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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. You should get the option of setting up a meeting with a pro manager at Fiverr in that e-mail. From there, they will go through the onboarding process with you and convert your profile to pro. If you have Seller Plus, your success manager will deal with the onboarding for you, so you can contact them. I hope this helps and welcome to Pro!
  2. If your gigs haven't been approved by Fiverr, you probably don't have the skills Fiverr is looking for. 🙂
  3. Rank my gig how sir dear??? I think the main issue here is that the people asking for help don't want to put the effort in to begin with. They aren't interested in your response, no matter how good it is, because reading more than two lines and understanding what's being said takes a calorie and more than five seconds of clicking buttons. That's just not within their ability to handle.
  4. Most often, a sudden drop in visibility on Fiverr is caused by your stats dropping or negative private feedback affecting your buyer satisfaction rate. Keep working with your regular buyers and make sure you over-deliver, offer great support and deliver high-quality work to everyone. That should hopefully help you get some positive private reviews from your regulars.
  5. All gigs are different, so I can't say anything about that.
  6. smashradio


    Your balls are colorful.
  7. If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics.
  8. The e-mail shared by @gussyscrotch appears to say just that: they are removing those options in favor of Shutterstock. But I haven't received that e-mail myself. In addition, I still have the option of adding in background music to my gig extras, and customer support confirmed that it was possible to add it back in, so I'm not sure what to believe.
  9. I don't mind offering Shutterstock instead of other licensed media. What I do mind, is Fiverr not giving us the option to choose. Let's say a pro seller is working on a video. He needs some music, and he has a library of licensed assets that he can no longer use. I see why Fiverr is doing this, because theft is a real problem on the platform, but I'm just not sure if this is the right way to go about it. It certainly doesn't benefit the sellers, who get a meager 20% of the sale price.
  10. I'm not a religious man. But for the sake of this argument, I'll go with it. I would ask "why stupidity isn't painful?" and add in a bonus question: "can you make stupidity painful?" 😄
  11. Normally, this is caused by a drop in your buyer satisfaction rate. It probably means you received negative private feedback. The best thing you can do is to continue working with regular buyers and make sure to impress them. Never offer services for something you're not actually an expert at, and make sure you're honest about your skills, limitations and so on. Underpromise and overdeliver.
  12. This is my first time joining. Hi. My name is Leo, and I'm a workaholic. *excited waiting* .. Who's gonna clap? No one? Fine. At least, @newsmike has brought up the very important point about donuts. They are indeed missing. I expect someone ate them all before we arrived. I won't point fingers. It wasn't me. As for my contribution to this special occasion, I'm presenting... *Drumroll* Yes. Those are my Meat Shredder Claws. Because everyone should have a pair. Perfect for the backyard BBQ and as a burglar deterrent. P.S. I vote that we make Mike's meatball recipe a part of our quarterly agenda.
  13. You've been following bad advice. That's because there is no such thing as "gig rank" – at least not in the way most new sellers thing of it. Your visibility on Fiverr is determined by many factors. The most important ones are: How relevant the algorithm thinks your gig is, based on your keywords, category and pricing How relevant the algorithm thinks your gig is, based on who is searching Your buyer satisfaction rate (based on private reviews) In other words, you can optimize for keywords all you want, but if you're not among the best sellers for the specific buyer searching for your gig, you won't show up on the first page on Fiverr. Having relevant keywords to tell the algorithm what you're offering is important. But if you don't have a great buyer satisfaction rate, you won't be promoted by Fiverr. In other words: you have to be really good at what you do, before Fiverr starts showing your gig on the first page. In fact, you have to be among the best on your seller level. This involves more than just being good at the service you're offering: your skills in customer service and communication are just as important, to make the buyer experience the best it can possibly be. That's the only way to succeed on Fiverr in the long-term.
  14. If you're not eligible to promote your gig, it doesn't matter if your gig promotion is on or off: your gig will not me a part of the paid promotion scheme on Fiverr at this time, and you'll have to find other ways to promote your gig if you wish to do so.
  15. There is no such thing as "gig rank". It doesn't work like that. Fiverr pulls the most relevant sellers with the highest buyer satisfaction rate from each level. Changing your gig image will not affect that, but if your image is an improvement over your old one, you might find that more buyers click on your gig, meaning you could get more sales. If the opposite is true, and your new gig image is worse than the old one, you risk having fewer people click your gig.
  16. New sellers tend to get a small boost in the beginning. If you can't make it in those first few days, your gig will become less visible on Fiverr. That's why you need a proper business plan before you come to Fiverr.
  17. You did the transfer on a weekend, meaning it will most likely take a couple of regular work days before the payment arrives. If you haven't received the payment in another 48 hours, you should reach out to Customer Support for more help. They might tell you that the payment is complete on their end, in which case you would have to contact the provider (Paypal or Payoneer) for more assistance with the transfer.
  18. To improve your conversions (turning clicks into orders) you should focus on improving your gig. Having the best possible gig will help you convince more people to order from you. To do that, make sure you have: A great profile picture - you can read more here. A great gig thumbnail/image - you can read more here. A great gig description - you can read more about that here. Use your FAQs to answer relevant questions buyers may have Make sure your packages and pricing makes sense Add a gig video where you explain more about the service, the value you have to offer and why buyers should order from you. Don't forget to only offer services you're truly good at. Read more here. Work on building credibility and trust on Fiverr. Read more here. Learn more about how Fiverr works and how you can succeed here.
  19. Yeah, it sounds like a shitty situation. I hope it works out for you! This type of buyer is certainly undesireable.
  20. I've had this happen to me when I had sent a custom offer before blocking the person. But never otherwise. I ended up making 400 bucks and got a five-star review from that buyer, but I blocked them because they initially tried to scam me.
  21. Welcome to the forum! I'm a fellow VO. 🙂 Quick tip: add the language in your gig title. It helps the algorithm know when to show your gig, as most buyers will search for what they need. 🙂
  22. It's not that unusual on big projects, though. I write content for a bunch of health blogs (I have no idea how I managed to end up writing about skin peeling for females, but I'm here, I'm doing it and it's 2022, so don't judge!) and it can take a couple of months between each payment. As a freelancer, I plan for this by always maintaining a salary buffer of at least 3 months of living costs + a rainy year buffer with enough to stay afloat for two whole years with zero work. That way, I don't really care if the money comes now or in a few months, because it's always a steady flow or at the very least, a steady cushion available.
  23. Yes. Yes. I prefer to be credited with my Fiverr username if the VO comes from Fiverr. If not, I prefer my real name. However, there are times when I wouldn't want to be credited, and most of the time, VOs aren't credited unless we're doing parts in cartoons or in dubbing/narration for TV-shows. I think I've been asked once if it was OK and that was a charity project. For a few documentaries and such that I've done over the years, it's a given to be credited as "Narrator" with my full name.
  24. The buyer must pay for each milestone separately, so if you have a project with three milestones, each costing 100 USD, the buyer only has to pay 100 per milestone. They don't pay the full amount upfront.
  25. Payment Terms. Promoted Gigs' fees are charged on a monthly basis, during the first week of each calendar month, based on the clicks made in the previous month. By default, the fee is charged from the Seller's Fiverr Credits and/or Fiverr Balance (if there are not enough Fiverr Credits). However, when there are no sufficient funds in the Seller's Fiverr Balance, the remaining fee will be charged from the payment method defined by the Seller in their account, or deducted from the Seller’s future earnings if no payment method is defined. From the terms and conditions for Promoted gigs: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010393757-Promoted-Gigs-Terms-of-Service
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