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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. According to your profile, the last delivery was one year ago, not two. 🙂 What research have you done yourself, to learn how Fiverr works and how to succeed on the platform?
  2. If Fiverr says you can't have more than 150 favorited gigs, then you can't have more than 150 favorited gigs. I don't know why. But if that's what they say, that's how it is.
  3. smashradio

    Work or Play ?

    I was going to fly a bit in Microsoft Flight Simulator today. But I'm just too exhausted, and will probably just spend an evening playing live roulette. 🤣
  4. Indeed. My prices are set up in a way so I can afford to give a few discounts to my regular clients, like discounts if they subscribe. I also use Coupons, but sparingly and only for buyers who consistently leave a lot of $$ with me. I like to set it up for special occasions, like having a small "summer sale" exclusively for my best clients or Black Friday. You know - make it fun. If you give out random discounts to everyone who asks, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Or, as we Norwegians like to say: you're standing with your beard in the mailbox! 🤣
  5. Hi @b1tofanactor Can you attach some screenshots of the areas with issues, so I can compare it to the app on my end? I haven't had any issues, personally, but a comparison could help identify the issues if you submit a bug report to Fiverr.
  6. It's about knowing your own worth. I don't negotiate on price unless the project is very big (2000+ USD) and even then, I'm not willing to undervalue myself. If you let buyers dictate your rates, that's not a great position to be in. With subscriptions, you can offer a discount for repeat clients. It's a great way to keep them coming back for more, increasing your chance of getting a repeat buyer-badge on your profile and gigs. This can factor in to your visibility on the platform and also works like a marketing tool: buyers who see that you have many repeat clients will know that others come back for more, so you must be good. Most buyers understand this concept: they're being rewarded for their loyalty. It's why coffee shops have stamp cards and member-cups, and why you get a cheaper price on most services if you get a yearly contract instead of paying monthly. For you, it means some form of financial stability, too. How much of a discount you want to give is up to you. I wouldn't go too high.
  7. It sounds like a scam. You should report the message as spam and block the user.
  8. It can certainly be useful. But as I think I've mentioned before, Grammarly can't save you if your English is already bad, because many suggestions from the tool are completely useless and will actually make your writing worse. You need to know when to not use its suggestions. So you need at be proficient before it can help you in any way. I've seen some strange posts on the forum thanks to Grammarly. 😂
  9. You can read about it here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/categories/8394132735121-Shutterstock-integration
  10. Marketing your gig in social media will not give you more "impressions". Impressions are how many times your gig has shown up on Fiverr.com - in search results, categories and so on. Buyer Requests is a race to the bottom. Even if you manage to get some orders from here, it probably won't be for much and Fiverr values gigs that earn money. This is simply a lie and a myth. Being active does not get you more business. If that were true, all the experienced sellers on the forum are wrong. This myth has been debunked many times. @rakib_khan2 – you're a seller with zero reviews and no success on Fiverr. Why are you posting bad advice to other sellers? You should be reading, learning and developing your own skills, not wasting energy posting false advice on the forum. @nazmulhuda01 – Fiverr will show your gig to more people (thereby increasing the amount of impressions you get) if you do a great job. That means impressing your buyers and delivering high-quality services. It all starts with being honest about your skills. Since you're in the web design category, it helps to know how to design. I would recommend learning the newest design trends and re-design your thumbnails. They don't look very good and won't attract many buyers, even if you get a bunch of impressions. In the last 30 minutes alone, you've posted four topics about the same thing: gig impressions. Please stop spamming the forum.
  11. This question has been asked thousands of times on the forum already. I suggest you search the forum and read some of the responses to those questions and the guides posted here by experienced sellers.
  12. The following is from the Fiverr Help and Education Center: Don’t use Fiverr logos or badges Fiverr automatically includes badges for you, so there is no need to add additional Fiverr logos, rating, seller level, or any other badges to your Gigs—this will flag your Gig and will be removed. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image Adding to that, any academic work is forbidden. The following is from the Fiverr Help and Education Center: The Don’ts Do not offer academic institution application services. This includes but is not limited to: Writing and completing college applications Writing letters of recommendation https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360020869438-Academic-services-on-Fiverr---The-Dos-and-Donts
  13. Hey Johnny! Welcome to Fiverr! Much of what applies in marketing a business applies here on Fiverr as well. I've written at length about it on the forum, but in short, building an excellent reputation and getting fantastic feedback from your buyers is key to success on Fiverr. As an experienced buyer, I'm sure you know about the private reviews at the end of each order. They can make or break a business on Fiverr. Some quick tips as I look over your gigs: Your gig videos are a bit bland. Using highly engaging videos with a voice-over and not just text could help. When you have a video ready, make some excellent thumbnails. Add it to the end of your video and set it as your video thumbnail. That way, it will function as your thumbnail when viewed in search results. It's essential to have eye-catching, modern, and clean thumbnails. Get inspiration from the top sellers in your category (but don't copy them!) If you can, a professional business portrait can help you appear more professional. Show. Don't tell. Some typos here and there in your gig description. "A man's accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail." - John Foster Dulles Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you need more specific advice about your gigs. And one final piece of advice: vet anyone who gives you advice on this forum. Check out their Fiverr profile (fiverr.com/username) to ensure that they have some success. If they don't, their own advice clearly didn't work for them, and there's much of that going on here on the forum. Best of luck! 😄
  14. Making your gig relevant in search by using the right keywords is important. It helps the algorithm know that your gig is relevant when someone searches for it. Keywords should be part of your gig title, description, and the keywords section. But more important than SEO is having a gig designed with conversions in mind. The Fiverr algorithm doesn't just look at your SEO but also your performance. High-performing gigs that receive lots of positive feedback (especially private feedback, which is the backbone of your buyer satisfaction rate) will get picked at the top. So you can optimize all you want, but if you're not performing well, you don't stand a chance. In other words: besides having a well-structured and optimized gig to convert buyers and tickle the algorithm, you need to be great at what you do, have the skills you need to perform well, and be excellent at customer service. That performance translates into a higher buyer satisfaction rate. If being relevant is your alpha, your performance is definitely your omega. Optimizing your gig is also about taking advantage of all the features your gig has to offer. A more complete gig is a better gig.
  15. You could reach out to customer support for more help with this, or alternatively, just send the buyer a custom order extra inside the order instead. You'll find that option at the bottom, near the input box for messages.
  16. Are you sure you're not a digital marketer expart? It's almost just as good! 😄 I love focus assist because I have my phone connected to Windows, so I get all these notifications that are (usually) important. But they won't allow me to work, damn it! 🤣 I usually inform them if I'm in the middle of a conversation, so they know I haven't disappeared on them. I love how you went from having blockophobia to being so blunt about it. I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back for that one, if it's all right with you? 😂 After you mentioned the Contacts tab the first time, I haven't been to that page, to be honest. But I think I'm going to start using it more. This is a great usage case for that feature, and identifying where the revenue actually comes from, and who you're wasting time on, can be very useful. Thanks for remining me!
  17. Read on knowing that this is just a theory and has not been officially confirmed by Fiverr. Fiverr tries to mix and match sellers to give the buyers a reasonable selection of price ranges, levels, and relevant services. If there are too many level two sellers, the demand for performance is raised, because you're competing against more sellers with high-performing gigs. Getting picked from the pool of each seller level takes a certain level of performance (buyer satisfaction, response time/rate/reviews/private feedback, and so on). But since most level one sellers are inexperienced, it's pretty easy to get picked if you're performing well. The moment you hit level two, you're competing against far more experienced sellers. Many of them will have thousands of orders, super-high buyer satisfaction rates, and raving reviews numbering in the hundreds or even thousands. In other words: you're not competing against sellers on other levels: you're competing against sellers on your own level, and the competition is fierce on level two. Fiverr expects more from a level two seller. This is merely a theory. Fiverr has not confirmed any of this. But analyzing the way Fiverr returns search results and some info from inside sources makes it a pretty safe bet that Fiverr pools sellers from different levels separately and then picks the most relevant high-performing sellers from each pool to create a percentage-based mix of different levels and price points. Sometimes, sellers will reach a level before they're ready to face the competition, which is why so many sellers see their gig stats drop like a rock once they hit level two. I'd like to add that sudden drops in stats are often caused by receiving negative private feedback. If your buyer satisfaction rate takes a dip, you risk loosing access to promoted gigs and your gig will plummet.
  18. I would make a main gig with all of the above included. Think "I will provide a complete travel itenerary". Then, create sub-gigs for buyers who are just looking for hotels or flights. Having niche gigs can be very smart, but don't spread yourself out too thin. It has to make sense and each gig must be unique.
  19. No it will not. If your original delivery was on time, the order will be counted as on time, even if it says late when someone requests a revision. I think it's done on purpose to make us work faster on revisions, since clients love getting revisions done fast. So don't worry about that "late" notice: if your initial delivery was on time, you're ok!
  20. Yeah, it's annoying, but that's just how it is. That's why I suggest using a safety margin adapted to the search result-version of your gig thumbnail, to make sure all the important bits are visible.
  21. If you have too much on your plate, increasing your rates is a useful way of getting less inquiries while maintaining your earnings. If that's not an option for you, here's my work method throughout the day: Messages (10 minutes - 1 hour depending on need) Work on projects (1 - 2 hours) Messages Work on projects I try not to let Fiverr distract me while working on a project. That means I close the website, put my phone on silent and turn on Focus assist in Windows to stop notifications from bothering me. Allowing time for messages and client communication every hour or so maintains my glittering response time with a 1-hour average. I do messages right before break time, meaning I'll come back refreshed and undistracted when it's time to get back to a project. I use QRs to speed up response time. But I don't want more projects. I want bigger projects. I always prefer to have a single 4000-dollar client to four 1000-dollar clients. That way, you can spend time getting to know them, the project, their quirks, and you don't have to spend as much time communicating with different people. Naturally, that's my utopia, and reality isn't always that rosy. But trying to get the more extensive projects while skipping the smaller ones has allowed me to work more efficiently with better clients and create long-term partnerships, rather than speeding through a bunch of orders using QRs for everything.
  22. Strange how people seem to evaporate when they get asked questions like that, huh? 🤔
  23. @terrygrantvo Several other sellers I've talked with have experienced the same. I suspect it's part of the transition to Shutterstock media in gigs. However, I haven't been able to confirm that yet. I've talked with Support, and they couldn't confirm nor deny, so it's being forwarded to the "relevant team". I think I got a junior support agent on my ticket (even though we're supposed to get senior support as TRS as far as I know). Here's what they had to say about it (TL;DR: "We don't know.") "I understand that the background music may have been removed from your active extras and I am not entirely sure if it is connected with the Shutterstock transition. You do have the option to add custom extras to your Gig, so you can add the extra again if you wish."
  24. Likewise, your buyer might have other proof demonstrating that your claim is false. We can't possibly know here on the forum since we don't have access to that information. Ergo, we can only hear your side of the story, and we can't change the outcome of this situation. What we can do, is help you avoid this in the future. To do that, we need to know more about what happened (details, but without usernames or any personally identifiable information). That way, we might be able to see if you could have done something differently. We can only improve if we learn from our mistakes. That said, not all buyers are honest and unfortunately, the system isn't perfect. Keep in mind that Fiverr hates cancellations, and Support does all they can to avoid them from happening. When the buyer gets a refund, it's not just you who loses money. They don't cancel an order for no reason.
  25. Taking the lead in the community is important. It's not about being "active" on the forum, but contributing something to the community – it could be having the best selling gig of all time in a niche, it could be having a Youtube channel where you help new sellers, answering questions on the forum, or just being a generally nice person to have around. It clearly isn't a requirement to become a Top Rated Seller, since many TRS's never post on the forum or own Youtube channels and so on. But it's a "nice-to-have", if you're actually talented enough to help other people and be a productive part of the community. It won't make you a Top Rated Seller, but if you do get nominated, I'm sure they take a look at your behavior and history in the community. Having a track record as a helpful person with great knowledge about the Fiverr system certainly can't hurt. With all that said: your first goal should always be to make your buyers happy by being excellent at what you do, offering great support, creating good vibes and awesome results. That's what being a TRS is all about. It's not about the badge, technicalities (even though they matter, too) or forum activity. It's about being best in the business and it all starts with how you communicate, work and deliver results that buyers love.
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