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If you advertise it for $5 . . . you must sell it for $5!


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The problem with this post is there are two entirely different things being discussed.

The first scenario that was pointed out by the OP was this:

If a seller has “I will create any responsive site for $5” as their title, then the buyer has the right to have ANY website created for 5 bucks, even if that job is worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. According to the OP, because the person says the word “any” in their title that NOTHING they say in their description matters even if the description says “For $5 I will create a 1-page site; see extras for more complicated projects”.

In her words:

ginnymenges said: This means that under the US Consumer Protection ACT you MUST sell ANY responsive website for $5.

She then goes on to justify this by saying:
ginnymenges said: If you choose to make your header sound better to attract more buyers, just understand you will occasionally have to provide the service for only $5 or put your rating in jeopardy

This is completely ridiculous. Just because a gig is titled in a certain way does not mean that the buyer is allowed to ignore full pricing details in the description. It does not give the buyer the right to have a massive 10 page, fully responsive, custom-created website for just 5 bucks.

To believe that a buyer could try and justify that, to me, sounds like the buyer is just trying to rip off the seller with some silly “technicality”. There are certain limitations to the gig title on Fiverr which is why DETAILS of a gig are in the description. If descriptions did not count for anything and could be completely ignored, why have them at all?

On this point—the first one made by the OP—I disagree 100%. A buyer cannot demand whatever they want based on the way a title is worded. At the same time, we are human beings.

I am not a product on Amazon.

I am not an item manufactured in a warehouse.

I am a real human that knows what my limits are and I have the right to refuse to do a job. A lot of points were brought up about the case of a baker refusing a gay couple. That was illegal because they were discriminating based on the s****l orientation of a person. That is wrong.

However, if someone went into their bakery and said that they want a 7-foot cake that was an exact replica of Hogwarts, and they wanted it all for $5, the bakery is fully allowed to say, “Nope; can’t do that unless you pay $2,000.” EVEN if they have a sign that says “we make cakes for $5” on the front of their building. There are disclaimers and conditions to any type of deal.

The fact that someone can honestly think they have control over what I am or am not allowed to do for $5 based on a TITLE of my gig boggles my mind.

That said, there was a SECOND issue that was brought up somewhere in this topic

The second issue was sellers that do not have ANY offering for $5. There are some sellers that say “unless you pay $15 I will not do anything for you.” Those gigs are indeed wrong. There must be a base service that you will do for $5.

If anyone sees a gig that will not do anything for $5, those gigs should be reported.
Because there was a lot of flaming, a lot of off-topic discussion, and a lot of people confused about what the actual thread was talking about I honestly don’t think anyone here is in much agreement about anything.

The OP is just arguing with everyone over any little thing, no matter how insignificant, and some people are just trolling to elicit a reaction. At the end of the day, though, you must provide a gig for $5. On this point, I think everyone agrees.

But buyers are not allowed to force you to do more work than what your gig description states based solely on the title of the gig.

The most important thing for any order—especially when it involves things like website building or coding where “difficult” is subjective—is communication. If any buyers are out there reading this unnecessarily long thread, please message a seller before you place an order if you are confused about exactly what is being provided.

This thread is really dumb, by the way, and makes me think there needs to be more forum moderation. I know the mods are busy with their own Fiverr stuff, but the flaming in here has been happening for days.

I'm sure that the OP will have something to say to point out how wrong I am and that I am breaking some US law or whatever.. but I think if buyers and sellers used a little common sense instead of trying to nitpick things to take advantage over people, things would be a lot better.
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Reply to @ginnymenges: That is correct, but the devil is in the details. One time for example I hired a t-shirt designer who did a horrible job, it was clear that this guy can’t design, that his design was made on Microsoft Word. So I demanded a revision and once again, he delivered crappy work. Because I was feeling compassionate, I decided not to demand a cancellation, but I didn’t write a review. Months later I find his gig again, and notice it’s been suspended, it only had a 47% positive rating.

This is why I have faith in the market and how it corrects itself. Even though I lost $5 (by choice, I could have demanded a cancellation) I got to see the beauty of the Fiverr system and how the untalented will fail while the talented succeed.

In the end, I hope he found other gigs he can do well.

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Reply to @ginnymenges: When did I call you uneducated? I said that you needed to properly educate yourself on what your talking about before beginning a debate. You throw around laws that have no place on Fiverr. You point out illegal acts that aren’t even happening here. You are incredibly typical when it describing a woman scorned. You came on the forum freaking out (not a new behavior we have seen it all before) because you likely got screwed over by someone. Join the club! All these laws apply to businesses! You are wrong, each individual fiverr user is NOT a business. We don’t qualify for business loans, we don’t require local or federal licensing, etc. Feel free to find a specific law that opposes me. You won’t find one but I’m sure you will retort with a copy/pasted law that has nothing to do with my post (as you have already done repeatedly). When you copy/paste random laws, you don’t validate your point if the action in question isn’t happening here. It looks foolish to post a random, unapplicable “law” and then strut around like a confused rooster when everyone else is wondering what your talking about. Honestly, whether you believe that my father is attorney is irrelevant to me. I can send you a link to his office website if you would like, most of us find it harder to believe that your married than it is to believe my dad is an attorney (if you want to be a witch about it).

Go ahead and report @steveeyes, she is a friendly, informative member of this community. Any experience you have had with her to the contrary is because you have provoked her for no reason. You are a new member and so far the only thing people know about you is that you’re a troublemaker. Go ahead! Report us all! It will be easy to identify the real problem here.

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Reply to @ginnymenges: I hear you Ginny, and you are 150 on most every bit of it, from where I sit. Sooner or later, hopefully, if they evolve, at some point things will become clear for them, and they may think back to some of your posts, and points, and start to absorb them. I fear that could be a long while and a rough journey for the majority. I cut a little slack though some that I know haven’t a clue, but that’s starting to run thin too. I don’t keep gigs filling, and get gig every single day, 7 day a week, several, many actually, because I attack sellers. And I’m the world worst about snapping on someone over something I feel strongly about, but the BUYER is KING, or QUEEN in your case mi’mady… 😉 As you clearly stated, and I won’t begin to argue that, because it’s fact. But Ginny, you gotta know one thing for sure, you will not get through to most these people, they don’t even understand what they are doing wrong, or why they are posting, or what anything is really about. They are just trying to fit-in-where-they-can-get-in, which is why you Hear them cry all day about no Gigs or bad ratings, or rough experiences, instead of handling it. I can’t get to them, you can, no one can, it will take time, and for some of them that time will never come, or come to late. Business to them is Fiverr, and those that excel understand Fiverr is a micro-job ‘resource’ there is no career here for the majority, not to say not any, but the majority. So that is more the reason to be focused, and tuned in to getting what you can get while you can, and treating people, especially prospective’s with some level of no less than business respect, so their desire to actually succeed may be realized on some form, even if it’s fiverr success only, something. I hope for their sake’s it comes sooner than later. I do my fair share of babbling, and poking into conversations, sometimes aggressively. But when its prospective’s, or business related, no matter the size from fiverr size to the real world b&m. It’s all about mutual respect and business guided focus. I appreciate your input Ginny, even if they don’t because I’m a grown ass man, an adult, though my wife would say don’t lie ROB! your a 6’3 300 pound teddy bear that spends his spare time on xbox or coding weirdness! 😉 BUT I know business, and I have done well for my family, and will continue to do so. And I want the best for everyone, even these hall monitors. But they have to see beyond this forum reality, this base of commune to so speak. Who cares what people think of you here, who thinks of you clicking on the buy now button, again, I am talking focus…So, well said, on everything Ginny, I appreciate the time you have spent sharing here, I only wish these people would stop cutting off their faces despite their noses, and get a clue. Then we could see real success in each other, and grow as a planet…Who am I kidding, I’m a student of the world and I dreamer, but I will keep on…

OH and to my biggest fan out their that complained to Fiverr Admin’s about me, mainly lie mind you, which they know now. I said before and I say again, I don’t care what you do, I’m not here to hurt anyone, I’m here for me, and I will keep doing me, to expand on me…Got it? Good…

It broke my widdlebittle heart with the trio of complaints mentioned, the only one they insisted I act on, the only thing thats actually wrong), was removing the dot com from my name on profile, because my website and user name are the same, just add dot com, by the way that’s allowed, boohoo for you, lol, thats terrible of me, I just said so boohoo, im such a child at times, lol 😉 . Anyways, My website is my fiverr name then dot com…But unlike some of you, sneaking about and cheating fiverr out of their due, I’m bringing fiverr CASH on the back end doing inbox and custom deals EVERYDAY, not no $5 crap either, my gig pages pull decent work, but I work my inbox connects and resources, in/externally, gets pulled to fiver, to earn for these charities we sponsor, own our own accord, expecting nothing in return, but to help others, and I use direct deals, and turn cash regularly, especially since i been on my vaca, working these fiverr deals so much, will will slow soon, but ill see be around, I have a 8 man team on the fiverr michell tech team. AND we send all our stuff through fiverr billing, everything, every penny, and I have my own merchant services accounts with the bank, and now fiverr knows it too, proofs in the puddin, whiners, hall monitors, band wagoners. I give fiverr there due, I believe they earned it by making this platform for everyone, so complain all you want, I will still keep on being me, better get use to me… 😉

And for those that need a target, a sounding board, a punching bag, or a venting post; I’m your huckleberry! "Tombstone-Val K"

You gotta give to winks about the venom people spew at you, or hold value in them as equals of the subject at hand, primarily here, business, for anything to matter…So fire away…!

Best Regards,

MichellTech (Rob)

Best In The Business!

Come’on, Buy A Gig Already! You Know You Want Too…!

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Reply to @ginnymenges: Don’t even even feed into Ginny. If they only had a clue. I need to get a song done by a fiverr seller, if I only hada clue!!! lol 😉 My script should use the tinimini flashy a little less now, I need to clean it up a it, cause it has to read the page source to determine if its been placed and the parsing becomes a pain for this design, but it appears to be a bit better anyway, make the hall monitors happy. lol

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Reply to @emasonwrites: Well far as I know, they is no issues with my tiniwini flashy or my wording…Only thing they had issue with after the bombardment of cry babies was that I had dot com after my user name in profiles cause of my business site, and the rules of internal/external comms and etc… I’m not worried about the hall monitors, or anything else. I pass time in the forums, and am spending my vaca doing fiverr gigs, earning money for fiverr, and my wifes charities, so, its hard to impose things on me, virtually impossible actually. Regardless, I did edit my script to cut it back, its a bit buggy but it seems to prevent it from doing it as much or when it detects its been there on the page once already…but it works by pages, but threads, due to I have to parse the page source so it knows it its been placed before or not, using special div class assignments in my post…Which obviously, are invisible to everything but the prot reading…Anyways, I’m all done here. Best wish all…

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Reply to @iwritecopy: Great wording. The basic issue is so simple. A seller must offer something for $5. Most do. Those that don’t can be reported and Fiverr takes care of it. If a buyer finds the seller refuses to do something basic for $5 they can request a modification and/or cancel.

Buyers should not and cannot insist that anything they want has to come for $5 because of a partial reading of the gig and description. That’s really all that the OP had to say and I think most would agree. Thanks for saying it even more thoroughly and hopefully ending the now-confusing argument! 🙂

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Eh, from most of the ones I see with titles like that it is more in regards to broken English than trying any kind of deceptive tactic to increase orders. Not to say there isn’t any like that, but for the majority it’s not the case. Other thing to note is restricted character amounts and utilizing specific keywords not to be “deceptive” but simply to actually show up on Fiverr’s searches/search engines themselves and actually get at least some orders is a pretty big requirement especially in extremely over-saturated markets.

I had a gig up previously stating, “I will provide you research” or something along those lines, however in the gig I clearly stated that I will not exceed a certain amount of time and will only be able to do certain types of research within my understanding and more technical research that would take more time… would of course, cost more. I am then in turn identifying what I will do. I do state that I would only do so much of a certain type of research for the initial gig. In a lot of cases, most research projects didn’t fall under the initial gig marker, however. Thus in reality, you could say that the gig didn’t qualify to be offered at a $5 price as a majority of projects buyers continually tried to in a sense take advantage of me as what you could put in the title is pretty limiting so the best you can do is fit the most out of the title as you can and try to explain more clearly in the description what you offer. Of course, I ended up having to pull this gig for a lot of those types of reasons. Some people get lucky in regards to this and find buyers willing to contribute a fair rate for services rendered.

I think really the bottom-line is that it should be explained clearly what you offer from both the title, and the description. I feel gigs such as “I will offer any coding work” and other tech-related gigs can have a broad title as it should be generally understood by the majority of buyers that you aren’t going to get a lot of that kind of work for $5. There however may be some coding work they’re willing to do at a $5 price-tag but a majority will not qualify. It usually is the case that buyers come in asking too much for $5, aka $4 on the sellers end.

The only ones that really frustrate me are actually the more specific ones. Someone says, “I will write your resume” for example. I would expect them to literally “write my resume” for the $5. However, if you skim some of them they actually “proofread” your resume at that price and write it for $25. That is kind of deceptive. For “I will code you a website” since it’s a technical and more universally used terminology, this is why a lot of sellers choose to do it this way. If they used technical terms and got too specific it usually results in bad visibility, more buyer confusion, and a higher amount of cancellations.

That’s pretty much my input, thanks for sharing yours! I get your view-point but in reality I think it’s just too broad of a market and a lot of misunderstanding comes from the fact that Fiverr is a very diversified market-place and every service offered has to offer it in a unique enough way to actually get visibility and get sales.

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Reply to @typingservice:

You are getting the watered down US version - not the same thing. And no suprise here - the usual suspects didn’t do their research. (Oh wait that is normal with this group) Here, as usual, is the research on how the site was shut down for not complying with US rules and how US users were “awaiting” the return of the new compliant US version.

You writer types might know something a subject-verb agreement, you can’t research for shit! (fragglerock alert!)


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Reply to @christari: Well I hope they truly reevaluate before taking that leap and flipping off the boss. This place was never meant to be a career for anyone, and those that can squeeze it out of it, are unique in the way that they had a special desire, and motivate, but most important an amazing niche, and 9 out of 10 sought after talents. For example, hard to say this and be modest at the same time. Screw it…I could easy turn a micro-job site into a career, between the couple I do now for my wife’s charities, I probably turn 3 times what someone in the actual job world is earning. Probably a good match or higher just using the fiverr income alone, So, I’m not saying it can’t be done, I’m only saying it for those capable of doing it anywhere, that can do it here. Anfd lets face it all micro-sites not just fiverr are homes to a ton of the real world rejects. Sorry I had to be the one to say it, as I look around at though that think they making it, with a few 3 or 4 grand a month. That doesn’t in shake my house hold, and I have come to demand more of myself, I’d think others would as well, so I strive for them… Anyways, my only point was, this isn’t a career move for most, even those that think it is or could be…

Best Regards,

MichellTech (Rob)

Best In The Business!

Come’on, Buy A Gig Already! You Know You Want Too…!

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Reply to @mark74: You should read that post out loud in broken english, with a little silly jingle going and dance around swirling your finger in a circle. Yep completely off topic, but when I thought of it I started laughing…Big time…

Best Regards,

MichellTech (Rob)

Best In The Business!

Come’on, Buy A Gig Already! You Know You Want Too…!

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Reply to @typingservice:

I haven’t even tried the site in years since it got shut down. The US folks can not access the “real” site. Folks in the US on get a “play for fun” site now that it has been sold to another company and relaunched. We here in the US do not have access to the same site that the rest of the world has access, which was my point.

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Reply to @iwritecopy:

I have given you people government clarification after government clarification with actual wording straight “from the horses mouth” that what you have said here for the most part is just wrong. It doesn’t matter how many of you keep high fiving each other for “telling me off”, your still just flat wrong. You can’t just say that you think something is right and make it so, no matter how many of you “like” each others’s BS.

Read the authoritative web links I have posted and learn something. Or just keep living in your fantasy world. As another seller told me earlier in this string, some of you people just cant be told the truth because you have your heads too far up your butts.

Keep thinking that you guys make the rules and the rest us will be laughing at you all the way to the bank. I’ve look at most of your profiles on here that keep taking pot shots at me. One of you, and you know who your are, has been on Fiverr for over four years. When you do the math, you have not even averaged a gig every three days based on your stats. So you keep “telling me how it is” and have fun at it. In the mean time I’m headed over to Odesk to hire some folks for seven (7) jobs I need done this coming week. If this discussion thread has done anything, it has told me that as a buyer, my money is probably better spent else where.

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Reply to @ginnymenges: See, this is where people begin to think you’re attention seeking. Do you have a split personality? We talked yesterday, perfectly amicably, and then you fire off a load of nonsense.

ginnymenges said: I have given you people
(Thanks for bestowing us with your worldly knowledge)

ginnymenges said: "like" each others's BS
(Maybe you like the taste of the stuff you spout)

ginnymenges said: you have your heads too far up your butts.
(You're quoting nonsensical laws that don't apply to services. On top of that, you're telling people about American laws -- we're not all American)

ginnymenges said: make the rules and the rest us will be laughing at you all the way to the bank.
(Yes, you'll be laughing all the way to the bank, which is exactly why you use fiverr, right?)

ginnymenges said: I'm headed over to fragglesrock to hire some folks for seven (7) jobs I need done this coming week
(I think we'd all rather have no buyers than one who lacks basic people skills)

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Reply to @missashley8705: My grandfather, rest his soul was a great surgeon, me and my father and my brothers and sisters can’t do surgery on someones brain, or anywhere to save our lives, you started your entire post out with a discredit to everything you said afterwards…bummer, most like me stop reading immediately after that my dad comment…I’d say 90%

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