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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. It could be charged to a random buyer! Not knowing is half the fun, right? Right? 😄
  2. It was a very funny bug. Never noticed it before. It made me chuckle.
  3. It seems Fiverr has introduced a cool new feature! Buyers can now leave you a tip, without actually leaving a tip! Upon refreshing the page, it had changed to a proper number. Just thought it was a funny bug.
  4. It might be server related, but it's strange how the servers tend to stop working properly every time there is a small change to the website. 🙂
  5. What have you done up until now to improve your gigs, marketing and skills?
  6. What type of music do you prefer while working?
  7. You can block and ignore them. You don't have to work with them. But increasing your price will most likely send them on their way before they even try to contact you.
  8. By the way: this might be interesting: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property You're not allowed to just buy something from another seller, not change it, and re-sell it in certain cases: "Sellers are welcome to incorporate purchases which they have all required rights to, in their deliveries. For example designs as backgrounds for music videos, images for websites, images for presentations, etc. With that said, by no means can purchases be delivered “as is” with no significant added value or transformative use, under the misconception that it is the seller's original work and in order to gain profit from price differences. " So if I buy your service, and re-sell it for a similar purchase price, being absolutely transparent about the fact that I didn't make it, for instance, when I hire a Spanish translator to work with me on a multilingual project, is fair. But buying your service and re-selling it "as is" with the intent of making a profit from the price difference without doing any actual work, is not fair.
  9. I'm afraid there's little you can do about this if someone paid you for it, like @newsmike so eloquently pointed out. The best way to avoid this from happning in the first place, is to increase you rates. Most Fiverr sellers who use the work of other sellers, love cheap services, because that increases their profit. I'm in voice-over and I frequently get contacted by video animators on Fiverr for VOs. The only problem is that their budget is five dollars – so obviously, I'm not going to work with them – but it says something about the way these people work. I've resold services before (some VO clients want me to handle stuff like hiring an animator and so on) and in translation, I work with native translators of different countries on localization projects. In all cases, I'm 100% transparent with the seller and client about this. Claiming someone else's work as your own is unethical, and so is deceiving a buyer into thinking you're making something you're not.
  10. You are not allowed to share contact information on Fiverr, as a general rule. This sounds like it would be in clear violation of that policy and you could risk your account doing so. On Fiverr, the order itself acts like your letter of engagement. The gig description, description of the custom offer and terms on Fiverr dictacted the terms and conditions of the work to be done, and acts like an agreement between the two parties. So I'm not sure why you would need to send this to your buyer. It could clearly be viewed by Fiverr as an attempt to pull the business outside of the platform, which is a big no-no. If you absolutely need to share personal details with a buyer (when this is required to render the service you're selling) you have to do so inside an active order and never in chat. I'm not an accountaint, so I don't know why this would be required in your case, but if you feel it is, you could reach out to customer support and explain the situation. They might be able to give you a more definitive answer. I hope this helps!
  11. That qualifies as a bit too exotic to my ears. I think the most "exotic" music you'll hear at my place is Enigma. Beyond that, I often find myself mindlessly staring at and listening to Schiller concerts.
  12. The public reviews have always been dishonest. Fiverr is the only platform I know of, where anything but a five-star review, is a negative review. Buyers know this, and unless they had a really shitty experience, they don't want to ruin everything for a seller publically. Not to mention, smart sellers will pull all buyers through a vetting process, and if that buyer has left a ton of negative reviews, they might have trouble finding good sellers to work with. I'm not sure when you started selling on Fiverr, but the platform used to be really top-heavy, with way too many top rated sellers. It was all based on thumbs up/down. Then came the stars. Then came the multiple stars (asking buyers to rate us on different things that gets combined into a star rating at the end) and still, almost all reviews were five stars. Fiverr is constantly tweaking how they get feedback and signals from buyers, to help the algorithm understand more. If you're any good, that's great, but if you're a low-quality seller, it will hurt you. Sometimes, it can hurt great sellers, too, and the system is far from perfect, but it's the closest thing we got to an automatic garbage removal system. And to be honest, Fiverr needs it. In my opinion, Fiverr should just delete every seller below a certain buyer satisfaction rate score, instead of moving them down in the results.
  13. Yes. That would be a shame, wouldn't it? 😉
  14. You will only know it because of the sudden drop in sales/visibility on the platform and/or loosing access to certain stuff, like promoted gigs. It will not affect your public rating, so technically, a buyer can leave a perfect five-star review and then leave a terrible private review - and you would think everything is fine and dandy because of the five-star review. I doubt many buyers do this, but it can happen. Most often, I suspect they will leave a five-star rating because they think it's "expected" of them, and then tell the truth in private to Fiverr. Perhaps they didn't think you exceeded expectations, but merely met them, and that your delivery was nothing but "average". Get too many private reviews like that, and you're sure to notice it where it huts the most: your wallet.
  15. I used to listen to the Tupac version of this when I was younger. I don't know why but the first track there reminds me of the Oceans-movies. I can picture you, slamming away at your keyboard like they do in "Hackers" (the movie from the 90s) while coding and drinking beer. Some of my best work was also done over a bottle or two of red wine, but I quit drinking. These days, I'm enjoying alcohol free spirits (yes, that's a thing) and it's not half bad. Lyre's even launched a red wine, and I'm looking forward to trying it. It doesn't boost my creativity like a bottle of the real stuff does though.
  16. I'm looking forward to finally getting my new home theater room ready. Just bought the carpets today. Still lots to buy and build: sofa, acoustic treatment, mount for the projector, a projector screen, red velvet curtains... The list goes on. My goal is to be up and running with a 120" image and surround sound before Christmas. After that, I'll be installing Dolby Atmos speakers in the ceiling. I also need a second couch to make an additional row of seats, raised up behind the front row. That's gonna be fun. The wife insists on celebrating Christmas in Norway with the in-laws. That, I'm not looking forward to. Cramped into a tiny house with all the in-laws. Good lord. My summer was excellent. Lots of nice weather (surprise, surprise, it's the Canary Islands!) but now that winter is knocking at the door, I expect colder temperatures, rain and lots of fog. It'll be a nice change, but my joints and cold urticaria will probably make it miserable. I'm buying an oven. Houses here are made of concrete and stone with absolutely no insulation. When it gets 10 degrees up here in the mountain in the winter time, I'll probably regret saying I look forward to the winter.
  17. You say you spent one year on Fiverr. What have you done in that year to improve your skills and Fiverr profile?
  18. Yes. If you delete your account, you are allowed to create a new one. But you can't have more than one active account at any given time. It doesn't matter if it's the same PC, Windows or Network: one account is OK. Keep in mind that if you're suspended from Fiverr, you're not allowed to make a new account.
  19. Usually, a sudden drop like this is caused by negative private feedback hitting your buyer satisfaction rate, unless some of your visible stats have dropped recently. It doesn't matter if you get good public reviews. Buyers tend to me more honest in private and they count far more towards your visibility here on Fiverr than your public reviews. The best thing you can do now is to impress the heck out of your regular buyers, if you have any. Under-promise, over-deliver and be an awesome partner to your buyers, not just a seller. Hopefully your buyer satisfaction rate will go back up again soon and you'll be back to selling like normal! 🙂
  20. It might be based on the gig - I'm not sure. I've never used it, because I rarely have need for it. I'm a "no meetings kinda guy". I hate meetings. But it's nice to know the option is there, should I need it.
  21. Exactly. Perhaps Fiverr doesn't want more sellers doing exactly the same as everyone else, or perhaps the ones already in that category are more skilled than you? To succeed on Fiverr, you can't just copy what everyone else is doing. You need to do something unique that brings real value to the marketplace.
  22. How strange. I suggest reaching out to your Success Manager or contact Fiverr support, and they should be able to help you in the right direction. Your profile can't be converted until you've had the onboarding. After that, you'll get all the info you need. I just went through it myself. The e-mail had a button in it to set up an appointment for the onboarding, but since my success manager was able to do it, I did it with her directly instead.
  23. Hey fellow sellers! Music is a big part of our lives and as freelancers, I'm sure many of us listen to music while working. It helps us create, design, inspire and reach our potential. It helps us unwind, focus, get in the right mindset and to get out of it when we need to relax. I'm sure there are as many playlists out there for work as there are gigs on Fiverr. I prefer the more relaxing parts of the house genre/chillout/ambient for work and travel. But it can get a bit old to listen to the same playlists over and over again, so this is the place to share your favorite work music! I was in the mood for some relaxing tunes from Norwegian DJ, Finnebassen. Perfect for some late hour work.
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