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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. Yeah I just searched for image compression. Most of them were in that category or the subcategory for product images.
  2. @cosmedia Just leave a bit of safety margin at the top, bottom and sides of your thumbnail. It crops differently on different devices, too, so this is best practice to do. On a side-note: I recommend using way less text on your thumbnails It will become unreadable on mobile and too much text looks messy.
  3. You can learn more about it here: https://www.fiverr.com/pages/promoted-gigs
  4. From the terms on Fiverr: Gigs and/or users may be removed by Fiverr from the Site for violations of these Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards, which may include (but are not limited to) the following violations and/or materials: Adult oriented services, Pornographic, Inappropriate/Obscene I think that covers your type of material. Written or not, it's "adult oriented".
  5. The message you got explains what happened perfectly. I suggest you read it again.
  6. It's a sunday. That's probably why your buyer isn't responding. Hopefully, they will respond to your request for more time on monday. If they don't, and they don't show up within a few days, willing to solve the problem, you could reach out to support for additional help. Usually, support will cancel the order without it affecting your rates, if a buyer disappears.
  7. If you're talking about your gigs, they probably got rejected because they violated the terms on Fiverr. You should read and familiarize yourself with the terms before you try to set up any gigs. What kind of gigs have you tried to set up?
  8. I've had more than 1700 orders on Fiverr.
  9. Every time a platform updates its look, someone complains. Remember old Facebook? I'm 100% sure that everyone who complained would go nuts about how "ugly and useless" it is if it got changed back. Same thing here. Give it a few weeks, and you'll get used to it. The old menu was far worse. The new one is a clear improvement, even if certain things are now in submenus. Want a quick solution because you don't like getting used to new things? I recommend the favorites bar in your browser. I have all my most used pages on there. Most browsers can even support different profiles with different sets of bookmarks.
  10. You can only withdraw once in 24 hours, so if you've already made a withdrawal today, that could be the reason. Other reasons could be that you haven't connected your Payoneer and Fiverr accounts properly or tha tyou recently added your Payoneer account. Here's how to properly connect an excisting Payoneer account with Fiverr: From your Withdrawals page on Fiverr, choose either Fiverr revenue card or Bank transfer. You’ll receive an email that directs you to Payoneer. Open the email and follow the links to enter your Payoneer username and password. You’ll get a confirmation email letting you know that your accounts are linked.
  11. Is it? If I want to review a shop on Google one year after making the purchase, I can. 14 days isn't very long.
  12. Have well-made gigs from the start, a proper business plan and the skills to back it up. Your goal shouldn't be to get your first order fast. It should be to get your business up and running properly, taking the time to invest in your skills and gigs. People who aim at the wrong goal can't win the game.
  13. Yeah, it's demoralizing to spend time writing guides and advice, when the posts are hidden under a ton of crap five minutes later, or taking the time to check out a gig to provide real feedback with 20 "thanks for fiber best advice" and some random likes from people who never read the content anyway. I often check out the gigs a while later, only to see the same hideous thumbnails, claims of speaking "fluent" English and harrowing gig descriptions. That says it all. A forum this large, and everyone actually trying to help could fit inside a single bus. It's horrible and embarrasing. 😄 Lots and lots of coffee! I play a lot of flight simulator, and I'm a long-haul dude, so I'll set up a flight from the EU to the US or something. Watching the instruments in cruise gets old right away, so I minimize the sim and do other stuff, like the forum 😄
  14. If you don't state specifically in your gig description/FAQs/terms/custom offer that the commercial rights are separate, Fiverr grants commercial rights as part of the order price. If you set up order extras for commercial rights and explain this on your profile/in the FAQ, you can charge whatever you want for commercial rights in addition to your gig base rate. If you don't mention anything about it, Fiverr assumes it's included.
  15. It takes expertise in your field, marketing skills, patience, a lot of hard work, great communication skills, a proper business plan and time.
  16. If you have received warnings or gotten suspended for this before, you already know that this is most likely not ok on Fiverr. Why is it so difficult to just follow the rules?
  17. DId you read this page? It has lots of info on submitting a DMCA: https://www.fiverr.com/intellectual-property I'm sure Videohive have some form of confirmation/certificate or proof you can get? Have you tried asking Videohive about it? They might have some additional info for you on the matter. When it comes to Envato – are the templates available on Envato Elements? Because, as I've understood it, all they need to use a template from there in a client project, is to download it specifically for that project. Just so you know you're within your rights on this (and I think you are, since I highly doubt they have licensed it once per project anyway). If it's not a part of Elements, you're most definitely within your rights, since they then have to purchase the correct license as a one-time fee, rather than a monthly "download all you want"-fee.
  18. Perhaps you should consider following the rules of the platform. You agreed to them when you signed up.
  19. The Fiverr algorithm is less about keywords and more about matching the right sellers and buyers. If you've experienced a drop in visibility, it's most likely due to your performance. SEO is only a small part of making a successful gig. The more important part is delivering excellent customer care, high-quality deliveries and having attractive gigs that are in demand. Most sellers who experience a drop in visibility (less impressions/clicks) have an issue with this last part, and most likely, you've received negative, private feedback from a buyer. This will lower your buyer satisfaction rate and cause your gigs to de-rank.
  20. Regarding being limited as a new member, this is absolutely needed. If you saw the old forum, it was even worse when it comes to your point number 2 – gig marketing. New sellers are still spamming the forum with stupid and pointless posts, but it's far less now that new members are limited. I realize that it's a pain having to wait before you can post. But if you're a productive member of the forum, you will be allowed more posts in the future. About the gig marketing, I completely agree. It's horrible and should be outlawed. Unfortunately, the forum leadership doesn't seem interested in removing the marketing posts.
  21. It's more a way to cancel the order without getting punished than it is a deterrent for buyers ^^
  22. I knew you were limited, but not THAT limited. But perhaps it's not only a bad thing? You see – every time I see your name show up in my notifications due to a post, I know there will be something interesting at the other end, and not just a "Thanks" or "I agree". I don't know, to be honest. But I'm sure we can use it to identify sellers we want to work with. But perhaps it's best to order via the regular marketplace if you're a seller. Still, the catalog is there; it's open and available. I also get those Fiverr Select notifications from time to time. It never interested me very much, but I wasn't aware that you couldn't be a Fiverr Select and a seller. How strange – considering many sellers on Fiverr are also avid buyers. Thanks 😄 Yes, gig videos can be helpful. I've tripled my click-through rate and doubled my conversion rate after switching back to video, despite it killing my audio quality (as I've complained about on multiple occasions). Better hire @newsmike , unless you want a quirky Norwegian accent. 😂 I just did a role as the Norwegian prime minister in a game. I sent them some samples of different accents I can do, from an American accent with a hint of being European (I guess that's what they call the "transatlantic" or "mid-atlantic" accent but with a hint of the nordics), a more pronounced Norwegian accent, and finally, my parody of Norwegian accents – which, funnily enough, is how the former PM and NATO boss, Jens Stoltenberg, speaks for real. So embarrassing. They picked my worst parody accent. "That sounds like a real Norwegian!" they said. "Good lord have mercy on my soul" was my last thought before recording for the role. The Norwegian accent gives me seizures. I might be fluent, but I just can't seem to get rid of it. The worst one is Petter Solberg (the rally driver). He is the laughing stock of all Norwegians when he opens his mouth on TV. And I mean a laughing stock. Here's a famous Norwegian comedian doing his parody of Petter Solberg: By the way, if you want to see some really incredible impressions of famous singers, that same guy did a show with 35 live parodies on stage:
  23. Hola señor! You have an awesome name, too! I live in Gran Canaria, by the way! 😄 I agree. I'm not a "Pro" (currently), but I'm considering applying based on advice from my success manager (and the fact that I'm the editor-in-chief of a major online publication). However, I am a Top Rated Seller. Much of what applies for Pro also applies to TRS. My end goal was never to become a TRS. My goal was to help my clients achieve their goals, put a smile on their faces thanks to excellent customer service and sharpen my skills in the process. I've always viewed my Fiverr journey as precisely that, with every happy client being a new, exciting destination. I was perfectly happy on Level 2. It allowed me space to breathe while I perfected that journey. Suffice it to say, I've perfected my communication and customer service skills since I started selling on Fiverr. If you focus on levels, you're setting yourself up for disappointment while skipping the excitement of your development journey.
  24. If you're not active and selling on Fiverr, you won't be promoted by Fiverr. It takes a while to get your momentum back. In the meantime, you can work on improving your gigs as needed. Updating your gigs might also tell the algorithm that something new is going on. It has helped me somewhat after being in out of office-mode for a while. Other than that, there's not much you can do. If you have some clients outside of Fiverr, you could always bring them here and do business with them via Fiverr. Getting some fresh orders, reviews and revenue will help you gain more visibility.
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