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No revision as guaranteed from a seller

Guest dinda_2016

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Guest dinda_2016

Hey, can anybody help?
I gave an order for a Logo (and a description) to the Graphic Designer and she gave me a version of that Logo. I kindly asked her to revise the Logo, I was not satisfied. But she declined and did´t continue to chat. Although it was said in the contract there is an unlimited revision.
What can I do now and how can I get the transaction back?
Thanks for a response.

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Did you send the revision request?
If not make sure you Reject his/her delivery in first place,This will prevent your order being marked completed after a period of 3 days…

Ask him/her to revise the design or you can send a cancellation request by going order page you will see in right “Resolve Now” click on it and you will see some possible reasons, Dispute on it…

Incase of Rejection to your mutual cancellation,Contact Customer Support
simply tell them that the seller is not providing revisions as shown and you are not happy with the final/initial submission they will cancel your order… Its my personal experience
Hope this helps 🙂

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Hi Dinda!

Did the logo that person deliver was done according to your description? Did you said exactly and specificaly what you wanted to be change? You need to specific instructions like I want this colour replaced by yellow. You cant just say revise your logo or put the logo prettier without specific instructions or the seller will think you arent a serious person.
If you gave specific instructions to the seller contact the Customer Service to cancel the order.

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I wonder why Seller would state “unlimited revisions” in the contract terms and then renege on same when buyer demands for it. Were you asking for one-too-many reviews and Seller got fed up? There are buyers who deliberately abuse that clause though. But my message to Sellers is; if you are not committed to providing unlimited revisions in the real sense of it, then don’t put it in you gig terms. Dispute and cancellation looms in this instance no doubt.

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Because they think it will mek a sell! Unfortunately, the two braincells involved in rubbing this thought process together then fall apart when it comes to the having to do it. I don’t know why they even bother selling on Fiverr: no skills, no talent and no drive.

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I have 3 or 5 or something revisions in my gig description, but once I´ve talked to a buyer, and have the impression that they are reasonable, I tell them they get unlimited revisions from me, until they are completely happy with my work. Cause I won´t be happy with my work, if it is for a reasonable buyer, unless they are happy as well, anyway.
But the book-right-now gigs state a limit, and depending on how the talk about a custom offer goes, I might put a limit in said custom offer, if I can´t tell if a buyer is reasonable from the talk, or have the feeling that they might not be, or am pretty sure they aren´t.

If someone offers ‘unlimited revisions’, well, then they should do them. Or at least a few.
Most obviously.
But guess the reason emma points out, holds.
whispers Or they just have to click something for the form to send at all, and think ‘unlimited’ means ‘none at all’.

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You think, you’re the only one in this world who has the real skill. Everywhere I see your comment, you’re being sarcastic and bent upon behind new sellers. This is not your website, neither you can serve all the buyers alone. There are thousands of people who have got more talent than you. It doesn’t matter if they are new here. You used to be new here once, didn’t you? You should encourage them rather than being a pain in the ass. Thanks

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I must say you need to analyze service provider work quality before ordering, i just observe many service providers create awesome services gigs in $5 but they are not satisfied with that amount too, that is why they don’t count quality and they want to finish the order in a minutes, infact Logo branding design is a difficult task as Logo is a sign of brand.

My Good wishes with you!

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I think you should tell her that you are going to give a negative review and going to say about this in your review. Perhaps this will help to motivate that seller to give revisions as promised. I think this rating system is also benefit buyers as well. If this wasn’t work out at least it will be a warning to other buyers

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Joseph something. He thought I was incredibly arrogant and rude, to the point that he had to mention it every other post I made like a little yapping dog. A chihuahua, perhaps?

Yeah, he doesn’t exist on Fiverr anymore. I don’t know why. Probably because he spent more time screeching at me and his perceptions of me than working on his business.

A salutatory lesson from history that Rehmat might like to consider, particularly as I am causing him ass-trouble (see a Dr.).

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You people are just beating bout the bush here. I’m afraid I don’t have time for that though. I said, what I said. She had better change her mind towards the new sellers. Give respect, take respect dear. It does not matter, if you’re tall, short, think, fat, black, white or whatever, if you respect me I’ll respect you. I’m also a new seller here, but guess what I spend most of my time on upwork. You might dunno who’s the dark horse here. Do response to people posts, but be positive. Thanks, have a good time.

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I don’t offer revisions at all. I offer courtesy instead. A buyer who has any problems with the delivered service can contact me anytime and if it is within reason I help without charging anything.

A while back I had finished an order and told the buyer that he should send me a message once he had everything implemented in his website, so that I can have a look if he implemented everything 100% accurate. He contacted me more than a month later, I did what I promised and then he ordered two empty gigs, just to pay me for my extra effort and advice.

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Even I used to have the same attitude towards emmaki when I first got here. Then I saw the kind of stupidness that exists in the forums and had no choice but to agree with her methods. You simply can’t cure stupid, sometimes you just have to poke it and at least get a laugh out of it.

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ops! very sad news! everybody is not good person in the world! we should to know about the them. any way, from which country was she?

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