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How has February been for you?


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It’s been reasonably busy for me, although I have dropped in the search results. January was a good month too. I don’t know how the search results work - do people who get a lot of $5 orders get placed higher than those who get fewer orders, but bigger orders, around $120-150 each order? I don’t know. Perhaps my long delivery time has been hurting me, but cannot help it. Anyway.

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My sales are about $200 less than typical, but I really don’t mind it. It’s allowed me to get back into the gym and out to the walking trail at the local park. Perhaps, like you, the long delivery time is hurting me. However, I’m more about quality than quantity. I’m focused more on giving clients quality work, not the amount of orders and money I can make. I’ve turned down several job offers this week - One was to rewrite 10 articles a day or 300 a month. Umm… no. First off, I don’t have that kind of time. Secondly, could imagine that kind of crap I’d be turning out. I’d be burned out by the time the month was over.

I do not think so.

Back to work I shall go. About to get the last article of a large order done and then I’ll need to edit another project and it’s off to somewhere I go. 😃

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I was quite busy with both my work in and outside Fiverr.
I felt like I was running around with my butt on fire…and the fire
spread to my whole body and I was burnt to a lovely crisp.

Actually Fiverr work was pretty much the same as last month and
I have no complaints,but my work at the office…so busyyyyyyyyyyyy

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I was quite busy with both my work in and outside Fiverr.

I felt like I was running around with my butt on fire…and the fire

spread to my whole body and I was burnt to a lovely crisp.

Actually Fiverr work was pretty much the same as last month and

I have no complaints,but my work at the office…so busyyyyyyyyyyyy

February has been great for me. I created my account back in January with only one gig and didn’t use it only until about two weeks ago when I received an order out of the blue. That motivated me to create 6 more gigs and here I am now, in less than two weeks, a Level One seller with ten 5-star reviews and 2 orders in queue.

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It’s been reasonably busy for me, although I have dropped in the search results. January was a good month too. I don’t know how the search results work - do people who get a lot of $5 orders get placed higher than those who get fewer orders, but bigger orders, around $120-150 each order? I don’t know. Perhaps my long delivery time has been hurting me, but cannot help it. Anyway.

do people who get a lot of $5 orders get placed higher than those who get fewer orders, but bigger orders, around $120-150 each order? I don’t know. Perhaps my long delivery time has been hurting me, but cannot help it

Could be, I guess, I´ve read a couple of times that fast delivery counts a lot. But I can´t help it either and I´ll still do work that takes long/er and means I drop in ranking. Don´t care as long as I like the work.

the whole country is in a shock

Oh I know that feeling, from soccer, granted, but if you´ll ever be in Germany when we miss world championship by one or two games, you´ll think you´re on a graveyard or walking through clouds or something for weeks after the last match our team played. 😉

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I can see a long delivery time hurting. This has been an amazing month for me. Best in some time. Perhaps best so far here on Fiverr. It has been a mix of $5 orders and up. I really credit packages as one reason my average sale is up and my hourly rate is up.

Yes, I know, but I cannot help having a high delivery time. I am booked for the next 30 days, and then expect a rewrite order for 50,000 words from 31st to 35th day. I have told the buyer to wait before accepting he custom offer for that, as the max I can offer is 30 days. I have a lot of money/revenue in the “to-dos” for the next 30 days and yet I am sinking in the search results.

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Yes, I know, but I cannot help having a high delivery time. I am booked for the next 30 days, and then expect a rewrite order for 50,000 words from 31st to 35th day. I have told the buyer to wait before accepting he custom offer for that, as the max I can offer is 30 days. I have a lot of money/revenue in the “to-dos” for the next 30 days and yet I am sinking in the search results.

You are one man. You can only handle so much. That is amazing to be booked for 30 days! And a 50,000 word re-write…wow!

I have been taking on bigger jobs because of something you wrote in the forum once. It may have been a response to a post about how you take on big jobs. You inspired me to do that, and I have taken on a couple of 10 pages of content at once and now have one with 30 smaller pages of content. Thank you for that. Challanged me to push my self.

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I was quite busy with both my work in and outside Fiverr.

I felt like I was running around with my butt on fire…and the fire

spread to my whole body and I was burnt to a lovely crisp.

Actually Fiverr work was pretty much the same as last month and

I have no complaints,but my work at the office…so busyyyyyyyyyyyy

I just love all of your cartoons.

I have to resist the urge to download the ones you post on the forum. This one looks exactly like how I feel.

This whole month has been just sick. Not me being actually ill but work being just “uggg!”

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Guest sarahsope1

January was kind of slow for me, but this month I’ve tripled in sales. I made some pretty significant changes to my profile and expanded my gig options, so that had something to do with it. But also I think I was just lucky.

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