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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. I've been using Brave for over a year on Fiverr, with no issue. Ad blockers can sometimes cause issues with websites. In your case, I'm guessing the Brave privacy protection took things too far, and blocked something that wasn't supposed to be blocked. You can play around with your privacy settings in Brave to find out what works for you. If you have problems with a specific site, like Fiverr, you can simply turn off the Brave shield for that website by hitting the Brave icon in your address bar and turn it off. I have done so for Fiverr, because there are no ads on Fiverr, and I don't mind them tracking me.
  2. It's too easy to cheat on the tests.
  3. This might work: https://wpswings.com/product/pdf-generator-for-wp-pro/
  4. smashradio

    project needed

    If you want to sell a gig for e-mail marketing, you should already be familiar with the concepts of marketing yourself.
  5. It depends on you. Are you a true professional with a long track record of succesful projects outside of Fiverr? Are you an established expert in your field? Remember: calling yourself an expert and being one are two entirely different things. There's no point in applying for Pro if you don't have proof of your excellence. Being a Fiverr pro can have advantages, but only if you truly belong in that category. Then again, being a regular Fiverr seller can be just as rewarding. It all depends on your gigs, skills and business plan. I would dare to say that if you can't Google your way to understanding the concept of Fiverr Pro, and how it works, you probably don't belong in that category.
  6. Fiverr even encourages you to thank the buyer if they tip you. Adding to what @seven_sign said, just keep in mind that you should never send unsolicited messages to buyers or sellers. Thanking them for a tip is absolutely ok, but don't contact them to ask for more work, reviews and so on. That would be considered spam.
  7. A way around this is to write in your description that they must contact you before ordering. I had that on a gig, and CS canceled the order without affecting my stats since the seller didn't contact me first and placed lots of multiples. But I agree. That's a stupid problem to have. In fact, I would like to see more ways for us to customize our gigs, like being able to remove the "Order now" button and replace it with a "Contact for a quote" button. Special price for you my friend.
  8. I'm sure it will roll out to everyone soon!
  9. Haha - I bet! But if I want to work in the regular marketplace, all I have to do is visit Fiverr.com instead of business.fiverr.com so it's not really that difficult. But I don't have a business account, I'm just a business seller. Maybe it's different if you do? Help Centers have always annoyed me. If I'm looking for that help button, it's for a reason. But then again, I'm great at googling, so that siphoning isn't really meant for me. It's meant for all the "how to rank my gig"-people. I don't think the staff would survive if it weren't for that. 😂
  10. After complaining for a while on the forum, and reaching out to the lovely product manager, Noa, and the UX people at Fiverr, our wishes have been heard. The seller navigation has suffered long enough. At times, it felt like boxing with your computer and the ever-growing list of items, tickers and submenus made it a nightmare to navigate Fiverr with the old menu. A few months ago, I got to demo the prototype for the new menu. Now that it's here, I just want to take a moment to thank the staff for always improving the platform. This was sorely needed, and you did a great job!
  11. It's not allowed on Fiverr. You should focus on improving your gigs instead. Doing great work is how you win at business. Not by installing extensions, violating the rules, cheating and being online 24/7.
  12. Actually, I found out that you can use the Business marketplace for free. That way, all the sellers you see will have gone through the vetting process. Just visit https://business.fiverr.com/business/marketplace and you'll get a very similar experience to the regular marketplace, but with Business only sellers. You don't even need a Fiverr Business account to access it.
  13. On the Fiverr Business website, it says: "A team of Fiverr Business Success Managers is here to help match you with the best talent for your team - no need for endless guessing and interviews.". So they do.
  14. Good lord. You're a veteran on the forum and still limited to five posts? I thought the whole point of the gamification was to gradually encourage productive community members to contribute more in the forum. Does this limitation really apply to responses as well? I thought perhaps it was a different limit on the number of topics you can create, and that you could at least respond to topics more than five times per day. Honestly, @frank_d, can't you move this helpful, generous and productive lady to Grand Master? She deserves it. 😛 Haha - I'm happy to see I showed up! Hardly relevant to your purchases, but that might be a case of my gig getting promoted if you've visited my profile/gigs before. I bet the same is the case with @newsmike – unless his awesome, ram tough american godlike voice is relevant to your previous purchases on Fiverr? Man that Newsmike voice makes me want to buy a bolt action rifle and go hunting with a bottle of whiskey and some raw chewing tobacco.
  15. If you've lost access to the promoted gigs feature, that's most likely because your performance has dropped. Fiverr only wants to promote the best sellers. This is likely caused by negative private feedback from your buyers or drops in other stats, like your response time/rate, order completion rate and so on.
  16. In most cases, a gig video can increase engagement (by up to 40%, according to Fiverr). If your gig video is well-made and professional, it can certainly have a positive effect on your overall clicks and conversions.
  17. That's probably the explanation. If you're not active and selling on Fiverr, the algorithm has no reason to show your gig to potential buyers. It can take a while to get back in the game after being away. You could spend this downtime updating and perfecting your gig. Freshen it up with new thumbnails, improve gig descriptions, pricing/packages and add gig videos. Give your profile description a makeover and make sure your gigs are optimized. You could also try to launch some new gigs, if you have relevant skills to offer in the marketplace. If not, you could learn new skills by taking online courses to improve or gain new ones. If you have any regular clients outside of Fiverr, you could bring them here and work with them on Fiverr. Getting a few fresh orders can help you gain some traction.
  18. Charging five dollars will generally attract bad buyers. The algorithm prefers higher-priced gigs these days, so charging five bucks may make you less visible on Fiverr. A voice-over gig and a translation gig are not the same thing. I have both a translation and a voice-over gig. These are two completely different niches. I don't expect you will get much voice-over work from your translation gig, so you should price it according to translation rates, not voice-over rates. If you want to get into voice-over, you'd need professional recording equipment, preferably training with a coach, talent, and lots and lots of practice. As for the translation rate: you should never charge five bucks for anything. If someone isn't willing to pay you more than the price of a cup of coffee to render professional services, you're a) doing something wrong, or b) you've met a buyer who doesn't value your skills, and you should avoid working with them. Based on your competition ( https://www.fiverr.com/search/gigs?query=patois to english&source=drop_down_filters&search_in=category&search-autocomplete-original-term=patois to english&sub_category=108 ) you could probably charge 10 - 15 dollars per 200 - 300 words.
  19. Are you using any plugins/addons in your browser, like auto-refreshers or addons that change the behavior of Fiverr in any way? If you do, you should deactivate them. They are not allowed and can cause issues with the website, in addition to getting your account suspended. If you aren't using anything like that, you could try to use Fiverr in a different browser to see if the problem happens there. Also, try clearing your browser cache, as it may be some issue there. If the problem persists, you should contact customer support. You can create a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/
  20. It seems like you've missed a message in your inbox, or perhaps you marked a message in your spam folder as "not spam". This has caused my response rate/time to drop if the message was old. Remember that the response time is measured as the average across 60 days. If you skipped, forgot or otherwise responded late to a message without getting many new messages that you responded to fast after that, this can cause it to go up as well.
  21. What's the point of just copying what I wrote? That's called spam, even if you add pointless dashes to your "version" of it.
  22. Private feedback happens after an order is completed. It comes in two parts: One right after the order is completed, asking the buyer to rate the service they received based on the price (value for money). The next one comes 24 hours after the order has been completed. It asks the buyer how happy they are with the delivery and service they got from the seller. The private feedback determines your buyer satisfaction rate. If you have a high buyer satisfaction rate, Fiverr will promote your gig. If it's low, they will promote you less. Regarding your cancelation: yes, cancelations can affect your ranking on Fiverr. You can see your order completion rate in your dashboard. Best to keep it as high as possible. If it drops too low, you'll be less visible on Fiverr and risk getting demoted if you have a seller level. Regarding the 4 revision requests: Yes. Lately, Fiverr has been asking the buyer why they need the revision. If the buyer answers that they just need more changes, you're ok. But if they opt for alternatives like "Received a partial delivery" or "Low-quality delivery," this will also affect you greatly. Lately, Fiverr has begun to suspend sellers from the platform due to "getting flagged for low-quality deliveries." It's all a part of Fiverrs' effort to promote quality instead of quantity. So yes, both your cancelation and multiple revision requests can affect you (depending on the reason for both). It's not pointless at all. It's an integral part of how Fiverr works. Fiverr wants its customers to be happy. To make that happen, they need to promote great sellers, hide bad sellers and keep us on our toes. That way, we keep doing great work. Those who don't will disappear. It's a meritocracy, and Fiverr is continuously growing the size of its dataset to measure quality, communication, revenue, performance, and so on. I agree that it can be a bit complicated to wrap your head around this as a new seller.
  23. No. You're only allowed to have one Fiverr account. Having multiple accounts is against the terms of service and you risk both accounts getting suspended. I suggest that you read the terms you agreed to when signing up for Fiverr.
  24. A sudden drop in visibility on Fiverr is most likely caused by negative private feedback or other stats dropping. It means one of your buyers probably left some negative anonymous feedback to Fiverr, and it has caused your buyer satisfaction rate to drop. Private reviews are much more important than public ones. If you have regular buyers you can work with, make sure you impress them every step of the way. Making your buyers happy and getting that buyer satisfaction rate up again will most likely take some time and effort. To avoid negative feedback in the future, you should: Under-promise and over-deliver Be honest about your skills Communicate, communicate, communicate Make sure you always understand the requirements of a job before you start Ask questions when in doubt Keep the buyer updated on progress along the way Make it easy for buyers to work with you: be friendly, open, helpful and available to answer any questions they might have Be good at what you do
  25. Thousands of sellers have asked the same question on the forum before you. I suggest searching the forum and reading through some of the guides before you post the same question as thousands of others have before you.
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