. But most likely, you had a few negative private reviews. Perhaps someone didn't think they got a lot of value for their money after your price increase, and voila: negative feedback. This is one of the questions they ask in the private feedback. I can only tell you that it's (most likely) based on the free capacity to take on new sellers combined with your level and probably your revenue/satisfaction rate. Fiverr isn't very open about these things, so we can only guess, but it would make sense to limit the service to the sellers bringing in the most dough for Fiverr. Again: it's me guessing. I don't have an "official" source on this.
  23. Thanks mademoiselle! The best advice usually is on page 7. That's the new matchmaking algorithm in the forum, trying to match sellers with the best advice for them. It's a truly innovative feature that will replace the forum soon. Are you ready to meet your next advice? I sure hope you didn't list your rate as 100. That would be dishonest. But price anchoring can certainly be useful. As long as you're not listing your gig at 100, then tell the buyer it's 150, in order to make them pay 130. 😂 If you don't like the tactic, you don't have to use it. But this is business, and using psychology to increase your earnings is part of that. But my starting point is always that the highest price-tier is worth it. It has to offer something that I actually believe is worth it. So let's say I offer a package for 500 next to my 100 dollar package, because I want to sell more of the 100 dollar package. I would still make sure the 500 dollar package had a value according to its price. It wouldn't just be a price pulled out of thin air. It doesn't make sense for all services, though. Our translation gig is an example: it's priced per word. it wouldn't make sense to use decoy pricing there.
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