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We want to empower your AI journey


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3 hours ago, newsmike said:

The irony of Fiverr giving away a consultation with an AI "expart" is delicious. Since it's been 10 minutes without AI propaganda, here's the latest. 


I got no less than two popups mentioning AI from Fiverr today. I don't even bother reading them at this point. If I see the word "AI" I'm out. 

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On 4/13/2024 at 5:21 PM, dibakarbiswa141 said:

April is full of AI projects! AI learning and engagement options range from expert panel webinars to exclusive collaborations and resource hubs. I'm impressed by the commitment to helping people and businesses understand AI.


On 4/13/2024 at 9:34 PM, dibakarbiswa141 said:

Scammers. Cheated buyers won't return or trust Fiverr, hurting its reputation and AI empowerment claims.

.... ?! 

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9 hours ago, Alex.M said:

.... ?! 

It's just a bad summary of my response to his original post - most likely a snippet from ChatGPT's original summary. As you can see, ChatGPT does not help communication. Yet here Fiverr is, encouraging sellers to use it to better their communication with sellers by repeating verbatim what they say. Unfortunately, when it comes to mirroring in conflict resolution, one needs to be a little more subtle than AI can muster at the moment. 

It really is telling who supports AI on Fiverr and who doesn't. Personally, I preferred the pre-AI years with broken English. It may have been hard to understand some of what they were saying, but at least it was their thoughts, not badly-parsed, simulated thoughts from a machine that add no value to the conversation. Although the flip-flopping over the gulf of opinions remains consistent...


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@donnovan86thanks for sharing your honest opinion. 

Firstly, the upcoming panel about AI is intended to be tech savvy, meaning that only freelancers who are super into-the-details of AI, will probably find it useful.

Secondly, if you have any other ideas that you would like to share with us here, concerning new suggestions for workshops / webinars please do so 🙂

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How is 

On 4/12/2024 at 11:12 PM, Kesha said:

Ready to make AI your trusted business partner? Join us next Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 10 AM EDT for an insightful panel discussion on strategies to leverage AI effectively in your business.

Representative of

50 minutes ago, Yoav.M said:

the upcoming panel about AI is intended to be tech savvy, meaning that only freelancers who are super into-the-details of AI, will probably find it useful.


What are these in-depth topics that only freelancers who are super into-the-details of AI will enjoy watching, but not freelancers who want to make AI their trusted business partner? 

Because I'm super-into-AI, just not the way Fiverr is using it or allowing it to be used. Will you be covering what LLM drives Neo and the coding behind it, how you solved the issue of, say, hallucination? Perhaps explain why Fiverr Neo confidently shows you freelancers from the USA but they're actually in South Africa, Bangladesh, or anywhere outside the USA?

Or will it be more "here are some prompts you guys can use that we got ChatGPT to give us 5 minutes ago"? Or somewhere in the middle?

Because right now, Fiverr advertising the event as something it apparently isn't. Or rather, ChatGPT did. The problem with the "tech savvy" argument is that 99% of your selling base is tech savvy, since we are working online. We're not grandma struggling to open the Facebooks to Google the AOL. Mostly.

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Also, minor quibble. The this post is called "we want to empower your AI journey", but the reality is this: 

15 hours ago, Yoav.M said:

the upcoming panel about AI is intended to be tech savvy, meaning that only freelancers who are super into-the-details of AI, will probably find it useful.

Won't these people already be "empowered" by AI?"

I did ask this question in a slightly different way yesterday, but it may have been missed. But in light of how big tech's abuse of algorithmic technology is current affecting people's brains and psychology (see: gamification), empowerment is also a poor word choice. 

Personally, I'm looking forward to the unveiling of a new "dynamic gamification" AI from Fiverr, which would take all the best parts of AI-driven learning gamification and turn it into something truly abusive in the quest for profits at the expense of the humans who choose your platform out of economic necessity. 

That could be a fun question for the webinar, too. If anyone wants to ask it, go ahead. Just make sure you're "tech savvy" enough to attend. 

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Hi there @emmaki, thanks for your response and for taking the time to write such a detailed message. 

Based on your various posts here, it seems to me that you hold a lot of anger or frustration concerning the issue of AI, which I can totally understand and accept.

That being said, I encourage you to try and join this panel if you got the time, in order to understand better about the ways that we are trying to educate and address AI matters.  

Though this panel is mostly intended for tech savvy freelancers, as mentioned, perhaps you can also get some benefits out of it.

I think you should try to spend a bit more time on hearing new ideas or suggestions, instead of mostly writing negative or critical posts, without giving us a proper opportunity to explain ourselves in advance.

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On 4/17/2024 at 12:18 PM, Yoav.M said:

think you should try to spend a bit more time on hearing new ideas or suggestions, instead of mostly writing negative or critical posts, without giving us a proper opportunity to explain ourselves in advance.

@Yoav.M let’s be honest, Fiverr webinars, panels and whatever never go into details, it’s all very high level and all promises of “just join and see what we have to say” end up nowhere because it’s only the same high level stuff repeated all over again. 
AI can be powerful but again people who can read even a little bit know that all this hype is created to sustain the bubble of AI empowerment to get more investments, suddenly 36% more companies announced on the stock market that they are now AI driven companies compared to the last year and all you have to do is to shout loud enough “AI” and add AI powered chat bot to your website. 
But I totally think @emmaki is allowed to express her opinion of the state of things. 

oh and just to add: if you spend long enough working for fiverr I’ll be looking forward to see how things will shift in the future

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If Fiverr wants to empower AI journeys shouldn't they add a relevant AI section on the forum where there's FAQs and a section where staff would also answer questions related to AI and Fiverr? Maybe text resources could be put there too.

Fiverr did create an AI community club (though I don't think it had much resources etc. but it could have added it) and then deleted every club on the forum and now says "we want to empower your AI journey" but the AI section/club has been deleted and there's no replacement section with the resources related to AI and Fiverr (apart from the videos on the "Sellers AI hub" page) - no text info. edit: there are a few text links on that page too but not much and not much about any open source stuff.

eg. Fiverr could go into the copyright related stuff (like has been mentioned - with the community standards saying we need to have copyright in the AI generated output but but other places say AI generated output can't be copyrighted - at least as they are) and copyright related to the AIs training data.

Edited by uk1000
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5 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

eg. Fiverr could go into the copyright related stuff (like has been mentioned - with the community standards saying we need to have copyright in the AI generated output but but other places say AI generated output can't be copyrighted - at least as they are) and copyright related to the AIs training data.

"Other places" being courts of law... 

Generative AI cannot be copyrighted because it does not have a "human creator" (e.g. an artist, a writer) behind it. Yet Fiverr is allowing God knows how may sellers on the platform to sell AI content as "human created" content. 

I suppose the long arm of the law is the biggest negative nelly out there. 

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12 minutes ago, fiverexpert1988 said:

In every industry and around the world, over the past year we have seen organizations embrace generative AI to transform their businesses. From Canada to Finland to Hong Kong—and everywhere in between—leaders are seeing the potential and possibility made possible by this transformative technology, and they’re beginning to realize the benefits.

That's not AI, everyone. That's just old-fashioned copypasta promoting MS Copilot. 


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Remember how there were disagreements on the forum about whether there was a ranking system in Fiverr for search results/gigs.


On 12/13/2022 at 10:48 AM, noirparliament_ said:

As far as I know and also what senior community members have repeatedly said, there is no such thing as ranking in the Fiverr search result

On 1/18/2023 at 1:17 PM, jonbaas said:

because there is no such thing as rank in the Fiverr algorithm. Gigs are not ranked

and in the latest Fiverr webinar (How to make AI your business partner), Fiverr say:


And regarding search, so AI helps with search.
We use models inside our ranking system in Fiverr.
So when you search something or go into any subcategory page, we have rankers that run on top of the results that come from the query.

And we rank them personally. We have some personalization algorithms there that get the list of the services, the gigs that are returned, and the user that is now active, they're creating vectors and using that to enhance the personalization experience. There is actually something that I noticed is working on right now is using more contextual search.

See: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/24321964769169-How-to-make-AI-your-business-partner-Webinar

from 50:49 in that webinar.

So this helps prove that their is a search results (which is the gigs list) ranking system in Fiverr.

Edited by uk1000
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On 4/16/2024 at 5:25 PM, Yoav.M said:

Secondly, if you have any other ideas that you would like to share with us here, concerning new suggestions for workshops / webinars please do so 🙂

Sure Yoav, I was busy the last few days and I didn't have time to come up with a list. My opinion was that we had a lot of AI related webinars, which is fine for some part of the community, but the reality is that a lot of freelancers here don't use AI in their work. 

I have a few ideas that I thought of the last few days, hopefully at least some of them will become a webinar, eventually.

  • Understanding the success score: how can sellers increase their success score when they are stuck at the same score for more than a month.
  • Explaining the Seller Plus features to newer audiences, what's the difference between packages, are there any upcoming features coming? (On a personal note, I found the last few additions to the Premium/Standard package rather disappointing and not useful, but maybe that's just me).
  • Why are sellers compared with other sellers on the marketplace when it comes to their success score? I work alone, but there are a LOT of sellers that either outsource or use AI to complete their work and they barely do anything. They deliver 20 orders a day, I can't compete with that. And they won't apply for an agency. Obviously that's quite unfair for people that work alone and don't end up delivering a lot of orders every day. It's more of a question/suggestion rather than a webinar idea, the webinar can be about the public things that can have a negative impact on the success score, I am sure you can't talk about private ratings and other private stuff.
  • How often should people create a new gig? Is it good or bad for sellers to create a new gig, based on the new changes made to the platform?
  • How to deal with scammers/people that end up asking for one thing, but end up changing things after delivery, trying to manipulate the system to get more work.

These are a few ideas I had, I will quote you again if I have more ideas, if that's ok. Thanks for considering these ideas, and I encourage any community members to add their own ideas here too.

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On 4/20/2024 at 11:55 AM, uk1000 said:

And regarding search, so AI helps with search.
We use models inside our ranking system in Fiverr.
So when you search something or go into any subcategory page, we have rankers that run on top of the results that come from the query.

And we rank them personally. We have some personalization algorithms there that get the list of the services, the gigs that are returned, and the user that is now active, they're creating vectors and using that to enhance the personalization experience. There is actually something that I noticed is working on right now is using more contextual search.

From my overall experience, it seems like this web could still use a lot of weaving to make successful matches. I'm not sure about anyone else, but for a couple/few months most of the little that's ended up in my inbox doesn't match me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found that AI is useful for creating outlines/frameworks for large documents -- section by section. However, if you are creating something such as a policy or a business continuity plan document, it will still need to be tailored to specific client requirements and operational realities. AI used by a seller isn't going to be able to generate a client-specific emergency contact list with contact numbers/e-mails, nor is it going to specifically understand the key controls and failure points in a client-specific process, for example. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/13/2024 at 1:28 PM, donnovan86 said:

Can we have helpful topics on workshops other than AI? I've always been a supporter of workshops because they are great for learning. But realistically, many of the last workshops were about AI and extremely general. People want to see more comprehensive, better thought out workshops. And preferably on topics other than AI. Those that want to use AI in their work already do, and many of the people here are against AI. 

I support this too, we need something more helpful 

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In my experience thus far, AI can be an incredibly useful smart assistant. However, it needs to be expertly guided towards a desired outcome through detailed 'prompt engineering'. This requires a great deal of research and fine-tuning.

I see that Fiverr has included work by Mark Hinkle. He's an excellent AI resource. I subscribe to his regular newsletters. He recently organized an excellent Techstrong online conference. I found some very useful information there.

AI should not be seen as a threat but, rather as a smart assistant. An AI practitioner still needs to review the AI output carefully for hallucinations and errors, but, as the level of input prompt detail improves, so does the level of these unpleasant side-effects.

Think of present LLM's as huge libraries. Some are better than others for text-based detail, others are more general, some are multi-modal. As systems develop further, I envisage a 'conscience, moral compass, rubbish filter' assistant which reviews and adjusts raw output from the general LLM's of today into an appropriate form suitable for the target audience.  

I have personally found Google Gemini and Anthropic Claude to be very useful AI systems. I have not been overly fond of ChatGPT. Open source LLM's are also emerging quite rapidly.

AI still has a way to go before it reaches anywhere near AGI.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/13/2024 at 10:00 AM, yourbrandingpal said:

AI technology is amazing, it's implementation by Fiverr isn't.

I think that many early adopters of this generation of LLM's thought that they could replace people in many functions, and act as undercover intelligence assets.

In practice, hallucinations and non-deterministic results, are presenting adopters with some level of challenge.

Recent deep explorations into the current LLM's shows a slowing of advancements. The history of AI development appears to have gone through a number of winters since its inception. We appear to be marching towards the next winter.

The present LLM limits will include, among many others: computer scaling - technology limits, cost, timing; depletion of available training material to digest; distance from AGI (artificial general intelligence) which still seems tantalizingly close, yet elusive.

Feeding in AI-generated training material will gradually move the models towards a mean/average position - a gradual dumbing-down. At this point, the human begins to command superiority again. A human who is skilled in using AI as an assistant generally outperforms a human alone.

In practice, the current LLM's fail to understand how the human brain really works. Deep learning has modeled certain characteristics of the human brain but has not addressed the multiple voices in a human's brain, and acknowledgement of an over-riding commander-in-chief (the voice that makes the final decision in matters of logic and conscience). They also do not address the idiosyncrasies of left-brain / right-brain dynamics. 

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8 hours ago, mandyzines said:

Which is why the major tech companies are buddying up to lobby for approval of using copyrighted material to train their 'AI' under the umbrella of "fair use." https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/big-tech-lobby-ai-use-1235916540/

Excellent point.  🙏😊

Perplexity has recently been caught extracting copyrighted information from certain news sources - virtually word-for-word. This is a very unwise strategy.

I will not knowingly use an AI platform that can result in direct plagiarism. 

At some point the AI digital vacuums will also run out of copyrighted material. Then what? What happens when top secret material eventually finds its way into the AI digital vacuums?

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